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Author Topic: "Stupider? These questions are as lousy as they are brillliant." - Stupid Questions  (Read 30228 times)
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PEE Poll: New thread name.
Nerdlinger Q&A   -1 (33.3%)
Attention New New Yorkers - stop asking so stupid!   -2 (66.7%)
Other   -0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 3


Space Pope
« Reply #160 on: 05-27-2008 16:04 »

A: The Professor's getting on in age & can't remember stuff.  Remember, he shot Bender 3x with a shotgun in "A Tale Of 2 Santas", even after he knew Bender was Santa.

Q: Rumor is, Wernstrom stole an invention of the Professor's, but the Professor can't remember what it was.  What was it?

« Reply #161 on: 05-27-2008 16:54 »

A: The Crushinater 6000.

Q: I hear the Professor stole one of Wernstrom's inventions as collateral. What did he take?

Space Pope
« Reply #162 on: 05-27-2008 17:29 »

A: Believe it or not, the Death Clock was Wernstrom's design.  That's why he constantly makes fun of it; he was embarrassed he designed it.

Q:  Amy is the PE intern; does she get paid to work there?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #163 on: 05-27-2008 21:16 »

A: No.

Q: Does this bother her?

Space Pope
« Reply #164 on: 05-28-2008 00:09 »

A: No.  But her manservant does walk around yelling "Madam is outraged!"

Q: How much does the Professor pay the regular PE crew?

Space Pope
« Reply #165 on: 05-28-2008 13:13 »

A: Don't know the exact figures but everyone else (including Amy) gets more than Zoidberg.

Q: How can Zoidberg get less than Amy if she gets nothing?

Space Pope
« Reply #166 on: 05-28-2008 13:47 »

A: The Professor charges Zoidberg rent.

Q: What kind of sandwich did Zoidberg trade his shares away for?

Space Pope
« Reply #167 on: 05-28-2008 14:30 »

A: It was an 80s sandwich.

Q: What is in an 80s sandwich?

Space Pope
« Reply #168 on: 05-28-2008 17:27 »

A: Ham and mayo on rye, hold the ethics & values.

Q: What's the favorite food of "That 80's Guy"?

« Reply #169 on: 05-28-2008 18:03 »

A: Ham and Cheese on Wheat.

Q: What food did "That 80's Guy" (Also known as Steve Castle!  :D) hate more than anything?

Space Pope
« Reply #170 on: 05-28-2008 18:24 »

A: Fillet of soul.  It reminded him of what he lacked.

Q: What's Fry's favorite food (aside from Pannucci's pizza)?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #171 on: 05-28-2008 21:36 »

A: Slurm

Q: What's Leela's favorite food?

« Reply #172 on: 05-28-2008 21:38 »

A: Buggalo Wings

Q: What is Kif's favorite food?

Space Pope
« Reply #173 on: 05-28-2008 22:40 »

A: Anything green & slimy that he can catch.

Q: What's Zapp's favorite food?

Space Pope
« Reply #174 on: 05-29-2008 15:19 »

A: Steak with sensual salad (but he doesn't eat that bit).

Q: Do the Brain Spawn ever relax and chill out? If so, what do they do?

Space Pope
« Reply #175 on: 05-29-2008 15:55 »

A: No, they don't.  They're brains, and are constantly in search of knowledge (beavers mate for life, etc).

Q: HOWEVER, if they did chill out, what would they do?

« Reply #176 on: 05-29-2008 16:15 »

A: Play Uno and maybe watch some House

Q: Do they enjoy Ugly Betty?

Space Pope
« Reply #177 on: 05-29-2008 16:24 »

A: No, but they assimilate all information and learn everything they can from it.

Q: What have the Brain Spawn learned from watching Ugly Betty?

« Reply #178 on: 05-29-2008 16:31 »

A: That they are glad to be brains, and not her.

Q: Do the brains watch any other TV shows?

Space Pope
« Reply #179 on: 05-29-2008 16:35 »

A: They watch everything!

Q: Do they ever get bored of watching telly?

Space Pope
« Reply #180 on: 05-29-2008 16:55 »

A: Bored, totally; enraged, absolutely.  Brains demand intelligent input, and TV doesn't really offer it.  Right now, they're plotting the destruction of all TV stars & crews that produce so-called "reality" TV.

