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Author Topic: Futurama's Decline?  (Read 3182 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 04-07-2002 23:22 »

Originally posted by Erdrik:
And In my opinion FutureStocks was the worsed Futurama Eps yet....

Don't say too much about worsing things, or you'll be worsed too.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #41 on: 03-06-2011 23:32 »

Continuity? Futurama? Hahahahahahaa....
*dies of laughter*
The program is great but continuity it doesn't have.
Now that's it nine years later I strongly, strongly beg to differ. The writers had us all fooled back then.

Now here's my question: Do you think the writers planned out from Day One the events that took place in The Why of Fry, Roswell that Ends Well, and Bender's Big Score? Or that they just made it up as they went along? We all know they made the supposed shadow of Nibbler in the pilot, but do you think they coud have foreseen that opening scene of the Earth getting destroyed as being caused partly by Bender as seen in BBS?

I think they may have has some vague ideas, like Fry being the accidental hero and Nibbler being more important than he is, but many of those things I think they just threw in there for laughs when it fit the story line. Either way I loved it.

Since the show's first cancellation in 2003 it has grown in popularity due much to the reruns and movies. With Season 6 over and Season 7 approaching, and with much discussion already have taken place on the quality of Season 6 episodes, my question is: Do you think the show is gonna lose some fans because of these transitions over the years, or will it simply gain new ones? Will it gain more than it loses?

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #42 on: 03-07-2011 00:19 »

By 2002 I think it was apparent that the show had some continuity.  For example, all the characters were generally regarded as aging at the same rate as the real world.

As to your question about whether they had all the storylines that draw out through out the series in their minds already or that they made it up as they went along.  I'm going with a large portion of it was made up as they went along.  They knew they wanted Fry and Nibbler to be heroes and have an extended timeline together, however, they did not intend for a lot of the details originally.  In the Why of Fry they point out that the reason Fry lacks the Delta brainwave is because he has time travelled and done the nasty in the pasty with his own grandmother effectively cutting out his grandfather from his genetic line.  However, the creators have openly stated that they did not want to do time travel at all when they first created the show..... until they decided to do Roswell That Ends Well.... which eventually got tied into that main theme arc via the mechanisms I described above.  I sincerely doubt they had ever planned the events of BBS until they finally decided to make the movies, and then they tied the movies together as they went along.

I don't think the show will degrade itself enough to lose fans.  Also, from my perspective, the internet and its generation love Futurama; it's a media darling despite originally fitting into a small cult niche despite originally having one of the biggest audiences for a television premier.  I trust the show with the people that handle now very firmly, especially after watching Season 5(6???); I really did have my doubts there for a while, and doubly so when I heard they were going to make the movies, but my faith has been fully restored and I shall doubt no longer.  The show will pick up more fans as it goes along as long as it's advertised well... which Comedy Central seems want to do. 

Although not a question you ever asked.... I have no idea how long the show will actually go on to last.... will it Simpsons into 20 seasons, or will it lose steam and not get a contractual renewal in a year or two.  I think if any of the cast members were to die, I would much rather that the show slowly sank into obscurity, but I have enjoyed my trip with this show thus far, and it has provided with me more than I could have ever originally hoped for.

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 03-07-2011 02:45 »

I totally agree about the enjoyed it thus far.  There's only one or two episodes I won't watch if I see them on, or go out of my way to see.  I would like to think the writers are smart enough to end it when the ideas get stale.  Most people would agree that Simpsons could cut out 2 to 3 seasons worth of stale episodes.

Urban Legend
« Reply #44 on: 03-07-2011 17:07 »

Sure, there's some episodes that I will never watch again.  And Futurama will never degrade itself to lose fans on purpose.  As much as some people have complained about season 6, Futurama will not decline!   I still love it after all these years.

Besides, I think this thread is kind of irrelevent now, it started in 2002 when it was on the verge of being cancelled, now it's made a comeback!  Also, Futurama has more fans than it ever had before!  It will suceed and it's been renewed for next year as well!   Nobody has anything to worry about.

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« Reply #45 on: 03-08-2011 19:55 »

I think that makes this thread more relevent.  We can look back, and using the scopes of time start to make evaluative judgements about the show using a specific criteria.
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