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Author Topic: Attention New New Yorkers - Stop asking so stupid! - Stupid Questions  (Read 37056 times)
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PEE Poll: Ideas for the title of the next thread. Suggestions will be added, cause I don't like any of the ideas me and BF1221 came up with.
Why? My stupids.
If you guys are done being stupid. I have more...
Did you just say questions are cool? No, we said they're stupid. Cool!


Space Pope
« Reply #640 on: 04-20-2009 20:19 »

A: There were too many children in the army.

Q: How long did it take to beat China?


« Reply #641 on: 04-20-2009 21:03 »

a. to long

Q. whats 2+2

Bending Unit
« Reply #642 on: 04-20-2009 22:15 »

A. 2, because everything in the future is simplified.

Q. Why hasn't Zoidberg been fired yet?

Starship Captain
« Reply #643 on: 04-21-2009 01:34 »

A: Because the Professor still has some misplaced trust in him, and his friendship.

Q: Why didn't Leela see right through the lies that the paradox duplicate Fry (aka Lars) perpetrated?
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #644 on: 04-21-2009 02:37 »

A. There were no lies.

Q. What lies?

Starship Captain
« Reply #645 on: 04-21-2009 02:51 »

A: That he was some one other than who his dna and Bender tattoo revealed himself to be, AKA Philip J Fry, not Lars Filmore, a fictitious character who existed only because a depressed 21st century Fry got scorched by Bender, who thought he killed him in 2012. Yet she believes the bullshit that he was someone he wasn't, and even is about to marry him before finding out via Hermes and the professor that time paradox duplicates are always doomed.

Q: Why would Leela have feelings for some lying jerk as opposed to the person who has always cared?
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #646 on: 04-21-2009 03:03 »

A. Only Leela would be able to answer that.

Q. Will Zoidberg ever get a girlfriend?

Starship Captain
« Reply #647 on: 04-21-2009 03:11 »

A: Not unless they want to kill him off, his species mates once and then die. (In case you couldn't tell I'm not terribly fond of BBS)

Q:Why did Nibbler forget to wipe their memories at the end of BBS?
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #648 on: 04-21-2009 03:13 »

A. His battery ran out.

Q. Does Nibbler use 6V or 12V?

Space Pope
« Reply #649 on: 04-21-2009 04:53 »

A: He actually uses an 8.5V battery.

Q: Why not your standard 6V or 12V?

Suss I'm with you on not being too fond of BBS

« Reply #650 on: 04-22-2009 15:27 »

A: because they ve all been extinct for 600years

B: What happened back then?

Urban Legend
« Reply #651 on: 04-22-2009 19:40 »

A:  The batteries all ran dead, because batteries are now a dead techology.

Q:  If Fry fell down and scraped his knees and elbows, who would help him?


Space Pope
« Reply #652 on: 04-22-2009 20:28 »

A: No one, he'd have to kiss the wounds himself.

Q; Would he succeed?

Bending Unit
« Reply #653 on: 04-22-2009 22:51 »

A. No, he would SUFFER!!!

Q. What would Bender do if he got fired?

« Reply #654 on: 04-22-2009 23:27 »

A. get drunk
Q. how many hearts does zoidburg have?

Starship Captain
« Reply #655 on: 04-23-2009 01:13 »

A: 3, he used to have four hearts, but didn't get one reinstalled after the Roswell incident

Q: Who shot Fry on Sicily 8 the mob planet?

Bending Unit
« Reply #656 on: 04-23-2009 17:48 »

A. A mobster.

Q. What did he do to upset the mobster?

« Reply #657 on: 04-23-2009 18:19 »

A: the nasty with his wife

Q: Why would he be so irresponsible?

Space Pope
« Reply #658 on: 04-23-2009 18:42 »

A: Because it is Fry, no further explanation is needed.

Q: What was the stupidest thing that Fry has ever done?

Starship Captain
« Reply #659 on: 04-24-2009 00:47 »

A: Becoming his own grandfather by accidentally killing the man he thought was his grandfather, and impregnating his grandmother under the false belief that she couldn't possibly be his grandmother.

