DOOP Secretary
If they can defeat me in single combat.
DOOP Secretary
Leela: [thinking] Anybody so stupid to not realize they can fit through the bars deserves a solemn tear. [tear falls from eye] Okay, I'm done here.
Leela: [tear-choked] Oh Fry, don't worry, we'll find a way to free you...
Fry: [thinking] Damn, when she clasps her hands like that, I can't see down her shirt.
DOOP Secretary
Bugger, I won? I have to start going on PEEL a bit more often.
Fry: Leela! Ugh... I...
Leela: Oh, Fry, you are so thoughtful! You knew I wanted this to be the best birthday party ever, and you put yourself in a cage to prevent yourself from getting drunk and ruining it!
Fry (thinking): Damn! Now I can't possibly ask her to get the key I dropped. Looks like another night in a cage for me...
Liquid Emperor
Fry: This is your idea of safe sex!?!
Leela: It shows me that you care (sniff). See you tomorrow.
DOOP Secretary
SO's and futz's are both great but I have to give it to SOS. Somehow the idea of Fry as a pimp is just too hilarious.
DOOP Secretary
Bender: "Nyeh. The caped crusader will never find me now! Nyeh."
Penguin #1 (Center): There is nothing to see here, birds, just waddle away. Leave the odd creatures alone.
Smitty: URL? Did that penguin just...talk?
Penguin #2 (Next to Smitty): No.
Smitty (whispering): I'm scared!
Penguin #3 (Front left): Holy crap! A camera! Wassup Pluto and welcome to my CRIB!!!!!
Liquid Emperor
Penguin (Center Front): Hey guys... No stage? Uniformed cops? $5 tickets? (Sniff, sniff) tempura? This isn't Bonnaroo!!!
Bender (thinking): Hee, hee more "chicken" fillets for Fishy Joe.
DOOP Secretary
Bender: Ugh -- it's horrible
Leela: What is it?!
Zapp: Some kind of primitive web browser.
Fry: Ugh, I can't believe I actually used this garbage.
Off camera is the source code of Internet Explorer.
Bender: Oh my, this is terrible!
Fry:Even worse than that...it's phantasmagorical!
Zapp: How can we face it...?!
Leela: Okay, what are you all looking at...?
[title card reading "THE END" comes up]
DOOP Secretary
Leela: "Professor?"
Bender: "OH MY GOD!"
Zapp: "For the love of me puts some pants on!"
Liquid Emperor
Leela: It's true! They do exist! Bender you captured the Farting Orangutan of Komicus 4! Are you going to claim the reward?
Zapp: Phew! It looks like the fuzzy pictures I've seen on the internet.
Fry: Gack! Hey, it's dead! Doesn't the specimen have to be alive to claim the prize?
Bender: He was when I hit him over the head. Still counts right?
DOOP Secretary
Fry: Ugh! Mutant fart!!
Bender: I don't even have a nose and I can smell it!!
Leela: Sorry! But it's not my fault the ship's stores only have beans.