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Author Topic: I'm BONED!!! Missing episodes in my collection  (Read 1087 times)
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« on: 03-23-2002 15:12 »

Oh, I'm feeling as unpopular as Sgt. Feces Processor, and as absent-minded as our favorite professor.

I just discovered this website, and at the same time learned that Futurama has been everything-but-cancelled.  I'll let the smilies do the talking for me here.    :puke:   :mad:   :finger:   :cry:

This prompted me to make sure that I have all of the episodes on tape.  After condensing them all onto a few tapes, I realized that I have somehow LOST 8 episodes!!!

I am hoping someone(s) can help me out by making NTSC copies of the following episodes:

Season II:  "A Clone of My Own"
Season III: "The Honking," "War Is the H-Word," "The Cryonic Woman," "Parasites Lost," "Amazon Women in the Mood," and "The Luck of the Fryrish"
Season IV:  "A Tale of Two Santas"

I'm a newbie here, so I know this is asking a huge favor of some kindly person(s).  I also see that there's no similar thread already up on any of the boards, so I don't know if this is acceptable, frowned upon, or something that others just don't need (because they're more careful and organized than me).

Please send an e-mail if you can help.  This realization has made me feel almost as crappy as learning that Fox has given Futurama and its fans the  :finger:.


Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 03-23-2002 15:36 »

Spam on Spam with the side of Spam.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 03-23-2002 15:37 »

Welcome to PEEL, tastycrat. Enjoy it here.  :D

The rules of PEEL

#1 rule at PEEL: No download questions. Trading on the boards are not allowed either, but maybe some nice person will drop you an e-mail offering help. Not me though, I live in Europe.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 03-23-2002 15:50 »

welcome to PEEL tastycrat

i'm sorry, i can't help you (i'm missing two eps myself: the deep south, and insane in the mainframe)

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 03-23-2002 16:06 »

Hi tastycrat, welcome to PEEL :)

I'm from Europe and use the PAL system, sorry I can't be of any help, but if it makes you feel better I'm missing the last 4 episodes of Season 2 and over half of Season 3.

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 03-23-2002 16:17 »

Welcome aboard, tastycrat, nifty username. I have the eps, but they're on my TiVo. Since VHS is passe, I don't currently have a VCR to dump the eps. to tape. Since you're on a computer, why not try downloading some episodes? They're pretty good quality and easily managed, unlike their analog counterparts.
« Reply #6 on: 03-23-2002 16:42 »

Im not missing anyeps but i dont have them on hard copy.. And welcome to PEEL.

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 03-23-2002 21:20 »

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