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Author Topic: Futurama and Planet Satiety  (Read 1174 times)
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« on: 12-03-2009 17:56 »

Hey everyone!  :D

My name is Tilla, old-school Futurama fan, first-time blogger. Anyway, I wanted to run something past everybody, see how the real experts on sci-fi comedy like it. It's called Planet Satiety, a futuristic, satirical and unusually edcational work about over indulgence, good vs. evil, and the future state of the planet written by Charlie Rath. Without going into too much detail, PS, in the 22nd century, follows the story of Sir Rex Freshward and the Order of the ECCE (Eat Carefully, Control Excess) and their quest to save the planet by making the inhabitants of Earth healthy once again. Adventure, romance and plenty of laughs await as fate of Earth's very existence hangs in the balance. Below are some links to check out with some additional information about Planet Satiety and the author. If you guys give it a read, I'd appreciate any and all comments. Thanks again!

- Till



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