Q: Who should Leela kill first, if she ever went on a homicidal rampage?

Bending Unit
« Reply #660 on: 04-24-2009 01:10 »

A. Zoidberg

Q. Why?

Starship Captain
« Reply #661 on: 04-24-2009 02:11 »

A: Due to his constant irritating nature, and strong smell of garbage, also the fact that he wouldn't take her torture collar off during the course of Bender's Game.

Q: Why did Fry ignore #9 man's warning to not tell anyone that he was on a mission to save the violet dwarf star?
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #662 on: 04-24-2009 03:37 »

A. It's called CURIOUSNESS, a deadly disease (in the wrong situation) that can spread to anyone.

Q. Is thee a cure for it?

Space Pope
« Reply #663 on: 04-24-2009 16:50 »

A: There is but it is in the remotest part of the Universe.

Q: What is the cure?

Urban Legend
« Reply #664 on: 04-24-2009 18:31 »

A:  an antidote to cure curiosity.

Q:  Does Fry talk whiny and nasally? 

Starship Captain
« Reply #665 on: 04-25-2009 00:28 »

A: Perhaps, perhaps not, the world may never find out again, if its not renewed.

Q: Why didn't Leela have some sort of diary recording of what happened during the time slips?

Space Pope
« Reply #666 on: 04-25-2009 00:58 »

A: Because she doesn't use a diary anymore.

Q: What made her stop?
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #667 on: 04-25-2009 04:03 »

A. We shall never know...

Q. What are the chances Fry would have a wallet at least half full?

Starship Captain
« Reply #668 on: 04-25-2009 05:55 »

A: Of money? No, unless it was pay day, and right before Bender robs him.

Q: Why does Amy not simply quit working for the Professor?
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #669 on: 04-25-2009 10:44 »

A. He bribes her with ponies.

Q. What replaces pencil sharpeners?

Starship Captain
« Reply #670 on: 04-25-2009 14:49 »

A: An automatic pencil cutting unit.

Q: What incriminating evidence does Zapp Brannigan possess against the DOOP higher ups to maintain his position as a "high" ranking star ship captain in the DOOP and Earth Armies?

Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #671 on: 04-25-2009 15:13 »

A. He has better velour...

Q. Who was Zapp Brannigan's first love?

Bending Unit
« Reply #672 on: 04-26-2009 01:48 »

A. The first thing he ever looked at.

Q. What was it?

Urban Legend
« Reply #673 on: 04-26-2009 19:00 »

A:  A shooting comet.

Q:  If Kiff quit working for Zapp, who would his replacement be?


Starship Captain
« Reply #674 on: 04-28-2009 00:06 »

A: He already technically has quit by joining with the fugitives and his Fon Fon Ru, Amy... His replacement would be who ever was nearest to Zapp at the time of the incident.

Q: If Leela couldn't tell that Lars was really a doomed version of Fry, then why make it so obvious to everyone who is watching at home?

« Reply #675 on: 04-28-2009 17:26 »

A: It's a common structure, you get to know something another character doesn't know. Leela isn't meant to be with any random dude anyway, and I guess they(creaters) knew we knew that it was coming, making it as a "surprise" wouldn't be much of a surprise anywai.

Q: What was it that Scruffy guessed they never would know?

Urban Legend
« Reply #676 on: 04-28-2009 19:23 »

A:  Why he's so laid-back and nonchalant

Q:  What would you prefer?  A Futurama/Family Guy crossover or a Futurama/American Dad crossover?


Delivery Boy
« Reply #677 on: 04-29-2009 02:15 »

A: I'd rather see Futurama/Family Guy with Stewie coming up with an evil plan and time traveling to the future.

Q: If the Professor was with Mom three times as he says, does that imply he is the father of all three of her sons?

Starship Captain
« Reply #678 on: 04-29-2009 02:27 »

A: Nope, its fairly clear that they are probably Wernstrom's sons.....

Q: Why on earth did the Professor keep coming back to MOM?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #679 on: 04-29-2009 02:35 »

A: He either really loves her or she does something he really loves....

Q: Should Wermstrom get a paternity test given MOM's past affairs?
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