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Author Topic: 2 Questions (one maybe Sarge can answer...)  (Read 1019 times)
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« on: 02-24-2002 14:52 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2002 14:52 »

Hey all... My Futurama DVD box came in from the UK yesterday (yay! I was worried it wouldn't arrive before thursday) and now I'm thinking towards the event in LA.

The first question is: Is anyone from the board going (besides me and maybe a friend of mine... who knowing him might flake...) to the event? It sounds cool... going to try to get my dvd's signed afterwards... I'm also a little nervous if my friend flakes because I'll be driving down 450+ miles from the bay area by myself and not sure exactly where the place is... I also asked a friend of mine if I could crash at his place in Torrance. Hopefully it'll be easy to navigate between the two.

For those who don't know what event in Los Angeles I'm referring to: http://www.mtr.org/festivals/paleyfest2002/paley.htm  (3rd down)

So, if I'm by myself, just wondering if anyone else is going and wants to have an unofficial quick meeting before (so we all get seats up front together) or after.

The other thing is slightly tied to the event (and maybe Sarge would know...). Does anyone know of a good way to reach Phil Lamarr? I met him at the Futurama panel at Wondercon right about the time the series started (him and Bill Morrison were there and played ep. 2 and talked about some really cool stuff... I think some finnish Futurama FAQ still lists what I submitted to Futurama Outlet)... ANYWAY, I had some CD's for him with some amazing stuff I know he'll enjoy and wanted to contact him beforehand to let him know so hopefully he'll stick around and get them. (want to try to hook him up with E3 passes this year which I was unable to last time I saw him.)


« Reply #1 on: 02-24-2002 17:07 »

I'm not going to that event. You're better off calling the DGA Theater Complex & asking for directions.

« Reply #2 on: 02-24-2002 18:39 »

I'm going, and so is Rubio (rubio was on the techtv story)

As for that, I dont think anyone else is going.  I tried getting a few to go (sarge/randi), but they wont go, meanies.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 02-24-2002 19:55 »

I'd go, but I'm all the way across the country on the other coast with no money.  :(

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 02-24-2002 20:06 »

same here. cross country and broke.

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 02-24-2002 22:28 »

I would go but I am too lazy, and it 1/2 across country, and I probably have a test in calc 3 that day or something.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 02-24-2002 22:54 »

If I wasn't on the wrong side of the continent with no cash I'd go.

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 02-25-2002 00:03 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
If I wasn't on the wrong side of the continent with no cash I'd go.

Same here. I have cash, but I also have better things to spend it on.

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 02-25-2002 09:10 »

OH WOW!! If I didn't live in England I'd go..haha!  :) It sounds great!
Delivery Boy
« Reply #9 on: 02-25-2002 11:06 »

The Atlantic Ocean is such a bitch to cross on foot, so.. I'll pass!  :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 02-25-2002 11:29 »

Well, according to a Coca-cola commercial, you can hitchhike  from Moscow to Salt Lake City on just a 12-pack of Coke.

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 02-25-2002 11:43 »

Would that commercial also work from belguim to that festival and back?
  :cool:   :p   :cool:   :p   :cool:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 02-25-2002 14:30 »
« Last Edit on: 02-25-2002 14:30 »

Only one way to find out

Hitchhiking is not endorsed by Nixon+Morbo=??? Inc. nor its subsidiaries.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #13 on: 02-25-2002 17:30 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2002 00:00 »

Does anyone know of a good way to reach Phil Lamarr?

Maybe not a "good" way, but some newsgroup nerd found [edited to be a less of a jackass] a little while back. I never see him on Instant Messanger, so I'm assuming it's an old screenname that he never uses anymore. But still, it's worth a shot.

Space Pope
« Reply #14 on: 02-26-2002 01:45 »

I'm sure he, like most celebrities (hey, he's on MAD TV!) loves getting unsolicited e-mail.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 02-26-2002 10:35 »

I was also going to give out his home phone number and address, but some things I like to keep around just for myself.

Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 02-26-2002 10:47 »

hehe, your right nixorbo, i'll try that   :cool:   :p   :)   :D

« Reply #17 on: 02-26-2002 12:46 »

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
 Maybe not a "good" way, but some newsgroup nerd found FilMarr@aol.com a little while back. I never see him on Instant Messanger, so I'm assuming it's an old screenname that he never uses anymore. But still, it's worth a shot.

I love you Fishy!  :)

That's what I was trying to ask Sarge, but I don't think he understood the question. (I was just expecting a vague e-mail for Fox that would be like a middleman... you know, like writing to starname c/o show, fox etc.)
Without trying to create gigs of mail for him by saying this, he did respond and said he remembers me vaguely which is cool.

I was going to hook him up with some Read or Die (probably the most visually stunning series I've seen in the last 15 years)and maybe some Hellsing (just because it rocks so much) since I know he's into games and all that. Sigh, hopefully someday I can get to use him in one of our projects.

So, now I'm really looking forward to this weekend. ^_^ (a trip to Curry House and Wanpaku in Torrance would make the trip complete.)

« Reply #18 on: 02-26-2002 13:40 »

Torrance...the armpit of Orange county.

« Reply #19 on: 02-26-2002 13:54 »

Originally posted by Sarge:
Torrance...the armpit of Orange county.

heh... at least they have places like Wanpaku, Gameland and the Mitsuwa. When we're down for E3, it makes it the one place worth visiting. (Our hotel is down the street from Little Tokyo so we hit curry house there) There's a little too much traffic in LA for my tastes... so I still prefer the bay area.

Urgh, I am not looking forward to that drive on thursday. Hopefully it'll all go smoothly (taking 5 down in the morning, hitting the event then meeting up with a friend and crashing at his place for the night.)

« Reply #20 on: 02-26-2002 19:36 »

I like Laguna Beach.  :)

« Reply #21 on: 02-26-2002 19:43 »

I can't go. Broke and no car. So I have to pass. Yeah Kryten, video games are money better spent :)  :laff:
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