
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

I love Lrreconciliable Ndndifferences myself...
Meee too. It actually was my favorite one all season. Why? Because the rewatchability quotient on it is so high for me. I am sure there is already a formula out there for what makes a great episode, but my theory is : [ (number of prevalent, presumably main character, storylines) X (number of jokes that CAUSE actual lol laughter) ] ^ rewatchability factor = a Great episode. But now I'm just making stuff up. referring to previous page...i dont see why some are down on V-GINY. that was awesome and as always love the trek reference. I didnt think Cryonic Woman was as bad as everyone said it was...its definitely not among my faves but its not the worst for me. Maybe it did not fare well because it did not satisfy the first part of the equation, that is, have many consistent storylines. Fry takes center stage with her and we lose some of that Bender Leela greatness. Bender Should not Be Allowed on TV actually was less appealing than Bendin in the Wind so i refute my previous post. Too much Cubert Dwight drama, what happened to Fry? To me a show goes downhill when they first make the fart joke. Its a cheap lazy gag. Im not saying they did it there because they only said it not sound effected it (yes thats a verb now) but it becomes just a filler joke leaving no creativity on behalf of the writers (hence family guy). Im a fan of big bang theory and when they incorporated the fart joke a few weeks ago i was extremely saddened by how such a smart show could stoop so low. 
Unit 3.0


When will you silly people learn. There's no such thing as a bad Futurama episode. It's just that some episodes are better than others, and it gives the illusion that some are bad.


Considering I can't actually remember a single thing about the episode "Bender should not be allowed on TV", you might have a point.
I think it might be the only one of season 4 where I can't remember the plot.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I realised I don't think I posted my worst ep in here yet. Anyway aside from the travesty that is Bender's Game, I think it's probably In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela which is cringe worthy, especially Zapp in the second half. Futurama Holiday Spectacular is also pretty bad, in fact it's pretty shit really. Sad to see Futurama reaching such lows, and due to this That's Lobstertainment is no longer worst in my view...

DOOP Secretary

I realised I don't think I posted my worst ep in here yet. Anyway aside from the travesty that is Bender's Game, I think it's probably In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela which is cringe worthy, especially Zapp in the second half. Futurama Holiday Spectacular is also pretty bad, in fact it's pretty shit really. Sad to see Futurama reaching such lows, and due to this That's Lobstertainment is no longer worst in my view...
Futurama Holiday Spectacular. Worst. ep. Ever. By far. On a happier note, my previous 2nd worst ep, That Darn Katz!, has grown on me after the 2nd and 3rd viewing and I now think that it's not bad.

DOOP Secretary

I actually like In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela. I seem to be in the minority though.
I really enjoy that episode, too; it's not the worst of the series (or even the worst of its season) by a long shot. It's not the most inspired storyline, but compared to an episode like, say, "Rebirth" (which I also liked, albeit for different reasons), I think it has more of a "classic" feel. In fact, everything up until the crash-landing is pretty inspired...and most of the Eden stuff is passably amusing (Leela's line about a water fountain falling on her is, I think, one of Katey Sagal's funniest readings ever). And the worst episode will always be "Where the Buggalo Roam", so I don't know why this thread needs to exist. 
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

The second Xmas episode 'A Tale Of Two Santas' was not bad, in fact it was almost as good as the first 'Xmas Story', aaalmost. There was no Xmas episode in Season 4 though scififry...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
The last X mas special although I've only watched it once. Perhaps it will get better on repeat viewings.
As bad as it was, I contend that The Cryonic Woman and Attack of the Killer App were both worse. Not, it has to be said, by a great deal. But worse, nonetheless.

Bending Unit
It was kinda "meh", there was too much singing.
Yeah it was relatively much for Futurama, but it was OK for me... still entertained me good. The last X mas special although I've only watched it once. Perhaps it will get better on repeat viewings.
As bad as it was, I contend that The Cryonic Woman and Attack of the Killer App were both worse. Not, it has to be said, by a great deal. But worse, nonetheless.
I also didn't like The Cyronic Woman after first viewings, now it got a bit better to me. But I liked AoTKA because I don't like apple, facebook , twitter, and that stuff ... BUT the susan boil thing was disturbing³! 
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
It was all just pop culture references that will be dated within five minutes. The bad kind of pop culture references. Anything with mass-market appeal tends to suck for truly individual people. I refer you to this: Another reason why people would hate sci fi (Futurama, and other fantasy/fiction things) would be that there are lot's of people who are obsessed with things that are "real". People feel a need to have a connection to something that's firmly anchored in the present, and in their own lives. Because they are small, smallminded people who inhabit a universe with a radius far less than our own planet, and lack the imagination or sheer courage to concieve of anything greater and grander than the sum of their own experiences.
These people will be the ones who remain behind in their crude huts as the remainder of the human race scramble into rockets to flee the expanding shell of our parent star one day.
That can apply to the sort of pop-culture references that AoTKA is made up of, as much as it applies to people hating sci-fi. People feel the need to connect with something that's right next to them because they lack vision and imagination - even at the cost of degrading what they're connecting with. 


my one was "future stock"

DOOP Secretary

my one was "future stock"
I disagree, That Guy made that ep amazing. Without him though, you're right, it would've been pretty bad.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

my one was "future stock"
I disagree, That Guy made that ep amazing. Without him though, you're right, it would've been pretty bad.
Far from worst even then...


Just got done watching all the old epsiodes (in order) and finally started watching the new ones -starting with the first epsiode... BUT! For me it was the first epsiode of the brand new shows as the WORST -on Comedy Central. It looked like that they were trying to make you think some of the characters weren't coming back or they were being writen out because of the network change. I was more shocked, than laughing.  Plus the cartoon look as if they are drawn/animated the same way the new Simpsons are done, ever since they did the "Simpson's Movie". Which I don't like either, these are the non-funny shows in my mind. Now the Simpson jokes are slow, draw out to long --as if they trying to spell out the jokes -they don't need to do that. We're smarter than that. I hope Futurama doesn't take that same nose dive, like the new Simpsons.