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Author Topic: FOX or Comedy Central  (Read 3860 times)
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PEE Poll: Would You Rather Have Futurama Return on FOX or Comedy Central?
FOX   -12 (46.2%)
Comedy Central   -14 (53.8%)
Total Members Voted: 26


Urban Legend
« Reply #40 on: 08-04-2009 22:42 »
« Last Edit on: 08-04-2009 22:44 »

(I'm taking the nerd stance that there are only 76 episodes (75, if I wanted to be real annoying), since a multi-part is just one episode split).

Oh don't be that guy :mad:

TOTPEvery movie is FOUR production episodes, saying that every movie counts as one episode is like saying that the original series had 5 seasons.

Starship Captain
« Reply #41 on: 08-05-2009 01:14 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2009 03:16 »

I know that the movies are supposed to be a quasi-5th season (the movies are listed as 5ACV1-16) but that doesn't mean that they are separate episodes. As I've said earlier in this thread, an episode to me is a mostly closed-story. Since aside from the first and second halves of Bender's Game (though that's still 2 and 2 episodes, not 1 and 1 and 1 and 1) and the first chapter of ITWGY, none of the movie chapters ("episodes") work as separate stories. Thus, they are four episodes, split into 16 broadcast episodes (but still 76 (annoying guy says 75) Futurama stories).

Edit: Two extra thoughts-

1. My post up there got me to think about other shows with multi-part episodes that are separate in the production code. I went to ST:TNG's episode page on Wikipedia and found that it has 178 production episodes. However, it has 10 2-part stories, in other words 20 episodes are parts of the same story. By the way I interpret "episode", that means that ST:TNG has 168 episodes, rather than 178.

I admit, while I was reading though that list even I started to think about saying "Screw it!" and just saying that there are 178 episodes, but that's not what being a nerd is about. Being a nerd is about being as anal and/or obsessed about something.

2.To be petty, all the DVD Movies packaging and menus show them to be singular episodes. The packaging all says "An All-New Feature-Length Epic/Adventure/Quest/Spectacular!" (meaning one story) and the menus themselves don't separate them into episodes (you don't see Chapter 1-acts 1-3, Chapter 2-acts 1-3, ect. (though to be fair, it does separate the chapters into 3 parts each).

Told you I'd be petty.

Urban Legend
« Reply #42 on: 08-05-2009 03:43 »

But the credits say 5ACV_, 5ACV_, 5ACV_ & 5ACV_ so if you want to get anal about production episodes then each movie is four episodes and there are 88 production episodes of Futurama... Or something, the point is that four episodes following the same story are still four production episodes.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #43 on: 08-05-2009 03:51 »

Your statement is iffy though. Do you mean that there is no other way for you to watch Futurama other than to download (in your country)? Like, the DVD's aren't even available in regular DVD's retailers (which you suggest since you made previous posts about how Amazon ships to your country)? I guess if downloading is the only way for you to test the series (you said that it isn't shown on TV) then it's okay (so long as you buy the DVD's afterwards, which you said you did).

The DVDs will probably be available in my country - eventually.  Unfortunately, I simply too damn impatient to wait the years for that.  You expect me to work at the biggest Futurama wiki and browse the biggest Futurama board trying to avoid the spoilers?!  Don't be crazy.  I need to be ahead of this stuff!

Alright, then I guess it's okay. I didn't know that you live in Canada (I assume everybody on this board is American unless given indication that they're not (such as their profile).

Let me break it down for you.

Think of the biggest Futurama sites out there:

CGEF - created by a Belgian and a run by a German.
PEEL - created and run by a German.
Madhouse - created by Argentinian, run by a Briton and an American.
The Futurama Point - created and run by an Ecuadorian.
The Infosphere - created by an American, run by a Dane and an Australian.

In short, if this is an American show, why are so few of you actually running these sites!?  Are you really as lazy as your stereotype will have you believe?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #44 on: 08-05-2009 04:01 »

I download because I'm from a poor asian country :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #45 on: 08-05-2009 04:34 »

In short, if this is an American show, why are so few of you actually running these sites!?  Are you really as lazy as your stereotype will have you believe?


And to add to this heated, nerdy debate: I consider the movies to be cohesive units--extended episodes, as it were, of which there are four--but I still believe Futurama, as a series, has 88 episodes (mostly because of their designated production codes). Impossible, you say? Nothing's impossible. Not if you can imagine it. That's what being a scientist dork on a Futurama message board is all about.

« Reply #46 on: 08-05-2009 04:53 »

Quote from: Svip link=topic=18184.msg1054634#msg1054634

Madhouse - created by Argentinian, run by a Briton and an American.

Correction - FM/TLZ was created by an American.  It's currently owned by an Argentinian and a Briton, and updated by a lazy Americanlink

Starship Captain
« Reply #47 on: 08-05-2009 05:50 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2009 05:53 »

But the credits say 5ACV_, 5ACV_, 5ACV_ & 5ACV_ so if you want to get anal about production episodes then each movie is four episodes and there are 88 production episodes of Futurama... Or something, the point is that four episodes following the same story are still four production episodes.

