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Author Topic: Futurama Episode Survivor: The Remake!  (Read 28157 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #240 on: 03-16-2009 23:22 »

(Although, in that episode's defense, it's actually pretty good. It's just that it's up against a lot of other great episodes. (Is it just me, or does the Frybe contain the majority of better episodes? It's probably just me.))

I count 8 of my top 10 in the Frybe category.  When it gets down to those episodes, I'll probably just abstain from voting in that category until then next rules revision.
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #241 on: 03-17-2009 00:11 »

(Although, in that episode's defense, it's actually pretty good. It's just that it's up against a lot of other great episodes. (Is it just me, or does the Frybe contain the majority of better episodes? It's probably just me.))

I count 8 of my top 10 in the Frybe category.  When it gets down to those episodes, I'll probably just abstain from voting in that category until then next rules revision.

For me its split 5/5.

All of the no-brainers were voted out already. No the voting is coming down to personal preference
Bending Unit
« Reply #242 on: 03-17-2009 01:13 »

The Frybe
Space Pilot 3000- (/)
The Series Has Landed- (//)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
A Fishful of Dollars- (///)
A Flight to Remember- (//)
When Aliens Attack- (/)
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder- (///)
The Deep South- (////)
War is the H-Word-(/)
Parasites Lost-
The Luck of the Fryish-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Insane in the Mainframe- (/////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Future Stock-

Less Than Hero- (/////)

Jurassic Bark- (/)
The Why of Fry-
The Sting-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder- (/)

The Others
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (//)
Hell Is Other Robots- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again- (//)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love- (/)
Raging Bender- (//)

A Clone of My Own- (/////)

How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
Bender Gets Made-(//)
Mother's Day-(//)
The Problem With Popplers-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Honking- (///)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
A Tale of Two Santas- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (///)
Anthology of Interest II-(/)
Godfellas- (////)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Love and Rocket- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #243 on: 03-17-2009 02:33 »

Yes all who feel that the Frybe is heavy in "good episodes", remember that you can abstain from voting.

Notice: There will be a break at 48 episodes left. There are currently 49 episodes left.
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #244 on: 03-17-2009 02:59 »

The Frybe
Space Pilot 3000- (/)
The Series Has Landed- (//)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
A Fishful of Dollars- (///)
A Flight to Remember- (//)
When Aliens Attack- (/)
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder- (///)
The Deep South- (/////)
War is the H-Word-(/)
Parasites Lost-
The Luck of the Fryish-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Insane in the Mainframe- (/////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Future Stock-
Less Than Hero- (/////)
Jurassic Bark- (/)
The Why of Fry-
The Sting-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder- (/)

The Others
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (//)
Hell Is Other Robots- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again- (//)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love- (/)
Raging Bender- (//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
Bender Gets Made-(//)
Mother's Day-(//)
The Problem With Popplers-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Honking- (///)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
A Tale of Two Santas- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (///)
Anthology of Interest II-(/)
Godfellas- (////)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Love and Rocket- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

A Clone of My Own- VOTED OFF

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #245 on: 03-17-2009 03:50 »

New Rules
1. All votes have been reset.
2. The episodes have been regrouped into three tribes based on their tallies from the last round: Horrible Gelatinous Tribe, Tribe Waterfall IV, and That Tribe.
3. You may vote once per tribe per turn.
4. You may abstain from voting for certain tribes, but please write at the bottom of your post that you did so.
5. Please use small tags for the list and bold for your votes.
6. 6 votes are still needed to vote off an episode.

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space-
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas-
Insane in the Mainframe-
Bendin' in the Wind-
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys-

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember
When Aliens Attack-
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender-
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot-
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed-
A Fishful of Dollars-
I Second That Emotion-
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking-
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Still-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock-
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

« Reply #246 on: 03-17-2009 04:49 »
« Last Edit on: 03-17-2009 04:50 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space-
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (/)
Insane in the Mainframe-
Bendin' in the Wind-
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys-

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (/)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender-
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot-
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (/)
A Fishful of Dollars-
I Second That Emotion-
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking-
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Still-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock-
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
« Reply #247 on: 03-17-2009 06:24 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space-
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (/)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind-
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys-

