Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

I can't see the bottom picture! Argh!
[Farnsworth]Oh, let's give baby what he wants.[/Farnsworth] Happy?
oh! tonks


« Reply #42 on: 01-26-2009 01:34 »
« Last Edit on: 01-26-2009 01:35 »
I can't see the bottom picture! Argh!
You made my day! [Farnsworth]Oh, let's give baby what he wants.[/Farnsworth]
You made my day! (Btw, what SHE wants. I'm a girl)


« Reply #43 on: 01-26-2009 01:39 »
« Last Edit on: 01-26-2009 01:43 »
... I so cannot wait for this movie.
I am with you. Why can't February come any faster? Also I love that picture. Makes me want it more... 


Seriously... Someone should post a clip on youtube of a scene in the movie. They did the same thing with Bender's Game, and it was just a month before it was due out.
I don't care how small the clip is...


As long as it isn't like the end scene or something. Just something good. But something with a cliffhanger, to make you want to watch the movie more...ha. Actually that would probably just make me crazy...


I'm already going crazy over not seeing this movie! GAHHHHHH! I can't believe I'm saying this but... I WANT MORE SPOILERS!!


My head is EXPLODING because I want to see it. Everyone buy 5 copies so Futurama gets a new season!! After this I really hope it continues.


No...everybody buy 10 copies, and give those away to 9 friend. (You keep one) Then force those friends to buy 10 copies and do the same thing all over again.


Yes but you must give them to people who don't have it. Or just shoot them out of some air gun to people at a basketball game or something. I don't care if it gives them a concussion in the process, as long as they get it.
(not really)
I actually need to find a way to pay for this thing. I think I can, just gotta check. If not I'll wait til the day after it comes out, because it usually goes down to $14 eventually..
I'll get it within a week of release....that is too much wait time.


I'm quietly impatient. I don't go crazy over it, just when I am talking about it. Of course it stays in the back of my head during the day, though, so I still think about it...

Urban Legend
« Reply #53 on: 01-26-2009 06:29 »
« Last Edit on: 01-26-2009 06:32 »
March 22nd in AU? No, it's meant to be the 4th... the 4th. If they change it to the 22nd, I...I don't know what I would do  Edit: No, it is the 4th, I remember seeing ITWGY aussie debut 4th March on the sanity coming soon board. Phew. I had quite a shock there.
Liquid Emperor
Just Futurama or cartoons in general? Some reviewers don't like cartoons period. They don't think they should be bothered with them because they are not serious. Even though with all the CG work in many "live action" movies could be also considered cartoons. No pretty faces or personalities to schmooze with to get article filler and hype, etc. to make the reviewer important.


You put the spoiler tags around it: [spoiler] Just like this. [/spoiler] Then it will look like this. Also if you go to the full editor by clicking preview there is a button with a red blob thin on it, click that, and it puts spoiler tags around it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #71 on: 01-29-2009 18:11 »
« Last Edit on: 01-29-2009 19:17 »
I was asked to ask the guy who posted about ITWGY in LJ for more snippets about Fry and Leela getting together Here's his reply: The Fry and Leela storyline basically plays out as though Billion Backs and Bender's Game never happened. Because of the way the film is structured, after Leela joins the feminist group (probably 25 minutes in), they only meet up a few times during the middle section. Fry has taken a job for Leo Wong in the hopes of sabotaging his destructive plans, which Leela misinterperates as working for the enemy.
Towards the end, Fry tries to sacrifice himself so that Leela can realise her ultimate goal (I know I'm being vague but to explain this further would be a long and complicated procedure ), but he lives, and....shortly after the final scene plays out, which I described to you before. I also asked him whether the prophecy is explained in ITWGY or not. Nibbler's not in the movie himself, but I suppose it does play out, in that Fry saves a giant 'egg' planet that is cultivating and preserving endangered species. There's a lot going on in this movie.
Curious Gorge

Bending Unit
I was asked to ask the guy who posted about ITWGY in LJ for more snippets about Fry and Leela getting together . Here's his reply:
The Fry and Leela storyline basically plays out as though Billion Backs and Bender's Game never happened. Because of the way the film is structured, after Leela joins the feminist group (probably 25 minutes in), they only meet up a few times during the middle section. Fry has taken a job for Leo Wong in the hopes of sabotaging his destructive plans, which Leela misinterperates as working for the enemy.
Towards the end, Fry tries to sacrifice himself so that Leela can realise her ultimate goal (I know I'm being vague but to explain this further would be a long and complicated procedure ), but he lives, and....shortly after the final scene plays out, which I described to you before.
I also asked him whether the prophecy is explained in ITWGY or not.
Nibbler's not in the movie himself, but I suppose it does play out, in that Fry saves a giant 'egg' planet that is cultivating and preserving endangered species. There's a lot going on in this movie.
The more I hear about the movie the more impatient I become, it really does sound rather awesome in all respects. Just a few more weeks.

Bending Unit
« Reply #73 on: 01-29-2009 19:11 »
« Last Edit on: 01-29-2009 19:20 »
Also, an user of the Infosphere has found an interview with David X. Cohen in the February 2009 issue of ToyFare magazine. The article has a partial frame of the scene which DXC's promised us and which includes every Futurama character. I couldn't find the transcription of the interview, but apparently DXC says in the article that there's a reason for the characters' gathering, and that the crew isn't in it because "they're elsewhere dealing with some other events...".
I guess he's referring to the last scene.
Curious Gorge

Bending Unit
I think the scene with every character is about when everyone gathers for Leo Wong's "big explosion" or something like that. I believe it's mentioned in one of the reviews listed in this thread.
Uh, yeah, I forgot about that. But I have a feeling the scene with every character is near the end of the movie... Do we know whether Leo Wong's inauguration party is in the first or in the second half of the movie? My mind is playing tricks on me today.
I don't know for sure but the impression that I've got from reading reviews is that it occurs near the end of the movie. Kudos to you for getting some more spoilers though, I'm a 'spoilerphile' too so I always appreciate any info I can get.