Q: Which "reality" TV show are they going to destroy first?

Space Pope
« Reply #181 on: 05-29-2008 17:04 »

A: Big Brother - for completely stealing and usurping a genuinely creepy concept from the finest novel the universe has ever seen (1984).

Q: What's next on the list?


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #182 on: 05-29-2008 21:23 »

A: The creators of whatever the first reality show was. To punish them for releasing that horror on the universe.

Q: What was it?

Space Pope
« Reply #183 on: 05-29-2008 23:19 »

A: Not sure, but it was probably survivor.  May they roast in the fires of hell forever.

Q: What other TV shows do the brain spawn want to destroy?

Space Pope
« Reply #184 on: 05-30-2008 14:46 »

A: Those annoying dancing ones. Basically anything that goes to a public vote.

Q: Where in the universe would you find the Fonzie planet?

Space Pope
« Reply #185 on: 05-30-2008 16:51 »

A: In the Potsy nebula, to the left of the Ralph Malph quasar.

Q: What is the name of the moon around the Fonzie planet?


Space Pope
« Reply #186 on: 05-30-2008 16:55 »

A: There are always at least two female moons orbiting the Fonzie planet but they change all the time. One was called Lucille.

Q: Where do these moons go when they aren't fawning over the Fonzie planet?

Space Pope
« Reply #187 on: 05-30-2008 19:23 »

A: Gravity takes them back to the Pinky Tuscadero quadrant.  Lots of frilly, girly things there.

Q: Since there is already something named after the Fonz (degrees of coolness are called Megafonzies), why would someone name a planet after him?

Space Pope
« Reply #188 on: 05-30-2008 19:34 »

A: It's actually the real Fonzie who got so big he became a planet.

Q: How did this happen?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #189 on: 05-30-2008 22:34 »

A: He tried to jump the Andromeda galaxy but when he got too close to the speed of light his mass increased until he was the size of a planet.

Q: How many people actually know what I'm talking about?

Space Pope
« Reply #190 on: 05-31-2008 00:16 »

A: Does "jump the shark" mean anything to you?  Mix that with e=mc squared, and you're right about there.

Q: What other degrees of coolness are there?

« Reply #191 on: 05-31-2008 02:01 »

A; James-dean-o-watts, Micro-eastwoods, and Giga-lennons.

Q: What happened to Hitler's brain when it was removed from the great white shark?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #192 on: 05-31-2008 07:28 »

A: It took advantage of a momemtary lapse in concentration (plus the fact that it was slimey) to escape down a drain and is now living parasitically off one of the mutants down there.

Q: What does Hitler's brain like to do to relax?

Space Pope
« Reply #193 on: 05-31-2008 09:15 »

A: The usual.  It likes to come up with plans to conquer the world.  Kinda like the Brain, from Pinky & the Brain.

Q: What other creatures are living parasitically off of a mutant?

Space Pope
« Reply #194 on: 06-02-2008 20:24 »
« Last Edit on: 06-06-2008 00:00 »

Why must you ask these difficult questions SJ?    :confused:

A: The Tlhauosjhtpouyorhhiiim of Gustonan 9 in the Bronzecular Galaxy come to Earth to live parasitically off the mutants.

Q: Can anyone pronounce "Tlhauosjhtpouyorhhiiim"?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #195 on: 06-02-2008 21:27 »

A: Nobody can. Their name is so hard so they can feed on mutants while they try to tell people what's wrong.

Q: What other hard names are there?

« Reply #196 on: 06-02-2008 21:30 »

A: Zilophonziloppaqaaxayiplolaht iherasowahmalakmoolacca. Which is a type of parasitic worm.

Q: What animal names are hard to pronounce?

Space Pope
« Reply #197 on: 06-03-2008 00:16 »

A: You just named one.  SOS's one ain't any easier.

Q: What would Seymour have done if he's never met fry?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #198 on: 06-03-2008 09:39 »

A: He'd have been picked by Animal Contol, placed in the Pound, and eventually put down.

Q: What would Fry have done if he'd never met Seymour?

Space Pope
« Reply #199 on: 06-03-2008 13:47 »

A: Probably quit working at Pannucci's & become a bagman.  Seymour was his "walking on sunshine" dog, after all.

Q: What if Leela had never told Fry about the Professor?
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