
DOOP Secretary

Professor: "Most video tapes from that era where destroyed in 2443 during the second coming of Jesus."
Also Bender's songs for the show are classic.

DOOP Secretary

In Birdbot of Icecatraz one of Bender's primary functions is "Cheese It!".

DOOP Secretary

Fry's first moment of epic indescision.
Fry: "Wait a second. I'm getting an idea. N-No, false alarm. No. Yeah. No. Yeah. No. Wait. No. Yeah. Yeah. No ... no. Yes!"

DOOP Secretary

One of Fry's best random lines.
Fry: "Bender? Bender? Have you seen my sombrero?"

Starship Captain
« Reply #107 on: 12-25-2008 00:51 »
« Last Edit on: 12-25-2008 00:55 »
Today should be I second that emotion and tomorrow should be Branigan begin again but since tommorow is Christmas (MERRY CHRISTMAS) we can discuss both today and tomorrow.  Also one of my favorite quotes Bender: "You think your so hot!" Fry: "Wha?" Bender: "The only reason why you get all the guys is because you dress like a tramp!" smackFry: (sobbing) "Their just responding to my personality."


I'm gonna watch all the episodes and movies starting today, going to watch as many as I can per day =]


Yeah, Leela is too into the the mutants who DON'T look like her...no...

DOOP Secretary

Best ending ever!
Campaign Manager: "I give you the next president of Earth!"
Nixon: "Nixon's back!"
Also one of Morbo's best lines.
Morbo: "Morbo congratulates our gargantuan cyborg president. May death come quickly to his enemies."