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (//)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender-
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot-
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (/)
A Fishful of Dollars-
I Second That Emotion-
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking-
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Still-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (/)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Bending Unit
« Reply #248 on: 03-17-2009 06:53 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (/)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind-
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys-

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender-
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot-
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (/)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion-
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking-
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Still-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (/)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
Bending Unit
« Reply #249 on: 03-17-2009 10:32 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe

Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-

A Tale of Two Santas- (//)

Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind-
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys-

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-

Raging Bender- (/)

Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot-
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (/)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion-
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-

The Honking- (/)

Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (/)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #250 on: 03-17-2009 11:35 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind-
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender- (/)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot- (/)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (/)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (/)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #251 on: 03-17-2009 15:45 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (/)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender- (/)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot- (/)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings-
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (/)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #252 on: 03-17-2009 15:46 »

i_c_weiner, we still cant vote the same in back to back postings, correct?

Urban Legend
« Reply #253 on: 03-17-2009 23:09 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-
A Head in the Polls-
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (//)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender- (/)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero-
Crimes of the Hot- (/)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (//)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back-
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #254 on: 03-17-2009 23:12 »

Bear can you please at least explain why you don't like my favourite episode?

Urban Legend
« Reply #255 on: 03-17-2009 23:16 »

I dont like that Fry loses his hands. It makes me feel really weird.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #256 on: 03-17-2009 23:17 »

The OTHER one :mad::laff: You knew that :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #257 on: 03-17-2009 23:25 »

My favouruitea episoxe is Teenage Mutiant Leela'sh HUrdles r Sometimes I like Crimes ot the Hot too and 300 Big boys was funny when morbo said to his wife "I'm going to destroy you" :laff:

Which one is your fav BOoks is it the 2nd one Seires LandeD? Because I dont know it was just a little too serious in my opinion. The othe one had the Becinaty in it and I didnt think that was funny becasue I didnt really think of Beck like that but now I cant take him seriously ever seince theat joke.
Bending Unit
« Reply #258 on: 03-17-2009 23:31 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-

A Head in the Polls- (/)

Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (//)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-
Raging Bender- (/)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-

Less Than Hero- (/)

Crimes of the Hot- (/)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (//)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)
The Deep South-
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #259 on: 03-17-2009 23:34 »

Thank you for that answer Bear. I think your girlfriend Connie might have slipped you something from her "health food" store :o :puke:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #260 on: 03-18-2009 02:56 »
« Last Edit on: 03-18-2009 03:00 »

i_c_weiner, we still cant vote the same in back to back postings, correct?
Any rules not adjusted remain the same.

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-

Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (/)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (//)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket-
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-

Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)
Raging Bender- (/)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero- (/)
Crimes of the Hot- (/)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (//)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)

The Deep South-(/)
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #261 on: 03-18-2009 04:30 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (/)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (//)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket- (/)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)
Raging Bender- (/)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero- (/)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (//)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)
The Deep South-(/)
Mother's Day-
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (//)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-


« Reply #262 on: 03-18-2009 04:59 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet-
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (/)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (//)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)
Raging Bender- (//)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero- (/)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (//)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)
The Deep South-(/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (//)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Bending Unit
« Reply #263 on: 03-18-2009 08:13 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (/)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (//)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)
Raging Bender- (///)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-
Less Than Hero- (/)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (///)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (//)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Urban Legend
« Reply #264 on: 03-18-2009 09:33 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (//)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)
Raging Bender- (///)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (/)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (///)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(/)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (//)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Bending Unit
« Reply #265 on: 03-18-2009 10:58 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)

Bendin' in the Wind- (///)

Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)

Raging Bender- (////)

Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (/)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (/)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (///)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(/)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-

The Honking- (///)

Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (//)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #266 on: 03-18-2009 16:40 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (//)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)
Raging Bender- (////)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (/)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (///)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(/)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (/)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (///)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
Bending Unit
« Reply #267 on: 03-18-2009 23:37 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-

A Tale of Two Santas- (///)

Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'-
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(/)
Raging Bender- (////)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)

