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Author Topic: FOX screws the show again UPDATE: Everybody's signed  (Read 27188 times)
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Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #400 on: 07-31-2009 09:12 »
« Last Edit on: 07-31-2009 09:14 »

Billy West is aware of the fans Holy Jihad to convince FOX that the show won't get support from the fans if the original VA's aren't included.

This is his comment, lifted from his  message board:

How can I leave this one alone???
Seriously though,I'm so fortunate to be thought of in this way.
I worked long and hard (what am I? A porno star?)
in my journey and I was also very lucky as well.
I SO know that you guys are super supportive and always have been.
I appreciate it more than you know.

I wanna go back to work and give a thousand percent of my passion and
love of the voice acting craft just like I always have!
I love the show--so let's hope for the best.

Thank you,


Now that's class and lets the fans know they are appreciated.

P.S.  I sent him an e-mail asking him to open the board to new members.  I hope he does it so other fans can contribute to his message board.

Urban Legend
« Reply #401 on: 07-31-2009 09:14 »

He's a saint!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #402 on: 07-31-2009 12:20 »

P.S.  I sent him an e-mail asking him to open the board to new members.  I hope he does it so other fans can contribute to his message board.

If anything, he should hire a moderator/admin to handle each new member individually.  Something like e-mailing Billy or this "person" with why they want to be a member and some login details for their first account.

I realise this require some human resources, but it might be for the best.  And I am not sure Billy has the time to manage all those requests.  Plus, other people (like me) are not so easily freaked out by idiots like HJS.

Bending Unit
« Reply #403 on: 07-31-2009 13:56 »
« Last Edit on: 07-31-2009 14:04 »

Wow! That was an awesome response from Billy West!!!! :D

Aww, he really does appreciate his fans! That was so nice of him!  <33

I think it's billy@billywest.com .  Will that help?
Thanks!  I'll try that!  :)

And oh yeah, I forgot about Billy West's forums.  I actually have an account there!  So I went back to the forums today, and I posted some messages.  I hope he gets a chance to read what I said.   :)

I also sent Billy a PM too.  I hope he replies back! ^^
Bad Asp
« Reply #404 on: 07-31-2009 15:43 »
« Last Edit on: 07-31-2009 15:44 »

The voice actors have to take this pay cut, because knowing the fox retards execs they will replace the cast, if they don't take the pay cut we could end up with Fred Masson  :cry:

Or worse... we could end up with David Nowlin, Andrew Chaikin, or William Kasten!  :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #405 on: 07-31-2009 20:44 »

Maybe somebody on his forum (I know Officer1BDI is) can open a thread or PM him or the mods to open back up registration for the site? An e-mail might not reach him.

Space Pope
« Reply #406 on: 07-31-2009 21:42 »

I don't know if this means anything:

Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #407 on: 07-31-2009 21:48 »

I'll try and keep my emotions tempered, but I do hope that article is correct.

« Reply #408 on: 07-31-2009 22:01 »

I'll try and keep my emotions tempered, but I do hope that article is correct.

Me too...
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #409 on: 07-31-2009 22:17 »
« Last Edit on: 07-31-2009 22:24 »

I certainly hope so. Interesting that it suggests that the feature film is a given as well which will be news to me at least. Don't know whether that's a great sign and a wonderful cap to it all or a bad sign suggesting they haven't got all the facts right...

I'm still not a hundred percent sure about whether I think Futurama is ready for a feature film though, I have doubts about the viability of it all. We'll see though :)

/edit - just did a quick trawl through Futurama news to see whether anyone else is carrying this and couldn't find anything specific. Interestingly though I did come across a headline from Newsarama just yesterday that claimed that it was Official, Futurama WILL be Recast. But then when I go to click the link it's a 404... hmm...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #410 on: 07-31-2009 22:22 »

It would likely come after the new episodes if ever. Either more good news or they took DXC's comments at Comic-Con out of context.

Starship Captain
« Reply #411 on: 07-31-2009 22:23 »

Is great to read that! I hope is 100% true.

I'm still not a hundred percent sure about whether I think Futurama is ready for a feature film though, I have doubts about the viability of it all. We'll see though :)
I also think is to premature to create a feature film..
Starship Captain
« Reply #412 on: 07-31-2009 22:25 »

Interesting if true... :D

I'm still not a hundred percent sure about whether I think Futurama is ready for a feature film though, I have doubts about the viability of it all.
Futurama might be ready, not sure the writers are (shudders at memory of BBS, BwaBB, and trailers for the other 2).

Bending Unit
« Reply #413 on: 07-31-2009 22:26 »

I really doubt that they're in feature film talks right now, and they're probably just taking DXC out of context. Wouldn't they first want to see how well the show fares on return - or get the VA mess settled before launching into those sorts of talks?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #414 on: 07-31-2009 22:35 »

From Mo's Facebook:
Maurice LaMarche  had a productive afternoon... he finally cleaned up his backyard - threw away all the sun-scarred cracked pool toys, peeling boogie boards, an old broom, deflated faded basketball, and, oh yeah, closed his Futurama deal.
We're back baby! Please insert liquor!

« Reply #415 on: 07-31-2009 22:37 »

From Mo's Facebook:
Maurice LaMarche  had a productive afternoon... he finally cleaned up his backyard - threw away all the sun-scarred cracked pool toys, peeling boogie boards, an old broom, deflated faded basketball, and, oh yeah, closed his Futurama deal.
We're back baby! Please insert liquor!


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #416 on: 07-31-2009 22:41 »
« Last Edit on: 07-31-2009 22:43 »

Thank Zombie Jesus!  Hope it's true.  Edit: Yeah I guess Maurice LaMarche saying it makes it a done deal!

