
Space Pope
« Reply #200 on: 08-01-2008 18:36 »
« Last Edit on: 08-01-2008 18:36 »
THE LIST OF DOOM1 Amazonians 2 Angry Dome 3 Alkazar 4 Agnew 5 A-synchronous Orbit 6 All My Circuits 7 Amy 8 Alps 9 Absolute Zero 10 Awesome Express 11 Answer Phone 12 Adelei 13 Ant 14 Ammonia 15 Arena 16 Afterburner 17 Aphrodesiac 18 Alcohol 19 Ass 20 Andrew 21 Accidental Cryogenic Freezing 22 Amazonia 23 Amphibios 9 24 Albino Shouting Gorilla 25 Andy Goldman 26 African Hydraulic Fever 27 Alphabet Blocks 28 A Big Piece of Garbage 29 Applebee's 30 Amateur Valet Parking Night 31 Abraca-duh! 32 Atlantis. 33 Apartment 1I. 34 Apocalypse 35 Atomic Bomb 36 Apple Pie
1 Bending 2 Bender 3 Boxy 4 Buchanan 5 Bees 6 Brain Spawn 7 Bureaucrat 1.0 8 Boneitis 9 Bachelor Chow 10 Botulism Treatment 11 Barfing *the whale in 300 big boys* 12 Blernsball 13 Blackula 14 Big Brain 15 Bealersaurus (aka Seymour) 16 Beck 17 Black Hole 18 Bender's Big Score 19 Breakfast Nook 20 Bermudon triangle 21 Brannigan's Law 22 Bolt Rolands 23 Billy West 24 Bont the Viscous 25 Betty Boop 26 Bird (The Parrot in Xmas Story) 27 Bonder. 28 Bozons 29 Beast (with a Billion Backs) 30 Bootlegged soup (Bathtub Minestrone!) 31 Billy (From the propaganda film) 32 Boy Bands 33 Bender's Game 34 Biz-zay 35 Balls 36 Boogie-ing
1 Circuits 2 Calculon 3 Cuteness reduction surgery 4 Claw-Pla 5 Cronitons 6 Captain Zapp Brannigan 7 Captain Turanga Leela 8 Cyclotron 9 Cats 10 Chokula 11 Carbonated logic matrix 12 Coolometer 13 Cootie town 14 Chicken flavoured cigarettes (kentucky slims) 15 Colossal mouth bass 16 Coolio 17 Crustacean 18 Calculon's Talent (the boat) 19 Countess 20 Cham-pag-in 21 Sweet Clyde 22 Cylon and Garfunkle 23 Captain Muskie 24 Career Chip. 25 Cubert 26 CONGO JACK!! 27 Cyclops 28 Crushinator 29 Chesty McNag-Nag 30 Colleen 31 Cleveland, Grover. 32 Cuddle Cab 33 Circus Fortunes 34 Cyclopia 35 Calculon's Pride 36 Cheese Nubs
1 Dwight 2 Donbot 3 Decapod 10 4 Death Clock 5 Dogdoo 7 6 Dolomite 7 Dances of the Ancient Bronx 8 Death by airlock failure 9 DiMaggio 10 Deathball 11 Diode 12 Directive B-10.81 (also known as Brannigan's Law) 13 Dog (as in Seymour) 14 Decapodians 15 Death by brain parasite 16 Doom field 17 Death...BY SNU SNU! 18 Delivery Boy 19 Dogdoo 8 20 Doomed 21 Democratic Order of Planets 22 Destructor 23 Diamondillium 24 Dark Matter 25 DOOP 26 Diamond (with cash like this, who's going to argue?) 27 Dork Alert. 28 Dancing Dean 29 Doctor Zoidberg 30 Doomsday device 31 Doctor Cahill 32 Dissect its brain 33 Dungeons 34 Driving thong 35 Dragons 36 Double yes!
