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Author Topic: Why Won't "Bidr-bot of Ice-catraz" air on Thursday?  (Read 1170 times)
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Code Green

Delivery Boy
« on: 03-18-2002 19:15 »
« Last Edit on: 03-18-2002 19:15 »

I know that next week FOX is airing Independence Day on Sunday, but it's been planned since the Oscars were going to air on that date. I also knew that there was not going to be an episode on the Thursday after the one coming up, the 28th, for whatever reason, but FOX had scheduled Futurama for this Thursday, but instead is airing "Celebrity Boxing" again. Why is that? Did that stupid show actually bring in that much money or something? Also, I mean absolutely no offense to anyone that liked the show, I am just pissed that FOX is doing that. So, does anyone have a reason or is FOX just being stupid like usual? Man, I was looking forward to seeing "Bird-bot of Ice-Catraz" again too.

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 03-18-2002 19:50 »

They're doing it cuz it got millions of viewers the first time.  They think it'll win out against Survivor the second time.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #2 on: 03-18-2002 19:57 »

And I never even seen it, this really gets it for the people at fox, as that is so naughty I am going to have to add it to my list right now.

*Writes on paper*
**Starts spelling out loud as he writes**
 S- H- O- W

Im done

« Reply #3 on: 03-19-2002 07:28 »

Hey Code!
Bird bot will NOT air because what you suspected is right...Fox got HUGE ratings for Celebrity Boxing, something like 14 mil. watching.
I'm p!@@ed off too because I needed to tape Bot for my collection.  :mad:

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 03-19-2002 09:47 »

from the look of fox's schedule futurama is being replaced by king of the hill again not celebrity boxing.... they could have shown it  :(

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 03-19-2002 09:54 »

I don't know what's worse, the fact that Fox aired that thing, the fact that it's reairing, or the fact that there are that many stupid people in the world that would watch it.  No matter what it's damn frightening to think about.

Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 03-20-2002 19:01 »

They're probably re-running Celebrity Boxing because it had a 9.1 rating (14 share), which placed it 16th for the week of 11 March.  That makes it one of the highest rated programs for FOX this season. 

Which is a really sad commentary on the state of the world.  If they loved it once, they'll love it twice.  Barnum was right; there really is a sucker born every minute.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 03-20-2002 19:09 »

They aren't showing "Birdbot"? Awww... Anyway, FOX has sunk to a new low with Celebrity Boxing, and people appear to like it. What a world...
« Reply #8 on: 03-20-2002 19:22 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 19:22 »

FOX is now just people who care for ratings...not what timeslot the show is in, just ratings...
Code Green

Delivery Boy
« Reply #9 on: 03-20-2002 19:40 »

Hmmm. I didn't realize the show got so many ratings. I did check the schedule and it said they are reairing "Andy Richter Controls the Universe" and a rerun of "King of the Hill." I can understand reairing "Andy Richter" but why do they have to air "King of the Hill" instead? I mean, 9:30pm/8:30c was Futurama's time and showing King of the Hill in place of Futurama really shows that FOX doesn't give two shits about Futurama.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #10 on: 03-20-2002 21:54 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 21:54 »

most likely because King Of THe Hill gets the better ratings, ratings are everything, in tv. But it speaks for itself when you see king the hill has a higher rating... Meaning more people like it, so don't get mad at fox because if there is so many people supporting and caring about our beloved show futurama how come it doesn't show where it counts.
ANd yes I am A Futurama fan just stating my opinion and yes I like Futurama better.

edit addon here:
oh and to that one guy, every station cares about ratings why do you think whats his name show on abc might be taken off the air and replaced with Davil Lettermin, because of his ratings, there slacking.
So what we need is the fans to tune and show a statement and to show an actully spike in the ratings like that of maybe equaling to the simpsons but it must end when the show ends, and king of the hill starts... Thus if that rating stays or marginally shrinks Futurama might change its course...

edit addon addon:
Getting beat by king of the hill in the ratings that pathetic...

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 03-20-2002 23:02 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 23:02 »

I pointed out a while ago (in the topic, "Beat king of the hill") several reasons why Futurama has lower ratings than KoTH.  (namely, king of the hill gets ratings from people who watch king of the hill, people who watch futurama and don't change the channel, people who watch the simpsons and turn on fox early (a large number), and people who watch both futurama and the simpsons who do not change the channel; futurama has people who watch futurama.)

Most of the time, I would agree why they are treating a show like they are, but Fox has multiple times screwed with Futurama.  If they didn't f*ck with its timeslot, it would be doing way better than it is.

The average show on fox would have been cancelled after they moved it to tuesday (with about no advertising), and even above average shows would be killed after being moved against one of the highest rated shows on tv (not one, but twice -- 60 minutes and CSI).

Plus the side note that KoTH is shown every day at around 11 pm, and Futurama is shown little over once a month on average.  Mull on that.

Something kinda funny, someone I talked to say they don't watch Futurama because it comes on before king of the hill, and they hate KoTH so much that they don't even want to see a preview for it, and they ALWAYS show tons of previews for KoTH during futurama.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 03-21-2002 09:15 »

oh and to that one guy, every station cares about ratings why do you think whats his name show on abc might be taken off the air and replaced with Davil Lettermin, because of his ratings, there slacking.