I'm not denying that there are 88 production episodes (although, I'm pretty sure each movie was done as one episode rather than separately (even if attempted to be written as separate). I'm saying that from a nerd perspective where episode=individual, mostly-closed story, there are 76 episodes.

The DVDs will probably be available in my country - eventually.  Unfortunately, I simply too damn impatient to wait the years for that.  You expect me to work at the biggest Futurama wiki and browse the biggest Futurama board trying to avoid the spoilers?!  Don't be crazy.  I need to be ahead of this stuff!

Whoops, slight misunderstanding! I think it's fine that you watch Futurama considering you don't have a real alternative to downloading (since it'll be a while before the new episodes are on DVD (at least two or three months after a season ends).

Let me break it down for you.

Think of the biggest Futurama sites out there:

CGEF - created by a Belgian and a run by a German.
PEEL - created and run by a German.
Madhouse - created by an American, currently owned by an Argentinian and a Briton, and updated by an American. (corrected by Fist from RedLine's post)
The Futurama Point - created and run by an Ecuadorian.
The Infosphere - created by an American, run by a Dane and an Australian.

In short, if this is an American show, why are so few of you actually running these sites!?  Are you really as lazy as your stereotype will have you believe?

Huh, I didn't know so many Futurama sites were created by non-American fans (aside from the Madhouse and the Infosphere). Regardless, I just assume that since Futurama is an American show, and the sites are in English, most of the sites commenters are American (though I guess that leaves out other English speakers like people from Great Britain, Canada and Australia (plus other foreigners who also speak (type) English such as yourself).

Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 08-05-2009 08:37 »

Believe it or not, but quite are large portion of this board is not American.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #49 on: 08-05-2009 09:48 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2009 09:52 »

FistfulOAwesome, if you want to get anal retentive about what constitutes an episode from the movies, look at the stories:
  • Scammers -> Time Travel -> Tear in Universe -> Yivo
  • Lars
  • League of Robots
  • Dark Matter
  • Bender's Crazy Fantasyland
  • Mars Vegas
  • The Dark One

So, for the anal retentive person who classifies a story as something which is at least the length of an episode, there's 7 new stories that came out of the movies.

Also, Bianca, there was a poll a while back that showed that a plurality (I wouldn't say majority) of users are American. Additionally, a majority of viewers of the show are American. However, the percentile American on the board is less than that in real life as Americans are usually too lazy to be efficient and use a pre-existing board to discuss their shows but would rather proclaim their love in Facebook groups. Nonetheless, a strong force of fans come abroad, mostly from Canada and the UK. In many parts of Canada, one can simply pick up signals from local American television stations, which is why Books would rather it be on FOX than Comedy Central, and as would many other Canadian fans.

Urban Legend
« Reply #50 on: 08-05-2009 11:39 »

Believe it or not, but quite are large portion of this board is not American.

This place is like Australia town on here.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #51 on: 08-05-2009 17:30 »

Yeah if I had to guess, by which I mean I'm pulling these numbers out of my ass, I'd say PEEL is probably 33% Americans, 29% Australians, 25% Brits, 12% German, Danish, Spanish, Canadian, etc. 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #52 on: 08-05-2009 17:57 »

0.0001% Malaysian

Space Pope
« Reply #53 on: 08-05-2009 18:22 »

Way too many Canadians for my taste.  Everyone knows that Canada & the USA are sworn enemies...

Bending Unit
« Reply #54 on: 08-05-2009 21:05 »

Hey you guys got nothing on England and Scotland.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #55 on: 08-05-2009 21:13 »

Hey, we have 5,525 miles (8,891 km) of undefended border. Those moose might pounce at any moment!
Starship Captain
« Reply #56 on: 08-05-2009 21:18 »

Hey you guys got nothing on England and Scotland.
As a scot from Edinburgh, I mostly hate scots from Glasgow. And those fuckin dorics from aberdeen. And the shitey little wee frees from the islands, they can fuck off and ba' their maws. An ah hae ma doots aboot rah border scum tae...

Scots have a pathological hatred of everyone.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #57 on: 08-05-2009 21:25 »

Hey you guys got nothing on England and Scotland.
As a scot from Edinburgh, I mostly hate scots from Glasgow. And those fuckin dorics from aberdeen. And the shitey little wee frees from the islands, they can fuck off and ba' their maws. An ah hae ma doots aboot rah border scum tae...

Scots have a pathological hatred of everyone.

Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland.
Starship Captain
« Reply #58 on: 08-05-2009 21:29 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2009 21:35 »

Willie was actually right on that one...;)

On topic, Fox showed new Futurama episodes pretty speedily on Sky One over here. Dunno how fast a transition Comedy Central'd be...

