

Hey Code! Bird bot will NOT air because what you suspected is right...Fox got HUGE ratings for Celebrity Boxing, something like 14 mil. watching. I'm p!@@ed off too because I needed to tape Bot for my collection.

« Reply #8 on: 03-20-2002 19:22 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 19:22 »
FOX is now just people who care for ratings...not what timeslot the show is in, just ratings...

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 03-20-2002 23:02 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 23:02 »
I pointed out a while ago (in the topic, "Beat king of the hill") several reasons why Futurama has lower ratings than KoTH. (namely, king of the hill gets ratings from people who watch king of the hill, people who watch futurama and don't change the channel, people who watch the simpsons and turn on fox early (a large number), and people who watch both futurama and the simpsons who do not change the channel; futurama has people who watch futurama.)
Most of the time, I would agree why they are treating a show like they are, but Fox has multiple times screwed with Futurama. If they didn't f*ck with its timeslot, it would be doing way better than it is.
The average show on fox would have been cancelled after they moved it to tuesday (with about no advertising), and even above average shows would be killed after being moved against one of the highest rated shows on tv (not one, but twice -- 60 minutes and CSI).
Plus the side note that KoTH is shown every day at around 11 pm, and Futurama is shown little over once a month on average. Mull on that.
Something kinda funny, someone I talked to say they don't watch Futurama because it comes on before king of the hill, and they hate KoTH so much that they don't even want to see a preview for it, and they ALWAYS show tons of previews for KoTH during futurama.