DOOP Secretary
- Bender pulling out the little purple camera and taking pictures. "Neat!"
- Owls replacing rats.
- "Good news everyone!" followed by bad news.
Liquid Emperor
My friend was talking about running jokes in futurama... can you think of any? [*SpaceCase resists urge to make egregiously bad puns*] Fry being so dumb " special" that _ _ _ _ _. Leela's violent agressive streak. Bender stealing. Amy's clutziness. Zoidberg's poverty and medical ignorance. Hermes' 'anal' tendencies. Zap's ego. Scruffy's laziness "Sked-juwl kawn-flikts." I'll just... ooze... back out under the door now...
Bender thowing something away while making the same "H'yep!"sound.
This could be considered another character trait thing, but while everyone is annoyed with Zoidberg for one reason or another at times, Hermes especially shows a strong dislike for Zoidberg which often has comedic effect (Hermes often threatens to eat Zoidberg/serve him as food and cut his pay or benefits, and insults him frequently).
Bending Unit
For some reason I don't see catch phrases or character traits as "running jokes" per se. So apart from a couple of things mentioned by Go-a-Green-a none of the suggestions seem like running jokes to me.
I disagree and not because I added some examples.When Amy falls off her party board it's a slapstick moment.This is the oldest example of physical humor.All comics in the golden age of comedy used slapstick. Marx Brothers,the Three Stooges ,Harold Lloyd (not Zoid). Other running slapstick gags,when Mom slaps her sons(almost every episode she's in).And what would you call it when the Professor adds a random h in words like well and way.Its only random, not every time which would be a speech impediment. And I feel that Sal's wandering plurals is a running joke.
I suppose it all depends on whether you differentiate between the way the characters are and what the characters do. For example, Amy is clutzy, but we know this because she slips or otherwise hurts herself from time to time. I'd probably call this a running gag, but is something like the expressions a character uses (such as Hermes using his "green snake" similes or "sweet something of someplace") also a running gag or just part of the character?
Oh, this could be another running gag- Bender is supposed to only be good for bending girders, but he seems to have an almost infinite number of useful functions and an ever-changing interior. One could call this a continuity issue, but I think that since the show is so consistent in this particular inconsistency, it is an unspoken running gag of sorts.
The reason Bender has so many uses is because everything in live is just a primitive, degenerate form of bending.
Ah, that's a good answer! Clever, too. One of my favorite running jokes? The off screen "wooooooo" whenever something can be taken a second, more base manner.
Was the off-screen "wooooooo" used before "Spanish Fry"? I know there's the similar "wooooooo"s on-screen in “A Bicyclops Built for Two”…but I’m just curious. It’s definitely a running gag within “Spanish Fry.” That does remind me, though, of another small running gag- the “You suck!” in that Bender-like voice. I like how we get a bit more of a reveal each time; when it’s directed at Zapp in “Love’s Labors Lost in Space,” it seems to come from the crowd of Zapp’s men. When it’s directed at Lrrr in “The Problem with Popplers,” Lrrr thinks it comes from the crowd but then in the cut to Bender he’s pulling the curtain back a little to presumably look at the situation (but he could have also been yelling the “You suck!”). Finally, when it’s directed at That Guy in “Future Stock,” we see Bender yelling it directly. It may not have been intended to be from Bender, but I like that little progression of the line.
Delivery Boy
Nibbler being kicked, trodden-on, knocked flying etc...
DOOP Secretary
Farnsworth: "We'll have to travel deep inside Fry, in this!"
Bender: "Shotgun!"
Zoidberg: "Shotgun! Awwww."
Harold Ziod
wow..i never thought of them as running jokes..i suppose i just heard them so much..i just blank 'em
That could also explain some of the Decapodians' idiosyncrasies in general, since the children are raised by those who didn't mate that season.
Exactly. They take out their frustrations on the children and the universe ends up with Zoidberg.