1 Elzar 2 Edna 3 Eternium 4 Enos 5 Evila 6 Everybody Loves Hypnotoad 7 Ebola 9 8 Elephant that never KILL! 9 Elves 10 Earth 11 Earth 2 12 Edible crown (made of wood) 13 Essence of Elzar 14 Election 15 Etymology 16 Earthican 17 Electric Eel 18 Electron 19 Eagle 20 Egad 21 Electricity 22 Emperor Nimballa 23 Egg salad sandwich 24 Explosive Amnesia 25 El Chupanibre 26 Energy Being 27 Everyone! (News) 28 Explosive Decompression 29 Educated whale who thinks he's better than you 30 Electro-Gonorrhea 31 El Zoido 32 Electro-Matter 33 Electic Frankfurter. 34 Exactly as naughty 35 Elephant-skin rugs 36 Electric Ladyland Laptop Dances
1 Fry 2 F-Ray 3 Farnsworth 4 Fate worse than death 5 Funkometer 6 Fonzies 7 Futurama 8 Foghat grey 9 Flexo 10 Fun-gineering degree 11 Fighting *robot fighting league* 12 Friends who do stuff together 13 Futurestock 14 Fear of a Bot Planet 15 Fool! You foolish fool! 16 File not found 17 Fairy 18 For the love of god 19 Fingers 20 Fonfonru 21 Fans 22 Free Waterfall Jr 23 Freedom Day 24 "Fly, my stupids!" 25 Five-hundred-feet tall! 26 Freedom Freedom Freedom Hoy! 27 Five o'clock rust 28 Firestick! 29 Fawn 30 F-shirt 31 Fillmore 32 Futuristic! 33 Flab-o-dynamic spandex suit 34 Femputer 35 Florp. 36 Forbidden valley
1 Gumbercules 2 Gizmometer 3 G is for what Bender is 4 Gas Bladder 5 Gary Gygax 6 Gunter 7 Go-go eighties reaganauts 8 Ghosts 9 Glagnar's Human Rhinds 10 Gaydar 11 Glorx 3:16 12 GREAT SHOW!!! 13 Great Rad Spot 14 Godzilla 15 God 16 Galaxy of Terror 17 Gorgak 18 Giganto 19 Girdle 20 Glorious golden ass 21 Glorious Lug Nuts 22 Gills 23 Guppy (a coffee cup option) 24 Great taste of Charleston Chew 25 Gender Bender 26 Giant Birds 27 Grandfather (being your own and all that) 28 Gravitons 29 Graviolis 30 Grunka Lunkas 31 Giant anteater of Santa Anita 32 Gore, Al 33 Gay weather balloon 34 Gwobal wappa 35 Girders 36 Gummer's Cafeteria 37 Great Shatner's Ghost 38 Gravity (it wins again!) 39 Green Party
1 Hermes 2 Hell (as in robot hell) 3 Hovering Squid World 97-A 4 Human horn 5 Harry Truman 6 Hattie 7 Holland 8 Horrible Gelatinous Blob 9 Head in a jar 10 Hypno Toad 11 Hip Joint 12 Hedonismbot 13 Horse 14 Humour bot 5.0 15 Horse Pepsi 16 Dave Herman 17 Hidden Joke Concealer 18 H-Word 19 Hideous Strangers 20 Horse God 21 Hanukkah Zombie. 22 Hypersled 23 Head Museum 24 Hobo. 25 Halley's Comet 26 Hope (the false kind that Mom loves) 27 Hostages 28 Honking 29 Harpoon in the eye 30 Hairball 31 Hyperdeath™ 32 Helmut Spargle 33 Help Satan! You owe me! 34 Helper 35 Hermenthotep 36 Hitler's brain 37 Hot. (How hot is it?)
