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Author Topic: "Pick one, or my robot will shoot!" - The Would You Rather Game  (Read 27534 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #160 on: 07-03-2008 22:20 »

Have to share the cake. At least then I'd get tom have some of it.

Would you rather have a red jacket or a lime green one?

Urban Legend
« Reply #161 on: 07-04-2008 19:17 »

Red, that's my favorite color!

Would you rather go to Robot Hell or Yivo's Heaven? 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #162 on: 07-04-2008 22:12 »

Robet Hell. Yivo creeps me out while the Robot Devil is awesome.

Would you rather use Dimondium or Dimondillium?

Urban Legend
« Reply #163 on: 07-04-2008 22:29 »

Dimondium, as long as it came with a dimondium cannon.

Would you rather be chased by Robot Santa or a swarm of gentacles?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #164 on: 07-04-2008 22:31 »

Robot Santa. Far less disturbing.

Would you rather be a Jakabird or a swarm of flies?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #165 on: 07-05-2008 03:23 »

A Jakabird, anything's better than constantly being at risk for a testicle smashing.

...Oh wait. I'm a girl...

...but the concept still applies!

Would you rather date a space ship or a big fat lady (and live inside of her)?

« Reply #166 on: 07-05-2008 13:16 »

Space ship, so I could actually survive.

Would you rather be space pope or president of earth?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #167 on: 07-12-2008 21:28 »

Depends. Am I Nixon, McNeal or me?

Would you rather have space honey or royal space jelly?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #168 on: 07-13-2008 19:07 »

Space Honey because I can't swim in jelly, as far as I know.

Would you rather get a new spleen or a motorcycle?

Starship Captain
« Reply #169 on: 07-17-2008 23:50 »

My spleen is just fine, so I'll take the motorcycle.

Would you rather get a sex change or a downgrade?

Urban Legend
« Reply #170 on: 07-18-2008 09:04 »

A downgrade? Like I'm a robot or something? Or like as in class status? I wonder how low you can go anyway...  :confused:

I'll wager on the downgrade!

Would you rather have lived during the Bubonic Plague or have been a Jew in Nazi Germany?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #171 on: 07-18-2008 22:04 »

Don't see what that has to do with Futurama

Plague. Then all I have to do is build a church and I'll be fine. It worked for Innsbruck so why not me?

Would you rather live on Earth or in "heaven"?

« Reply #172 on: 07-19-2008 13:49 »

"Heaven". Fighting seems childish there.

Would you rather be Yivo or Nudar?

Space Pope
« Reply #173 on: 07-19-2008 14:06 »

Yivo.  He survives at the end of the movie.

Would you rather be one of Santa's Elves or a Grunka Lunka?

Space Pope
« Reply #174 on: 07-19-2008 17:05 »

The Grunka Lunkas seem to think life is OK, but the elves hate their jobs. So I'd be a Grunka Lunka.

Would you rather see Roberto or the Robot Devil as leader of the League of Robots?

« Reply #175 on: 07-19-2008 19:20 »

Robot Devil. He just seems like that kind of guy.

Would you rather eat Signoid Pizza every day for the rest of your life or live on Neptune forever?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #176 on: 07-19-2008 22:37 »
« Last Edit on: 07-19-2008 22:37 »

Live on Neptune. I've never had a problem with the cold.

Would you rather eat "a big heaping bowel of salt" everyday or live on Trisol?

Now that I couldn't do

Space Pope
« Reply #177 on: 07-19-2008 22:49 »

Neither.  But, if I've got to pick one, I'll live on trisol.

Would you rather eat Bender's cooking, or get getacled by Yivo?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #178 on: 07-20-2008 01:43 »

Gentacled... it's been a long dry spell.

Would you rather see Single Female Lawyer, Jenny McNeal or ex-Earthican President, McNeal, in the world's shortiest skirt?

« Reply #179 on: 07-20-2008 09:08 »
« Last Edit on: 07-20-2008 09:08 »

Earth President McNeal. It would be so funnier that way.

Would you rather see Bender become a peaceful person or see Tinny Tim go insane and become evil?
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #180 on: 07-20-2008 09:32 »

Evil Tinny Tim. Peaceful Bender dies too quick.

Hedonism-Bot in All My Circuits or Calculon as a hedonist?

« Reply #181 on: 07-20-2008 09:36 »

Calculon as a hedonist.  Hedonism-bot doesn't need to be on TV.

