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Author Topic: is it just me...??  (Read 1158 times)
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« on: 03-08-2002 01:43 »

Is it just me, or do the season 4 episodes have weaker introductions to the plot? Before, there would be a whole story before the actual plot began. For example, the problem with popplers had the whole fishy joe's thing. We didn't see the main concern(the Omicrionions) until the halfway point of that episode, making the episode even harder to leave halfway. I was disapointed with "Where the Buggalo Roam" because it just started right where it finished. No subplots. Nothing. We started the ep with the damn ship landing, I just didn't like how there was no development. The same goes for the other season 4 eps(except for Roswell)But don't get me wrong, I still like season 4,including this ep, just not as much as the classics(popplers, fryish,I rommate).

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 03-08-2002 02:22 »

I love that sort of plotting, too--it makes an episode so much richer--but it certainly can be difficult. While you're right about Season Four so far, we should be careful what we wish for: when I finally gave up on "The Simpsons," totally stupid and moronic tacked-on subplots were leading to totally dull and asinine main plots--and the occasional test-viewing suggests that's become the "Simpsons" standard.  :(

I've been told that "South Park" sucks, in part, because last night's episode showed a gag literally beating a dead horse. But they wouldn't bring up the "Simpsons" ep in which Homer spent Act I dealing with a trespassing badger that almost disemboweled him, then, when it attacked him in Act II, he simply told it, "We're done with you, get lost!!" The show seems to be written now by oh-so-bored-with-it-all Hollywood poseurs who not only don't give a damn about their show, but like to brag about it. God help us if they were to migrate to "Futurama"...   

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 03-08-2002 13:01 »

Originally posted by BrainSluggo:
But they wouldn't bring up the "Simpsons" ep in which Homer spent Act I dealing with a trespassing badger that almost disemboweled him, then, when it attacked him in Act II, he simply told it, "We're done with you, get lost!!" The show seems to be written now by oh-so-bored-with-it-all Hollywood poseurs who not only don't give a damn about their show, but like to brag about it. God help us if they were to migrate to "Futurama"...   

I hope the writers don't migrate to Futurama.  Aren't the writers for the Simpsons supposed to be these oh so smart Harvard funny guys?  If they can't write plots anymore they should give back their diplomas and find another job.  I love the Simpsons, but the ultra obvious jokes about the show itself are irritating me.  The last new Simpsons episode(the cowboy one) had one in there too.  Marge said something to the effect of "Looks like your not going to have any adventures this episode Homer".  We can't come up with new stuff so lets point out how bored we are and pass it off as jokes, ha ha.  I'm not laughing.

Starship Captain
« Reply #3 on: 03-08-2002 13:53 »

The occasional pop at the show is OK, like the Southpark beating the dead horse gag, they are funny but if they become a regular it's as if the writers are mocking you for watching. Calvin and Hobbes had a lot of gripes and moans about the comic strip industry, sometimes they would be hilarious, sometimes sad, and sometimes just get in the way. It is a sign of dissafection with what the wirters are producing.

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 03-08-2002 14:00 »

I thought Leela's Homeworld kind of started that way with Farnsworth's glow-in-the dark nose maker, then discovering the toxic waste it created, then having to dispose of it, then the mutants kidnapping Fry, Leela and Bender then it got into the main story of Leela's parents.

It is a difficult thing to judge as we have only seen 6 episodes so far and only 2 of those have been actual season 4 episodes as far as production numbers go. That and you can probably take out AoI II as that one really doesn't fit into any category. I do like those kinds of stories but a good mix of story types is better than doing them all in only one way.

I thought even Love and Rocket was along those lines as well. Even though it started with Bender and the PE ship going at it the episode drifted away from that as they went to the Love Company (I know that is not what its called but couldn't think of the name off hand) and concentrated on that story for awhile then came back to the main story.

« Reply #5 on: 03-08-2002 14:08 »

yeah true, I just thought that way because i saw the Luck of the Fryish just before Where the Buggalo Roam, which makes Where the Buggalo Roam seem inferior especially in the plot department. But the stories are still great and I'm looking for that standout season 4 ep. I've been looking forward to A Pharoah to Remember for quite some time, hopefully this is the standout ep.
Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 03-08-2002 14:17 »

I think the biggest problem with Futurama right now (not that it's really that big a deal) is that there's simply too much drama.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 03-08-2002 14:21 »

I'm not completely clear on what you're saying, but keep in mind that we've only had, what, 6 episodes this season? And most of those were supposed to air in season 3. It's hard to judge things by season now, thanks to FOX's stupidity.

Besides, Love & Rocket had a pretty good story, and it had two different angles(the story about delivering candy to the Omnicronians, and the story about the ship's new personality going crazy and trying to kill the PE crew). Oh and also it fit in some pretty good Fry/Leela development. I'd say Where The Buggalo Roam has been the weakest episode so far, and even that wasn't bad. (on the same token, I don't think any episode has grabbed me like Amazon Women In The Mood or Luck of the Fryrish either. but like I said, we've only had a few episodes. Give it some more time)

Originally posted by BrainSluggo:
I've been told that "South Park" sucks, in part, because last night's episode showed a gag literally beating a dead horse. But they wouldn't bring up the "Simpsons" ep in which Homer spent Act I dealing with a trespassing badger that almost disemboweled him, then, when it attacked him in Act II, he simply told it, "We're done with you, get lost!!"

Trust me, The Simpsons aren't much better nowadays. That was a terrible episode. Do the writers honestly think these "oh look, we're pointing out that the plot sucks!" jokes are still funny? Harvard Community College should be fired for producing such unfunny writers.
Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 03-08-2002 15:02 »

I disagree. I think Leela's Homeworld was the weakest.

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 03-08-2002 15:50 »

i loved leela's homeworld, and love and rocket, i thought buggalo was kinda weak though, not a lot, only slightly. What does everyone have against the drama eps? i adore them. I've watched the scene in love and rocket where Fry saves Leela like 20+ times already and im about to watch it again.  :love:

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 03-08-2002 16:37 »

Aw man, I didn't see Bendo's post before. He made most of my points way before me. Oh well.

By Tome:
I've been looking forward to A Pharoah to Remember for quite some time, hopefully this is the standout ep.

Yeah I'm kind of looking forward to that one too. I hope it doesn't become too much of a My Three Suns rehash though. It's written by that Weiner guy, who wrote Luck of the Fryrish, so hopefully it will be another classic.
Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 03-08-2002 18:03 »

The trailer doesn't look all that promising, although it concentrates on maybe5 minutes of storyline.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 03-08-2002 23:48 »

I just don't like episodes (from any show) that discards a mini-plot in the first act. The best example of this is Kill An Alligator and Run. I can list the reasons. (6 of them)

1. Homer thinks he will die soon, so needs to get some mental rest.
2. Homer parties crazy with the college people.
3. OFF rides on a boat, and bump a gator. Cops arrest them.
4. The family escapes and start a 'new' life as a southern hick family working in a diner.
5. Coppers catch up and make 'em do volunteer work.
6. Alligator re-appears and the family is free. They are now banned from 47 states.

I had to elaborate on all these because they could be all part of a single plot, but each event begins without any evidence of the previous event ever happening! The 'plot' in this episode was very disjointed. IMO, it was the worst Simpsons ever made.

I like drama eps, but they still need their healthy dose of humor, and involvment in more characters. I understand that "Leela's Homeworld" was about Leela, but they've focused on her so much that she was detached too much from the other characters. Fansworth and his toxic machine was the show's only save.
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