1 iZac 2 iHawk 3 Inez 4 Infosphere 5 I don't think that's wise attitude 6 Indian 7 Idiot 8 "It came from Planet Earth!" 9 I'm-my-own-grandpa 10 iObey obedience software 11 Incompetence 12 Intergalactic Planetary 13 Island in Obsoletely Fabulous 14 Iron 15 Ipgee (and his horrible wife) 16 Information 17 Ignar 18 Intragnizent 19 Idle Playthings 20 Insane in the Mainframe 21 Iron Cook 22 Implosion 23 Ion 24 I Dated A Robot 25 "Interesting. Interesting" 26 I, Roommate. 27 Ice Swan 28 Invisible rings 29 I. C. Weiner 30 I'm NOT a robot 31 Ironic punishment 32 In-your-face interface! 33 Is that not pink nail polish? 34 Indeed. 35 Impound Lot 136 The Happiest Place on Earth 36 Ice-Catraz 37 Iron Blush
1 Jerked Prunes 2 Jrrr 3 Jamaica 4 Joey Mousepad 5 Jumbonium 6 Philip "J" Fry 7 Javelin (repeated) 8 Jesus 9 Jor-El, Master of scheduling 10 (New) Justice Team 11 Jerkwad 12 Jackass 13 Jockstrap 14 Jerkbags 15 Jacked on 16 Jacking On 17 Jupiter State 18 Junior 19 Jombey 20 Judge Whitey 21 Jar 22 Judging (what all the other dogs do to Fry) 23 Jerkberg 24 Jumbo Squid Log 25 Joking Around 26 Janitor 27 Jive sucka 28 Jupiter 29 Joke 30 Jungle 31 Jakabird 32 Jealousy 33 Jurassic Kiddie Park 34 Jillion dollars 35 Jurassic Bark 36 Jail
1 Killbots 2 Klingon Embassy 3 Kwanza Bot 4 Knock it up a notch 5 Knows not does he 6 Knee-deep in electric slime 7 Kyoto 8 Kif Kroker 9 King Zoidberg caressing their fancy box 10 Kegelcizer 11 Kick it up a notch 12 Kill all humans 13 Kinda Gamey 14 Kentucky slims 15 Kaplan, Eric 16 Kissenger 17 King giving himself brain surgery 18 Kajigger 19 Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch 20 Katey Sagal 21 Knowledge brings fear 22 (Donkey) Kong 23 Kappa-Kappa-Wong 24 Katrina 25 King Kong (even if he is getting on a bit) 26 King of Nigeria 27 Kraftwerk 28 Ken Keeler 29 Killer-ma-jig 30 Knife (Roberto's stabbing one) 31 Kwanzaa 32 Kahn!!! 33 Kaplan's Carpet Warehouse 34 Kibbles 'n Snouts 35 Kangaroo boxing a robot 36 Killmobile
1 Lrrrrrrr 2 Land sea-lions 3 Leela 4 LaBarbara 5 Lucy Lui Bot 6 Lars! 7 Lovenasium 8 License To Kill 9 Lug nuts 10 Lunar Lander 11 Lee Lemon 12 Logical Paradox 13 Lobstertainment. 14 Long 15 Phil LaMarr 16 Lovemeister 17 Land piranhas 18 Lesser of two evils 19 Limbo Stick 20 LoBrau 21 Laundry Brig 22 Land Mammal 23 Le Palm D'Orbit 24 Little Bender 25 Laser Cannon (to crush those who disobey you) 26 Lug nuts 27 Lamprey 28 Leonard Nimoy 29 LaMarche, Maurice 30 Lasty ("C'mon, Lasty!" ) 31 Le Belle Leela 32 Luna Park 33 Leprechaun universe 34 Lesbian coven 35 Lions, which can be trained to eat Tofu 36 Love fluff
1 Morbo 2 Melllvar 3 MegaFonzie 4 Mumbling 5 Multiplicand 6 Mandatorium 7 Monday Monkey 8 Madison Cube Garden 9 Monkey 10 Moochers 11 Tress Macneille 12 Mario 13 Masked Unit. 14 Mom 15 Mutiny 16 Michelle 17 Magician 18 Mutant 19 Malachi 20 Mars University 21 Moron 22 Monique 23 Mangled remains 24 Military Discount 25 Motorcycle 26 Montage 27 Magic Act 28 Mathematics of Wonton Burrito Meals 29 Matt Groening 30 My Three Suns 31 Mutated Anthrax 32 Mano-centric 33 Male-ocracy 34 Malfunctioning Eddie 35 Mittens the Kitten 36 Molten Boron 37 Mankind for Ethical Animal Treatment (M.E.A.T.)