Actually, Letterman consistently comes in 3rd place, behind both Leno and Nightline. Yet ABC still wants him, and he still gets paid twice as much as Leno.

But back on topic, McGrady is a smart man and everyone should listen to him. If Futurama and King of the Hill switched timeslots, Futurama would get way better ratings, and King of the Hill would likely die off pretty quickly.

Bending Unit
« Reply #13 on: 03-21-2002 09:33 »

I can't wait til Celebrity Boxing gets shown in the UK, I can record it over my Futurama collection.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 03-21-2002 10:18 »

Futurama's ratings need to be swayed, and fast. What we need is an big online marketing campaign for Futurama. Like putting up big posters and banners on sites. Does anyone know how to hack into Fox's website? And we need to write up some sort of editorial. Call it "Futurama: The Best Show You've Never Seen".

McGrady, can you tell if KOTH is on the brink of being cancelled? That's the only thing that would justify Fox keeping the show on its 6:30 time slot and its advertising. I just hope that is the case  :)

Futurama's future was screwed ever since Malcolm robbed it of its 7:30 time slot. And many people agree that almost nobody's home at 6:00 to watch it cuz it's too damn early!

Bending Unit
« Reply #15 on: 03-21-2002 11:01 »

I agree with that.  It comes on at 7pm EST and that is way to early on a Sunday.  Don't they realize that people go out on Sundays?
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 03-21-2002 11:05 »

BAM! I saw a commercial on it just this last minute. It says Fox will air "Bird-bot" tonight at 8:30 central, and it shows sliding penguins and Bender and stuff!!! (I've seen it, I'm just acting overstimulated). It's strange that I got the TVs tuned to Fox at this hour, there's nothing but court shows.

Bending Unit
« Reply #17 on: 03-21-2002 15:31 »

wonder if its just a fluke or if its for real.. last night i saw the commerical for koth on a "special date and time" and i got pissed off... ill be watching tonight to see for myself  :) *crosses fingers* i hope your right
Originally posted by Just Chris:
BAM! I saw a commercial on it just this last minute. It says Fox will air "Bird-bot" tonight at 8:30 central, and it shows sliding penguins and Bender and stuff!!! (I've seen it, I'm just acting overstimulated). It's strange that I got the TVs tuned to Fox at this hour, there's nothing but court shows.

Simm Nixxon

Delivery Boy
« Reply #18 on: 03-21-2002 18:08 »

Why would they re-air "Andy Richter", when it was on 2 days ago??? Oh well, its beyond my control...

Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 03-21-2002 18:20 »

I will use my superior robot powers and tell you that yes, king of the hill is in danger of being cancelled, but not as in danger as many other shows, such as that 80s show (if it hasn't already been), family guy, futurama, dark angel.  King of the hill gets lower ratings immediately prior to new episodes of "the simpsons" than reruns of the simpsons (at 5 or 6 pm weekdays).

Fox would get the highest ratings it could on sunday by showing 2 episodes of the simpsons and two episodes of malcolm in the middle, followed by ally mcbeal or boston public if they are looking for comedy type ratings.

Why they don't do that, I don't know, but they sure are screwing up from a analyst point of view.

Urban Legend
« Reply #20 on: 03-24-2002 12:00 »

I was in California all last week so I set up my VCR to tape Godfellas, the Simpsons, and then Bird-Bot.  I get home and rewind my tape only to find out that the hillbilly cartoon is in place of Futurama!  What a bunch of shit that is.  Are they going to still show Futurama on Thursdays, or are they done with it?  I can't believe my TV guide anymore!
Future Angel
Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 03-25-2002 21:32 »

Originally posted by bankrupt:
I was in California all last week so I set up my VCR to tape Godfellas, the Simpsons, and then Bird-Bot.  I get home and rewind my tape only to find out that the hillbilly cartoon is in place of Futurama!  What a bunch of shit that is.  Are they going to still show Futurama on Thursdays, or are they done with it?  I can't believe my TV guide anymore!

The same thing happened to me, except I went away on Thursday morning after not checking the TV listings for a few days, I come back home on saturday after going down to Washington State and coming back to go to work. I turn on my tape expecting to see "Birdbot" and "Exposure" (Dark Angel) and I get some King of the Hill episode and "Exposure". I got extremley angry. Especially when i thought back to thursday when I was talking to a cousin of mine who always jokes about Futurama and he told me that FOX had decided not to air Birdbot. He was joking, but look what happened, it came true.
Simm Nixxon

Delivery Boy
« Reply #22 on: 03-25-2002 21:56 »

I'm suprised Dark Angel has survived all this time...It's basically about some clone who goes around kicking people in the nuts...

Space Pope
« Reply #23 on: 03-25-2002 23:24 »

Originally posted by Simm Nixxon:
I'm suprised Dark Angel has survived all this time...It's basically about some clone who goes around kicking people in the nuts...

Yeah... but she's also hot.
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