DOOP Secretary
Fry: "You're better than normal, you're abnormal!"
Curious Gorge
Bending Unit
I'm quite fond of this episode, sure Adlai was a bit of a poor character but he served a relatively important purpose in the sense that he made Leela realise that perhaps a "normal life" wasn't for her all along, despite it being what she'd had always craved.
Moving away from that subtext however there are plenty of laughs to be had. Bender being a father figure is something that was always going to be amusing, then there's Fry's "You're better than normal, you're abnormal!" line which must go down as one of the most deceptively sweet things he's ever said, not to mention hilarious. Also a fan of the "I'm not jealous, oh wait, I am, but my point remains valid!" line, not obviously funny but it's just classic Fry.
I'm quite surprised that this episode isn't more popular, I've always rated it reasonably highly.
DOOP Secretary
Best...cut away....ever.
Mrs. Wong: "Yeah. This time we get most decorated law man in the whole universe!"
Kif: "You mean-- Oh, no, please. I beg you! Oh, for the love of--"
Zapp: "I am the man with no name. Zapp Brannigan, at your service!"
Curious Gorge
Bending Unit
An all-time favourite moment of mine:
"We got a right to pick a llittle fight with rustlers. Somebody wants to pick a fight with us - he better bite my ass."
Agreed, always loved that part too, strangely amusing. However the best moment of this episode is where Fry can never seem to see obviously visible objects/landmarks. "...where?"
DOOP Secretary
I always loved how the Professor and Hermes are so afraid of competition that they smash their own sons' box.
Fry: "I hope it's a lager so I can take it to a ballgame."
"Who's going to use a delivery company with a kicked sign? NOBODY! That's who!"
Beck: Thank you. That song doesn't usually last three hours, but we got into a serious thing ... and then I forgot how it ended. Bender: Fry cracked corn, And I don't care, Leela cracked corn, I still don't care, Bender cracked corn, And he is great! Take that, you stupid corn! This was one of my favorite episodes.