1 Nibbler 2 Near-Deathstar 3 Neutronium 4 Ndnd 5 Nude Beach Planet 6 Nudar 7 Naughty List 8 Nimbus 9 Number 9 guy 10 Neptune 11 Nina 12 Nibble stations 13 Nastification 14 Nostradamus 15 Nabbing precious jewels 16 Nukevada 17 New Jersey 18 Neptunian Slug 19 Nerds 20 Nudists 21 New New York 22 Narwhal 23 No Shellfish 24 "No I'm...doesn't." 25 Neutrals 26 Neutrinos 27 Neptunians 28 Neutrality 29 Njord 30 Negative (bossy meat creature) 31 Niggle-snoosh 32 New Slurm. 33 Nugget-style chunklet 34 Nice eyeball, eyeball. 35 Nike footprint on moon 36 Nude Love-in 1 Omicron Persei 8 2 Omicron Persei 9 3 Orbiting Meadows 4 Orca 5 Oprahism 6 O'Zorgnax's 7 Owls 8 Obnoxious candy 9 Old 10 Ocean Rudeness 11 Orphans 12 Olympus mons 13 Opera 14 Ogden 15 Obsoletely Fabulous 16 OH YOUR GOD 17 Octopus 18 Omicron Persei 7 19 Old Fortran Beer 20 Omicronians 21 Old New York 22 Octillion System 23 Oyster 24 "Oops" 25 O'Grady's Pub. 26 Ogling cans 27 Ocean Madness 28 Ostentatious 29 Odelay 30 Original Cosmic Ray's Pizza 31 Oh great machine, we beseech thee... 32 Og, gorilla emperor of Earth 33 Ordinary water. 34 Oreos 35 Ominiscience 36 Our Motherboard of Mercy Liqueur Kitchen
1 Pazuzu 2 Pocket Pal 3 Panucci's 4 Planet Express 5 Pirate Universe 6 Photon 7 Poker 8 Popplers 9 Planet express ship 10 Plutonium 11 Please don't drink emporer 12 Plan-Ex 13 Petunia 14 Puny little earthlings. 15 Packman 16 Purple Fruit Snake 17 Pluto 18 Pelvises 19 Perverted Dope 20 Pelvic Splanknic Ganglion 21 Pamela Anderson's head in a jar 22 Pop Corn 23 Panda hunting reserve 24 Paternity suit 25 "Pantry" (that those lousy Moochers Cleaned out.) 26 Poopenmeyer 27 Purple hair 28 Package 29 Piles (of what I assume is Talcum powder) 30 Polluting Medal of Pollution 31 Puke-a-tronic! 32 Pelvic Pinochle 33 Petrified sausages 34 PIN number 35 Puppy (No is is the bad kind of puppy!) 36 Patelli
1 Quasar 2 Quizzblorg, Quizzblorg 3 Quantum Interface Bomb 4 Quantum neutrino fields 5 Queue 6 Q.T. McWhiskers 7 Quote/unquote merchandise 8 Queequeg 9 Quantum Finish 10 Question? You stink! 11 Quit 12 Quincy adding machine 13 Quis 14 Quagmire 15 Quantum singularity 16 Qzdjlyd 17 Quite idiotic! 18 Quatloos 19 Quantum Gemerald 20 "Quiet, You!" 21 Quickness 22 Queen bee 23 Q-bert 24 Quadrillion years (playing Dungeons and Dragons) 25 Question ("As long as its not about my eye." ) 26 Quote ("eh-D-d-d-d-don't quote me regulations." ) 27 Queen Elizabeth's "wild years" 28 Quick and Painless 29 Quite dangerous indeed. 30 Quarter-shell oysters. 31 QUARTERS! A MILLION ALLOWANCES WORTH OF QUARTERS! 32 Quantum Leek soup 33 (20) quadrillion 34 Quarter on a string 35 Quest to obtain the universe's knowledge 36 Quickening
1 Real Holographic Simulated Evil Lincoln 2 Robo (Robot Hobo) 3 Roberto 4 Randy 5 Roswell 6 Romo 7 Ray-gun 8 Robot Mafia 9 Robonia 10 Rectal exam bot 11 Robotology 12 Retiree People of the Assisted Living Nebular 13 Retaliate 14 Richard Nixon 15 Robo Rooter 16 Robosexual 17 Robonza 18 Robot Arms Apartments 19 Robonadon 20 Robot House 21 Robanukah 22 Riding the space rails 23 Rat man 24 Robo-puppy 25 Remote control (to Calculon's heart). 26 Reststop 27 Rodriguez 28 Rocket 29 Robot Santa 30 Robot 31 Random number generator 32 Rue and lament 33 Requisition 34 Rent-controlled 35 Rastafarian accountant 36 Regulation dates that end in Regulation Disappointment.
