« on: 02-24-2002 19:05 »
I didn`t know about the troubles the series had until i read about it in the forums. I almost cried. I also instantly signed the petition. (btw this is my first post. Hello everyone)
Beleive it or not, snail mail STILL is the most effective way to get our message to Fox that we want to save this great show! Online petions may be good, but they need to see the paper!
Bending Unit
I dont think we can do anything No matter what we do, Fox will still ignore us. Ha! Fox has no Idea what it or its fans want and besides, They can't cancel everything. My take is this. Unless the ratings contradict me That 80's Show, Sucks. That 70's show is a strong show and they will keep showing that. We know the Greg the Bunny and ARCTU and Pasadena Are comming. Bernie Mac isn't a very strong show and because Tidus is on at 9:30 that's pretty late. Futurama was Canceled because It didn't get the kind of ratings that King of the Hill got at a later time slot and the Simpsons does better than King of the Hill and the Simpsons are pretty much Fox's cash cow and we all know that the Simpsons aren't going anywere. Fox also Cancled The X-Files. So here is the Cancled list: 1)The X-Files(9:00-10:00) Sunday 2)Futurama(7:00-7:30) Sunday 3)Family Guy[I think we all know this] (8:00-9:00) 4)The Tick(8:30-9:00) On the Brink: 1)Tidus(9:30-10:00)Wednesday 2)Bernie Mac(8:30-9:00)Wednesday 3)That 80's show(8:00-8:30)Wednesday 4)Ally McBeal(9:00-10:00)Monday Comming Soon: 1)Pasadena 2)ARCTU 3)Greg the Bunny
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Shaka, when the walls fell.
Bending Unit
and that petition is still running (75,278 now ) oh yeah, i forgot to tell somethin' in my last post , here it is. welcome to peel azazel
Just Chris
Urban Legend
It's slowing down though. I was hoping it would get to 100,000. Whoa, mArc! You're actually sending that stuff to Fox? Way to go mArc! You'll be the hero no one knew before! And it's good to hear the 80's show on the brink of getting cancelled. I can sleep easy now.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I always hoped that by now Futurama would be replacing The Simpsons.
Same here its a lot better. Simpsons is cool but im so tired of it. Way to little diversity! I really hope they save futurama.
Yep, so am I, everytime I see it. I never expected the show to go forever, but it would have done better with better advetising and timeslots
Future Angel
Bending Unit
Originally posted by Mark: Fox also Cancled The X-Files. The X-Files is only cancelled because the show won't go anywhere next year. This is Gillian Anderson's last year as well as the series creator Chris Carter. Without Mulder and/or Scully or Chris Carter The X-Files just isn't The X-Files. You try and watch it without them, I woun't be able to. I wouldn't watch The X-Files with only Agent Doggett and Reyes, it would totally suck, so if the FOX execs have made ONE good desicion in their careers this is most likely it.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Good one Kryten. I had one with Murdoch as "the Beast of Tanagra", but your's better. Temarc, the river Temarc. In winter. Mirab, with sails unfurled. Originally posted by [-mArc-]: guess whose printer is runnign hot right now ...
I need to print it in microprint though, else i'd end up at 1,500 pages... Can't ship that many that easily...
Maybe it was just me misreading something, but I thought Rough Draft had volunteered to do the printing and shipping of the petition.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
It's from the Star Trek:TNG episode "Darmok". In this episode Picard tells the story of the mythic Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh to an alien captain named Dathon. Dathon's people, the Tamarians, speaks entirely in metaphors, hence the weird sentences.
"Temba, at rest" "Mirab, with sails unfurled"
Originally posted by Unit42: Unless you're really young, you'll realize the 80's sucked.
And those who lived through the 90's realize how much the 80's REALLY sucked!!!
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Torquemada: I can think of much more deviant ways to make the bunny stop. Ever seen Hot Shots Part Deux?
I never heard that phrase before. It struck me as very funny. Having the name 'Gilgamesh' & never knowing of that ST:TNG episode seemed a bit strange.
The only Gilgamesh I am aware of is the evil wizard on the Smurfs.