Bending Unit
« Reply #59 on: 08-05-2009 21:38 »

Yeah if I had to guess, by which I mean I'm pulling these numbers out of my ass, I'd say PEEL is probably 33% Americans, 29% Australians, 25% Brits, 12% German, Danish, Spanish, Canadian, etc. 
i'm from Poland

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #60 on: 08-05-2009 21:49 »

Yeah if I had to guess, by which I mean I'm pulling these numbers out of my ass, I'd say PEEL is probably 33% Americans, 29% Australians, 25% Brits, 12% German, Danish, Spanish, Canadian, etc. 
i'm from Poland

Ah, the famed "etc." portion.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #61 on: 08-05-2009 21:56 »


Space Pope
« Reply #62 on: 08-05-2009 22:47 »

Hey, we have 5,525 miles (8,891 km) of undefended border. Those moose might pounce at any moment!
Yeah, those bastard Canadians, ruining our country by coming down here & giving us their comedy & hockey & Rush & ...

Go Canada!

Urban Legend
« Reply #63 on: 08-05-2009 23:10 »

Hey, we have 5,525 miles (8,891 km) of undefended border. Those moose might pounce at any moment!

Do you mean the furry creatures with four legs and such or is "moose" a racial slur?

Starship Captain
« Reply #64 on: 08-06-2009 10:37 »
« Last Edit on: 08-06-2009 18:09 »

FistfulOAwesome, if you want to get anal retentive about what constitutes an episode from the movies, look at the stories:
  • Scammers -> Time Travel -> Tear in Universe -> Yivo
  • Lars
  • League of Robots
  • Dark Matter
  • Bender's Crazy Fantasyland
  • Mars Vegas
  • The Dark One

So, for the anal retentive person who classifies a story as something which is at least the length of an episode, there's 7 new stories that came out of the movies.

Ehh, that's iffy in two ways-

1. Many of the TV Episodes had several stories running at the same time which are usually resolved together (for example, The Route Of All Evil has the A story of Dwight and Cubert starting a newspaper business which eventually takes over Planet Express with a C story about F/L/B brewing beer). The importance of the differing stories are classified as A (main), B (side, but important), or C (side, not very important). So it's okay that the movies have several A or B or C stories running at the same time since the episodes did so (though, Bender's Game and ITWGY separated the stories more than the BBS and BWABB did (which is why I refer to the plotting of those as "schizophrenic").

2. I still argue that the only chapters that can work separately as episodes without much work are the first and second halves of BG and the first chapter of ITWGY. But I don't count them as separate episodes because they are still part of the same narrative as the rest of their respective films (even if only tenuously connected).

The Lars story doesn't make sense without the Time Travel to explain how it starts and ends. The League of Robots has no ending without Bender's Jealousy making him make a deal with the Robot Devil for use of his Army of the Damned to take over Earth and eventually attack The Creature. And even with their tenuous connections (bad grammar to start with And, but whatever), the 4 stories of BG (if you want to be really anal, Leela's anger/shock collar and Bender's DND obsessions are "B" stories to the film's "A" stories of the truth about Dark Matter and Cornwood) and the 2 stories of ITWGY are still part of the same narrative, so they are part of the same story/episode.

I'm willing to admit that that means that technically I shouldn't count BBS and BWABB as separate episodes within what seems like what my "logic" is, but I see them as two since the only connections between them are the rift, and BWABB doesn't make many references to BBS (it treats itself as a separate story rather than a continued part of the same narrative).

Plus, as I've said before, an episode to me is an individual, mostly-closed story (meaning it can be viewed without need to have seen a previous episode to "get it" (although to fully get some episodes would require prior knowledge (for example, you can watch The Why of Fry without having seen the episodes/running storylines that lead up to it, but obviously it will mean more if you've seen previous episodes relevant to it's storyline (101, 307, 319, a general understanding of F/L's relationship).

The "mostly-closed" refers to a finished storyline that stands on it's own (which none of the movie's chapters in their current forms can claim (except for maybe ITWGY1 (if it was a singular episode rather than part of a movie, I'd be able to believe that Hutch is either crazy or he's a setup to future events, the muck leach is a joke, and the reappearance of Frida Waterfall is a cameo. I would still question how Fry lost his mind-reading abilities in the next episode, but I've seen the ending of When Aliens Attack). Still, ITWGY did bring all those elements into major play for the rest of it's chapters, so it's not really that disconnected of a chapter. More of a "B" story to the Purple Dwarf Star's "A" story.

When I type that much, I hope whatever argument I made (if you find it, tell me, cuz I'd like to know) isn't easily blown away like a house of cards that wasn't Crazy Glued together.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #65 on: 08-06-2009 21:44 »

A copy of my previous post in the news thread, just felt it was appropriate here also:


And this time with possibly good news.


To sum up, if Futurama does well on CC, FOX is bringing it back.

After having studied the evidence, it appears that President Kevin Reilly was asked if Futurama would return to FOX.  Reilly responded like so:

Quote from: Kevin Reilly
It’s going to do its run on Comedy Central first. They really saw continued commercial business on that and fan interest and that’s what led to that order. It’s a good show, we like the show. It’s not out of the question [to pick it up on Fox], but we have not committed to picking up that option yet.

I hope he is right when he says they like the show.  Because maybe he won't treat it like shit when it comes back.
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