1 Santa 2 Santa Claus 3 Space Cow 4 Sabre 5 Symposia 6 Sonic Diarrhea 7 Super Soaker full of Cognac 8 Sweet, sweet candy 9 Satan's glorious name 10 Sally the three eared orphan 11 Slurm 12 Shatner 13 Sexlexia 14 Seven leaf clover 15 Star Trek Wars 16 Saucy puppet show 17 Stupefaction Field 18 Sting 19 Sharktopus 20 Sgt. Feces Processor 21 Silly-willy video will 22 Single Female Lawyer 23 Slinky 24 Shark-cartilage enema. 25 (extra) Snake 26 Shclim 27 Smell-o-scope 28 Stomach 29 Shcler 30 Sashaying girlishly 31 Star Wars Trek 32 Sheep and Sharks 33 Schlee 34 Superking, the best one the of the three! 35 Slim 36 Six-pack of champagne 37 Soylent cola
1 Thundercougarfalconbird 2 Tonka Tough Steel 3 Tiara 4 Tinny Tim 5 Tyrannosaurus Rex 6 Transvestibot 7 Tubes 8 Thing that Leonard Nimoy doesn't do anymore 9 These aren't tentacles 10 Tiny atoms 11 Total Eclipse of the Heart 12 Teenbot 13 Tetris 14 Torgo's Executive Powder 15 Talking Hump Syndrome 16 Titanic 17 Testcicles 18 The President 19 Tapestry 20 Tax deductable mission of charity 21 Tentacle 22 TOW missile 23 Tube Transport System 24 Tricky Dick Fun Bill 25 Turanga Leela 26 Takei 27 Tonk 28 Toolbot 29 Transmissions from the CIA 30 Taste-icles 31 Turtle 32 Turanga Morris 33 Tweenis 12 34 Tentacle pope of the world 35 Tangled up Christmas lights 36 Tally me banana 37 Third & Third & Third
1 Umbriel 2 Urectum 3 Underpants (20% funnier than underwear) 4 Ultra-porn 5 Universal Translator 6 Universe 'A' 7 Underwater Living at its Finest 8 Underwear named Lightspeed Briefs 9 Up side your head 10 University 11 Uncle Zoid 12 Utopia 13 Uranus. 14 Ultimate robot fighting 15 Universe "1" 16 U R 2 Cute 17 Unnaturally delicious 18 Urban Legend 19 Ungo the Moist 20 Upside-down picture of the human body 21 Universe Gamma 22 Universe 420 23 Uncle Phil 24 Unimpressive 25 Uphoric (misfiled) 26 Undying Gratification 27 Universe 1729 28 Unisex bathroom 29 Umbrella (it's what makes it a scotch on the rocks!) 30 Undead (and Jewish) 31 Ugly 32 Universe's Largest Bottle (a scale model) 33 URL 34 Unlabeled booze 35 User ID:aho 36 Unconditional surrender (Never!)
