I bought mine from
http://bensonsworld.co.uk. (I used to order from Blackstar, but someone turned me onto this place) Good price and they packaged it pretty good. Free international shipping too. They were so friendly and quick, that I preordered SPACED series 2 from them the day Futurama arrived.
I went to the thing at the Paley festival and someone asked about the DVD's which they said would come out sometime... later when they had the signings, I had them sign the DVD covers. The first question out of most people's mouths were "Are those bootlegs?" seeming like they were about to be offended. Once I pointed out they were the legit R2 release, they said something along the lines of "Wow! This is what it looks like!" or "I haven't openned mine up. This is cool!" or so on. David Cohen asked me if the commentary track came out ok. It was cool.
(I need to scan in the covers. I had one person sign it and all these random people also signed it, and said things like "I signed this disc because I directed the first Zap Brannigan episode." I have no idea who 1/3rd these signatures are.)