
DOOP Secretary

Does it just have to be movies or can we extend it to tv shows, as well?

Bending Unit
How about Toy Story 2: Woody => Fry Buzz Lightyear => Leela (was going to have her be Bo Peep, but then she'd have next to no screen time) Buzz II => Zapp Emperor Zurg => Robot Devil Mr. Potato Head => Hermes (Space Potato man) Mrs. Potato Head => LeBarbara Ham => Bender Slinky Dog => Nibbler Rex => Zoidberg Collector => Lrrr Collector (while in chicken suit) => Hyper Chicken Lawyer Geri the Cleaner => Professor Tour Guide Barbie => Amy (in fact, all Barbies would be Amy clones  ) Jesse => Malfunctioning Lucy Liu-bot Bullseye => One of those balls Fry rode on Stinky Pete => Donbot Andy => Cubert (he doesn't have much screen time)

DOOP Secretary

Luke - Bender Han - Leela Leia - Fry Chebacca - Nibbler Obi-Wan - Farnsworth C-3PO or R2-D2 - Amy Dodonna - Hermes Tarkin - Nixon Vader - Zapp Generic Imperial Officer - Kif

Starship Captain
A.I. Artificial IntelligenceDavid- Bender Gigolo Joe- Zoidberg (delightfully mismatched!  ) Monica- Leela Henry- Fry Martin- Cubert Teddy- Nibbler Blue Fairy- Mom Dr. Know- Professor Doctor Guy at the beginning and end- Zapp Gigolo Jane- Amy (Sure to make Kryten salivate all over his keyboard.  ) Just to let you know, I do plan on writing a fic based on A.I. So that's one more crappy story of mine to suffer through.

DOOP Secretary

And besides, Fry and Nibbler aren't all that buddy-buddy either, at least not as much as Han/Chewy

Urban Legend
I have a total feeling of deja vu going on here. Now was it done on this board or not oh well. Ah now I remember it was the hipjoint and Kryten and I were discussing which Futurama characters corispond best with Farscape characters here was the conclusion. John Crichton-Ben Browder-Phillip Fry Aeryn Sun-Claudia Black-Turonga Leela Ka Dargo-Anthony Simcoe-Flexo Rygel XVI-Johnathen Hardy-Bender Chiana-Gigi Edgley_Amy Wong Crais-Lani Tupu-Zapp Branigan Stark-Paul Goddard-Kif Pilot-Lani Tupu-Hermes Conrad Jool-Tammy Macintosh-Michelle Scorpious-Wayne Pygram-Professor Farnsworth Of course this is just the series three main cast but I don't think we came up with any other comparisons. Oh is this the first none movie one

Bending Unit
Originally posted by wu_konguk: I have a total feeling of deja vu going on here. Now was it done on this board or not oh well. Ah now I remember it was the hipjoint and Kryten and I were discussing which Futurama characters corispond best with Farscape characters here was the conclusion.
Rats, I should have thought of using Farscape. I love that show. (That and Futurama are, IMO, the two best shows on the air.) I like most of those picks. Fry and Leela as John and Aeryn is perfect. They've got similar storylines going on. And the image of a tiny Bender hovering around on a throne stealing everything in sight is hilarious.  Zapp would be good as Crais (especially with some of the later eps implying that he had a thing for Aeryn/Leela). And Chiana and Amy seem like a pretty good match. Apart from that, I'd change Scorpy to Mom. She's more devious than Prof. Farnsworth is. Pilot I'd cast as Zoidberg, simply to see a six-armed Zoidy being left alone in that den while the others go off to have an adventure. Ka Dargo could be Kif since they both had things with Chiana/Amy. Sure Dargo's didn't work out, but I'd like to see Kif trying to hold that sword-blaster of Dargo's.  I'm not too sure about the rest. I guess I'd cast Free Waterfall Jr. as Stark and keep Michelle as Jool. Definitely use Lrr and his people as the Scarren's though.

Urban Legend
Yeah we had the idea of using Zoidberg as Zhaan but decided Zhaan was more competent as a doctor than poor Zoidy. I've been think though maybe Zoidberg could work as NamTar from DNA mad scientist I think that would be cool.  The reason Hermes was for personality reasons, hermes keeps PE running the same as Pilot keeping Moya running. Dargo was hard to cast from the Futurama characters because there is no one like him, that's why I went with a non essential character like Flexo come to think of it maybe Morbo would work better. The Professor was choosen because Like Scorpy he is not evil just amoral and some what misguided. FYI I drefinilty agree with Farscape and Futurama being the undeniably greatest shows on TV at the moment.

DOOP Secretary

Austin Powers two
Austin Powers - Fry Feicty Shagwell - Leela Dr Evil - Bender Fat Bastard - Zoidberg Scot - Amy. Bascel - Farnsworth.
American Pie 2
Jim - Fry Sifler - Bender Micheal - Leela Nadia - Amy Jim's dad - Farnsworth.

