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Author Topic: Interesting thing in new Universal Studios Survey  (Read 6071 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 08-24-2009 23:16 »

Their land maybe, but not their history.
If it's not taught in the upper levels of academia as American History it's as good as dead.IMO

But it isn't American History.  It's Native American History.  Its tag is different!  Just like the Canadian Inuit History is different from Canada History.

And in addition, this part of history is actually taught, especially at academia.  It's not like we forgotten is it?  I mean, aren't we discussing this very issue right now?

I rest my case.

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 08-25-2009 02:21 »
« Last Edit on: 08-25-2009 02:24 »

Their land maybe, but not their history.
If it's not taught in the upper levels of academia as American History it's as good as dead.IMO

But it isn't American History.  It's Native American History.  Its tag is different!  Just like the Canadian Inuit History is different from Canada History.

And in addition, this part of history is actually taught, especially at academia.  It's not like we forgotten is it?  I mean, aren't we discussing this very issue right now?

I rest my case.

If you separate it from"mainstream American history" you lessen the impact native peoples have had on the country.But subgated peoples have always been herded into unwanted space whether it be a reservation or a ghetto.Or into the specialized historical study as you have noted in your reply.
Sitting in dk land,you can comment all you like on another peoples history but your words carry very little weight.In my very humble opinion.

I now rest MY case

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 08-25-2009 02:35 »

Your assumption that history is natural is fundamentally flawed in that all humans share a common history, that more often than not intervene.

You then move on to assume that since I am not of some people, my arguments are therefore less sound.  However, more often than not, have I found myself having a better understanding of politics, history and other topics of other peoples' than members of those peoples.

Your claim that my words carry very little weight due to my nationality is certainly an informal fallacy.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #43 on: 08-25-2009 02:42 »

That MIB thing is still there!?! Didn't that come out like 12 years ago.

"Jaws" has been out for at least 30, but that's a classic.
So is "The Terminator".
And "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial".
And "The Simpsons".
And the first two films of the "Shrek" series.
But not really "The Mummy" (and definitely not its successors).
Nor "Jimmy Neutron".

Bending Unit
« Reply #44 on: 08-25-2009 05:09 »

Your assumption that history is natural is fundamentally flawed in that all humans share a common history, that more often than not intervene.

You then move on to assume that since I am not of some people, my arguments are therefore less sound.  However, more often than not, have I found myself having a better understanding of politics, history and other topics of other peoples' than members of those peoples.

Your claim that my words carry very little weight due to my nationality is certainly an informal fallacy.
I have a degree in American History,do you?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #45 on: 08-25-2009 05:16 »

I think he means that a detached (read: unbiased) perspective in such matters can be quite beneficial for an alternative viewpoint. In any event you really shouldn't wave a degree around as an excuse to dismiss other people's thoughts.

Bending Unit
« Reply #46 on: 08-25-2009 05:20 »

I think he means that a detached (read: unbiased) perspective in such matters can be quite beneficial for an alternative viewpoint. In any event you really shouldn't wave a degree around as an excuse to dismiss other people's thoughts.
I value your opinion but I have studied enough American History to commandsome respect on this subject.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 08-25-2009 05:26 »
« Last Edit on: 08-25-2009 05:36 by coldangel_1 »

Sure. Doesn't mean disrespect for other people is implicit. Svip's far from stupid.

Anyway, it's semantics. We all know history is written (and sometimes re-written) by the victor.

Starship Captain
« Reply #48 on: 08-26-2009 14:48 »

I think there's also a Simpsons ride at Universal Orlando. I've only been to the park once in my life, about five years ago, but the themed areas (there were, like, Marvel superheroes and Dr. Seuss creatures and Saturday morning cartoon characters) are pretty fun. A Futurama one would be pretty amazing, considering it's such a rich landscape to draw material from. Y'know, PE flight simulators and such.

yeah, Ive seen a pic of that. maybe they could put the futurama area near that. If anyone hasn't seen it, here's a pic of it:
Taco Wiz

Delivery Boy
« Reply #49 on: 08-31-2009 02:36 »

At most, they're probably just talking about Futurama walk-around characters or Futurama merchandise being sold at the Kwik-E-Mart. The show isn't popular or well-known enough to get a ride. Family Guy, on the other hand...
I wonder if there'll be a Zoidberg ride which instead of ponies or horses... we'll be riding giant sperms with the speaker constantly repeating

"Yippie-ki-yay! You'll never guess where I've been!"   

That's disgusting. Yet arousing. :P
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