1 Violet the mutant 2 Virtual Skeeball 3 Vile lizard tongue 4 Vergon 6 5 Virgin Sacrifice 6 Virtual virtual skeeball 7 Volcano 8 Velour fog 9 Voter Apathy Party 10 Violence Volleyball 11 Valentines Day 12 VW van 13 Velour. 14 Voodoo Economists 15 Ven ve voke up ve had these wodies 16 Venus de Venus 17 Vampire Slug 18 Voodoo 19 Virgin 20 Virtuoso 21 Vincent Van Spock... I mean Gogh 22 Venusians 23 Vladimir 24 VICTORY IS MINE! 25 Voice-over (Zoidberg's one at the end of Love and Rocket)26 Vainglorious fool 27 Vegetable 28 Velvet child 29 Vega 4 30 Vent (no good it's full of steam!) 31 Vintage 1990s stuff 32 Voiding the warranties of Vegas Flooziebots 33 34 Vegas Flooziebots 35 Vote 36 Vampire & an explosion (this movie has everything!) 37 Vermin of the Week
1 Wernstrom 2 Wormulon 3 Whale biologist 4 Wing dang doodle 5 Windy Shrimp 6 What-If Machine 7 Who-Ask Machine 8 Whale 9 Whaaa? 10 Whining machine 11 Wheel of Robots 12 Wongs 13 WALKING ON SUNSHINE 14 Wiggles 15 Weiner 16 Whooping Terrier 17 Whiplash 18 Weird mirror 19 Walrus Juice 20 Walt 21 Where the Buggalo roam 22 When Aliens Attack 23"What, do I smell or something?" 24 Wong Dynasty 25 Were-Car 26 Whimmy wham wham wozzle! 27 Where No Fan Has Gone Before 28 Wet chassis contest 29 Wessel 30 Welshy 31 Wuv 32 Western hemishpere (the best one) 33 Wall of Prophecy 34 Wedding 35 Wing wangs 36 Wake up, Leela
1 Xmas 2 Xanthor 3 XXX Rat poison 4 crossed sabers at the beginning of BBS 5 David X. Cohen 6 Xmas tree 7 X Ray 8 Cross-your-heart seatbelt 9 Xena 10 X in eXtortion that makes it sound cool 11 Robot 1-X 12 Xmas Story 13 Xeroxed (as in written and xeroxed by Harold Zoid) 14 Xmas present 15 Xavidad 16 X-rated amateurs 17 X shape of Confederate Flag 18 Xmas Card 19 Xmas Eve 20 Xmas sale 3% off 21 X ("You know, X - M - A - S. Christmas." ) 22 Xmas people 23 XLIInd St. (ie 42nd St.) 24 X-ray glasses 25 XXVII (RobotMania XXVII) 26 X to the power 4 (in the paradoxicality equation) 27 Crossed bones on the flag that Zoidberg thinks might be poisonous 28 Hive Mind Gamma 7X 29 X-Mas Elves 30 X-ray vision upgrade special 31 Hank Aaron XXIV 32  33 XORegon 34 (universe) XVII 35 X-files actor David Duchovny 36 Xmas spirit
1 Yancy 2 Yeti 3 Y3K 4 Yarn People 5 Youth-a-sizing 6 Yellow (as in kif's cowardice) 7 Yacht club 8 You perverted dope 9 Yancy-dome 10 Yivo 11 Youthasizer 12 Yonder 13 Yancy fry senior 14 Young avengers Hulkling 15 Year 3000 16 Yellow brick road 17 Y2K 18 Young Turks 19 Yeti (the language) 20 Yowza! 21 Yawning 22 "You're my man" (candy heart message) 23 "Yakov Smirnoff said that" 24 Young Bender (aka CD disk) 25 Yemeni coffee 26 You-are-dead theory 27 Yelling 28 Yuletide specifications 29 You can solve all your problems by freezing them. 30 Ye, as in what robots don't say 31 You stink loser 32  33 "Yo momma!" (Is this a frog? A toad? or...) 34 Yarmulkas 35 Your team sucks bozons! 36 Yellow Slug 1 Z-ray 2 Zapp 3 ZERO! 4 ZOIDBERG! 5 Zone of no return 6 Zoid, Harold 7 Zebra 8 Zookeeper 9 Zevulon the Great 10 Zitzles 11 Zero G Jugs 12 Zoos 13 Zorn the Stagnant 14 Zone 15 Zubin 5 16 Zapp Brannigan's Big Book of War 17 Zoidfarb 18 Zeus 19 Zinc 20 Zip 21 Zylex 22 Zuban Cigars 23 Zoom 24 Zidiot 25 Zircon 26 Zipper 27 Zoo Garbage 28 Zinc Saucier 29 Zombie Jesus! 30 Zapper 31 Zombie bones 32  33 Zeppelins (made of led) that Fry told Bender about. 34 Zesty (Bender's outlook) 35 Zilcho (El Zilcho)Z is for that Zebra with 3 eyes at the conference table?

DOOP Secretary

I was going to say that one I just got turned around somewhere.
F is for Forgetful. (I am the Professor, great and...uh...forgetful!)

DOOP Secretary

I is for Invaders, possibly from space.

Space Pope
Well, 'twas Sweet Llama of the Bahamas, but that'll still work Okay, now M is for mead  (a stein of it)

DOOP Secretary

B is for Bubble ride.

DOOP Secretary

I is for Ice Rats.