Fry as the pope of the world or Leela as Earthican president?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #182 on: 07-20-2008 22:34 »

Leela as president. Fry's already been pope and well....

Would you rather have Amy as president or the Professor?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #183 on: 07-21-2008 00:01 »
« Last Edit on: 07-21-2008 00:01 »

Hedonist: 1.   a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. (dictionary.com)

Isn't Calculon already a Hedonist of sorts?

A: The Professor. I believe he was on to something with that electric frankfurter.

Q: Would you rather be an '80s guy or from the 21st century (like the girl Fry met at the retro club)?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #184 on: 07-21-2008 22:32 »

80s guy. Nothing is cooler than the 80s!

Would you rather be ruled by Giant Carrots or Cyborgs?

Space Pope
« Reply #185 on: 07-22-2008 16:34 »

Giant Carrots.  Just like in the 23rd century.

Would you rather be Fry in the 31st Century, or Bender in the 21st Century?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #186 on: 07-22-2008 17:40 »

Fry, but with brains

Would you rather have Amy or Leela bake you a birthday cake?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #187 on: 07-22-2008 23:01 »
« Last Edit on: 07-23-2008 00:00 »

(That depends if they're in the cake.  :flirt:


Would you rather have the Hermes or Zoidberg make you a pie?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #188 on: 07-23-2008 07:43 »

That depends if they're in the pie...


Would you rather want 21st century roach problem or the 31st's?

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #189 on: 07-23-2008 12:44 »

That depends what you consider a 'problem'. Owls are neat and much more exciting than traditional cockroaches. Not taking into account the ecological ramifications of an infestation of owls, I think the way they hoot and peck at the ground is somehow hypnotic and satisfying to observe. That said, owls, being nocturnal creatures, might disappoint in this regard as most humans are not. Also, cockroaches are gross.  :)

Would you rather live in Iceland or Old New York?

Space Pope
« Reply #190 on: 07-23-2008 19:02 »

Old New York.  I hate the cold.

Would you rather have Zoidberg or Zapp as a room mate?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #191 on: 07-23-2008 19:54 »

Zapp, somehow I think he isn't as smelly

Would you rather want to speak Klingon or Binary fluently?

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #192 on: 07-23-2008 20:15 »
« Last Edit on: 07-23-2008 20:15 »

The ability to "speak" more or less, perfect binary would have massive, profound and unforseeable consequences in the Future. For a sentient being, who possesses both a normal human mind and the ability to communicate using binary is the equivalent of being a God-like figure. Imagine the ability to write perfect programs using the most basic of machine language. Imagine how the world would be changed by simple doting out a brilliant program, much like a person speaking their native tongue. Or perhaps the constuctive understanding is not what you were insinuating by your query. Maybe you just mean saying 1 and 0 over and over and making people think you're smart.   :)

What would happen if the fabric of space ripped open and the cast of Futurama emerged?

Bending Unit
« Reply #193 on: 07-23-2008 21:24 »

(you have WAY too much time in your hands, Books...)

If the cast of Futurama emerged into my living room, I'd offer them an array of unusual non-alcoholic beverages and some fine vegetarian grub, and then sit down and have the most interesting conversation I probably ever had in my life.  :)

Would you rather talk with the Professor or Fry?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #194 on: 07-23-2008 21:51 »

Fry, because then I'd be the smart one.

Would you rather talk to Zapp or Kif?

« Reply #195 on: 07-24-2008 16:26 »

Kif. It would be a lot less nauseating for a girl like me.

Would you rather go Rocket Skating or go to Lunar Park for a day?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #196 on: 07-24-2008 21:35 »

Luna Park.

Would you rather go to Reckless Ted's Funland or play Deathball?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #197 on: 07-26-2008 07:45 »

Deathball. As long as I'm controlling the balls rather than running from them.

Would you rather be stuck in a robot sized room with  Roberto or Malfunctioning Eddy?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #198 on: 07-26-2008 22:04 »

Malfunctioning Eddy. I'd rather be blow up then stabbed repeatedly.

Would you rather get a new car or a bar?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #199 on: 07-27-2008 19:09 »

A car, a bar is of no use like a car.

Would you rather want TOTALNERDUK or homerjaysimpson to win the Ms. PEELifiedcontest?

I'll bake you cookies if you choose tnuk
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