Less Than Hero- (//)

Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (///)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(/)

How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)

The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (///)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II-
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Urban Legend
« Reply #268 on: 03-18-2009 23:55 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (///)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (///)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Raging Bender- (////)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (///)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(/)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (///)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (/)
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

« Reply #269 on: 03-19-2009 00:55 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (//)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Raging Bender- (////)
Bender Gets Made-
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(/)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (///)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (/)
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #270 on: 03-19-2009 03:48 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (//)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Raging Bender- (////)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (//)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (///)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (/)
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #271 on: 03-19-2009 05:15 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (///)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles-
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Raging Bender- (////)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (///)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (////)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (/)
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-

Bending Unit
« Reply #272 on: 03-19-2009 07:39 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Bendin' in the Wind- (////)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (///)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Raging Bender- (////)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (///)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (////)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-

Bending Unit
« Reply #273 on: 03-19-2009 11:41 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)

Bendin' in the Wind- (/////)

Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (///)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)

Raging Bender- (/////)

Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (///)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-

The Honking- (/////)

Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (///)
Jurassic Bark-
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #274 on: 03-19-2009 17:17 »
« Last Edit on: 03-19-2009 17:21 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (///)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (///)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (/)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (/////)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (////)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Bendin' in the Wind- VOTED OFF
Raging Bender- VOTED OFF

NOTE: somewhere along the way The Sting was removed from the list without getting voted off. I added it back on.......

« Reply #275 on: 03-19-2009 18:26 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(/)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (////)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (//)
Crimes of the Hot- (////)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (//)
War is the H-Word-
The Honking- (/////)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (////)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

Urban Legend
« Reply #276 on: 03-19-2009 19:49 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(//)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (////)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (/)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (///)
Crimes of the Hot- (////)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (//)
War is the H-Word-
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (////)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

The Honking voted off
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #277 on: 03-19-2009 22:12 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(//)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (////)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (//)

Tribe Waterfall IV

A Flight to Remember-(/)
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (///)
Crimes of the Hot- (////)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe

Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (/)
Mother's Day- (//)
War is the H-Word-(/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (////)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

I don't have the heart to remove any episodes now. Just to help them go.
Bending Unit
« Reply #278 on: 03-19-2009 22:16 »

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(//)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-

A Tale of Two Santas- (/////)

Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (////)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (//)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-(/)
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)

Less Than Hero- (////)

Crimes of the Hot- (////)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (/)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)

The Deep South- (//)

Mother's Day- (//)
War is the H-Word-(/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (////)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #279 on: 03-20-2009 02:43 »

Uh...I'm the one who accidentally deleted "The Sting" from the list (which is weird, considering it's probably my favorite episode). Sorry, my bad.

Horrible Gelatinous Tribe
Love's Labours Lost in Space- (/)
Fear of a Bot Planet- (/)
Hell Is Other Robots-
Fry and the Slurm Factory-(///)
A Head in the Polls- (///)
Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?-
The Problem with Popplers-
Parasites Lost-
A Tale of Two Santas- (/////)
Insane in the Mainframe- (/)
Time Keeps on Slippin'- (/)
Love and Rocket- (////)
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- (/)
The Farnsworth Parabox-
Three Hundred Big Boys- (//)

Tribe Waterfall IV
A Flight to Remember-(/)
When Aliens Attack- (/////)
Xmas Story-
Put Your Head on My Shoulder-(//)
Bender Gets Made- (/)
Anthology of Interest I-
The Luck of the Fryish-
Roswell That Ends Well-
Godfellas- (//)
Leela's Homeworld-(/)
Less Than Hero- (////)
Crimes of the Hot- (/////)
The Why of Fry-
The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings- (/)
Into the Wild Green Yonder-

That Tribe
Space Pilot 3000-
The Series Has Landed- (////)
A Fishful of Dollars- (/)
I Second That Emotion- (//)
Brannigan Begin Again-(//)
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back- (//)
The Deep South- (//)
Mother's Day- (//)
War is the H-Word-(/)
Amazon Women in the Mood-
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid-
Anthology of Interest II- (//)
Future Stock- (////)
Jurassic Bark-
The Sting-
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