Starship Captain
Hey, look! BBT's doing a non-movie one! SmallvilleClark- Tom Welling- Fry Lana- Kristin Kruek- Leela Whitney- Eric Johnson- Zapp Chloe- Alison Mack Amy Lex- Micheal Rosenbaum- Bender Jonathon Kent- John Schneider- Professor Martha Kent- Annette O'Toole- Mom Pete- Sam Jones III- Flexo Oh, about the A.I. thing, hopefully it'll be a part of a "What If" series. Watch for it!

DOOP Secretary

What the heck. OK, so it's not a movie or TV show, but rather a video game.
Chrono Trigger
Chrono - Fry Marle - Leela Bender - Robo Frog - Zoidberg Lucca - Amy Ayla - Hermes Belthasar - Farnsworth Ozzie - Morbo Flea - Linda Slash - Calculon Cyrus - Bubblegum Tate Knights of the Square Table - Harlem Globetrotters Mother Brain - Mom Lavos spawn - Glurmo Lavos - Slurm Queen
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #24 on: 03-14-2002 10:07 »
« Last Edit on: 03-14-2002 10:07 »
Oh, if we're talking about Computer Games Nixorbo "Ace" Azzameen - Phillip J Fry [alright we don't really see Ace but what the hell] Aeron Azzameen - Turanga LeelaEmon Azzameen - Bender B RodreguiezGalin Azzameen - LarryAntan Azzameen - WaltTomaas Azzameen - Hubert J FarnsworthMK-109 (Emkay) - Cubert J FarnsworthDunari - Hermes ConradGolov Nakhym - LrrrOlin Garn - Yancy J Fry Jnr [edit-thought Phil's brother would be better] Other Rebel Pilots: Seymore Poopenmeyer Amy Wong Smitty Linda Joey Mousepad Labarbara Conrad Kiff KrokerCommander Zaletta - Bubblegum TateCommander Devers - CalculonCommander Kupalo - FlexoAdmiral Akbar - ZoidbergConcourse P.A. Announcer - Zapp BranniganAdmiral Yamarus - Yancy J Fry [Phil's dad Yancy] Admiral Holtz - Richard M NixonAdmiral Zaarin - MorboIf you haven't guessed what it is then I'm talking about X-Wing Alliance. Yay

DOOP Secretary

Moulin Rouge
Christian - Fry. Satine - Leela. Zidler - Zoidberg. Lautrec - Bender. Duke - Zapp. Diamond dogs whore - Amy.


The Matrix
Neo-Keanu Reeves-Fry Trinity-Carrie Anne Moss-Amy or Leela Morpheus-Laurence Fishburne-Bender Mouse-Matt Doran-Kif Tank and Dover-Hermes and Zoidberg Agent-Hugo Weaver-Mom? Farnsworth? Cypher-Joe Pantoliani-Brannigan
i don't know the actors of Tank and Dover

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Nixorbo: That guy whose name I can never remember who seems to be attracted to Switch - Kif

« Reply #31 on: 03-17-2002 15:33 »
« Last Edit on: 03-17-2002 15:33 »
Pulp Fiction: Vincent Vega: Fry Mia Wallce: Amy Jules Winnfield: Hermes Marcellus Wallace: Bender Bruce: Leela Zed: Zapp Professor: Mr. Wolf

Full Metal Jacket
Joker: Fry Animal Mother: Leela 8-ball: Hermes Cowboy: Cubert Hartman: Bender Me so horny chick: Amy


anybody seen office space:
peter-fry micheal balton-i don't know samir-hermes milton-zoidberg lumberg-farnsworth joanna-leela ann-amy lawrence-bender the bobs-kif and zapp

South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut: Kyle...aw, screw this, the only good one i can think of is Zapp as Big Gay Al...
um....oh! got a good one! Alright..I'm gonna try to match the futurama characters as perfectly as I can with the characters in this: Shrek Shrek: Fry Donkey: Bender Princess Fiona: Leela (although it kinda makes you cringe to think of Leela that vain at the start...) Lord Farquaad AND Robin Hood: Zapp Mirror: Kif Gingerbread Man: Tiny Tim robot Dragon: Crushinator Thelonious: Destructor Wolf: Zoidberg Old woman with Donkey: Mom Guy collecting money for the fairytale creatures: Hermes Dwarves: Neptunians Woman crying "The chair! Give him the chair!": Newswoman Girl going "alright" in wrestling scene: Amy Robin Hood's monk (the one with the accordion): Farnsworth

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #35 on: 03-17-2002 20:05 »
« Last Edit on: 03-17-2002 20:05 »
Originally posted by DrThunder88: Apoc? Yes, thank you. Made a couple changes to my Matrix cast list

Originally posted by DrThunder88: Luke - Bender Han - Leela Leia - Fry Chebacca - Nibbler Obi-Wan - Farnsworth C-3PO or R2-D2 - Amy Dodonna - Hermes Tarkin - Nixon Vader - Zapp Generic Imperial Officer - Kif I think Morbo should be Vader. He'd be a far better choice...


Who's the one who lost the crossbow???