What the "feature film" thing MIGHT mean is that they included a provision in the contract that the voice actors would automatically be signed on should a feature film ever be made.  I'm guess this because I remember taht some years ago after one of the contract renewals for the Simpsons actors it was reported that they'd been signed up for "up to three" movies, in case any got made.  If it's similar here, than that would mean that it's not a given, but that at least some thought is being put into doing one, which would be awesome.

Starship Captain
« Reply #417 on: 07-31-2009 23:05 »

What the "feature film" thing MIGHT mean is that they included a provision in the contract that the voice actors would automatically be signed on should a feature film ever be made.
that sounds interesting!
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #418 on: 07-31-2009 23:26 »

Hot diggity daffodil!

While I'm sceptical about being enough of us Futurama geeks to warrent a feature film, I'm glad to get the 26 eps with the possibility of more after that.

Futurama has more lives than a cat.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #419 on: 07-31-2009 23:31 »
« Last Edit on: 07-31-2009 23:33 »

YES!  *happy dance*

Edit: A feature film clause would be awesome, but I'm not holding my breath.  Confirmation that the original cast is back is enough for now.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #420 on: 07-31-2009 23:34 »

Fuck yes. Though I was pretty sure this would all work out, I'm glad that we didn't have to spend months upon months waiting for good news. This is such a wonderful day for dorks, geeks, and nerds everywhere.

Starship Captain
« Reply #421 on: 08-01-2009 00:00 »

Whew! The show just dodged a major bullet there. Now we can get back to waiting a year for the new episodes.

As for this Feature Film dealie, I think they can pull it off. BBS and ITWGY worked pretty well as movies, and without having to write them as episodes (which never made sense anyway) there should be no problems aside from coming up with a story worthy of a movie.

Urban Legend
« Reply #422 on: 08-01-2009 00:09 »

A feature film would be really good to end the series (By which I mean a definite end not like ITWGY where they might have been coming back).

Bending Unit
« Reply #423 on: 08-01-2009 00:20 »


As for the feature film, I'm ambivalent right now.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #424 on: 08-01-2009 00:44 »

This is good news for my future ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #425 on: 08-01-2009 00:53 »

Just heard the news!
Fantastic, looking forward to the new season now!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #426 on: 08-01-2009 00:56 »

Shouldn't this topic title be changed to "Fox revives the show again:  Keeping original cast Voice Actors"?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #427 on: 08-01-2009 01:00 »

Fuck yes. Though I was pretty sure this would all work out, I'm glad that we didn't have to spend months upon months waiting for good news.

My thoughts exactly.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #428 on: 08-01-2009 01:06 »

According to Variety only three of the VAs have actually signed contracts so far.  Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be 5 for 5 (and I'm sure it will, as I doubt only a fraction of the cast would sign contracts without being sure everyone else was joining them).

Space Pope
« Reply #429 on: 08-01-2009 01:15 »

D 'oh!
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #430 on: 08-01-2009 01:36 »

Well PEELers, it looks like the pressure from us has saved the series.  Again.

I'll treat every PEELer to a cyber-beer.  A cyber-Coke for the underaged members.

Ralph "We did good, didn't we?" Snart

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #431 on: 08-01-2009 01:37 »

I'll take that coke there.  I am legally allowed to drink beer, but personally, I'd prefer a coke.

And to answer your rhetorical question; yes.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #432 on: 08-01-2009 01:40 »


Hot off the press and an interesting read.


Urban Legend
« Reply #433 on: 08-01-2009 01:40 »

I'll have a Slurm,
Freshly excreted.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #434 on: 08-01-2009 01:41 »


Hot off the press and an interesting read.


Dunno if you've noticed the work I've done at the Infosphere: http://new.theinfosphere.org/Recasting_ploy
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #435 on: 08-01-2009 01:44 »


Hot off the press and an interesting read.


Dunno if you've noticed the work I've done at the Infosphere: http://new.theinfosphere.org/Recasting_ploy


Ah, no.  I haven't gotten over there... yet.   

I appologize for posting any duplicate material.

« Reply #436 on: 08-01-2009 01:45 »

According to Variety only three of the VAs have actually signed contracts so far.  Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be 5 for 5 (and I'm sure it will, as I doubt only a fraction of the cast would sign contracts without being sure everyone else was joining them).

I'm sure Billy and John will come to terms with Fox. Since the others have signed, I'm sure they are more apt to signing the deal.

Long live Futurama.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #437 on: 08-01-2009 01:53 »


Ah, no.  I haven't gotten over there... yet.   

I appologize for posting any duplicate material.

Our motto is; if it's Futurama, we'll cover it.  Well, official Futurama, we do not have fanfics and that sort of thing.

Space Pope
« Reply #438 on: 08-01-2009 02:00 »
« Last Edit on: 08-01-2009 02:01 »

Awesome news!  Like Smarty, I'm sure Billy & John will sign up.  HOWEVER, I'm a bit more vindictive than most.  I still say, even after everyone signs up, the dumbass braindead fox suit who thought this was a good idea should be dragged kicking & screaming into the light, so he/she can not only be fired for incompetence but also flogged by the multitude of Futurama fans.  Save me a place at the front of the line...

PS - I'm sharing a celebratory cyber 6-pack with Ralph right now...

Bending Unit
« Reply #439 on: 08-01-2009 03:07 »

Tweet from within the past half-hour by Phil LaMarr.  I do not know with 100% certainty the rest of the conversation he is responding to, but I would bet this is about Futurama.


"No no. Sorry, I meant I have no comment. Supporting cast will do our deals after all this is done."

I would have considered Maurice and Tress supporting cast as well, but what do I know?
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