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Author Topic: "Stupider? These questions are as lousy as they are brillliant." - Stupid Questions  (Read 30230 times)
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PEE Poll: New thread name.
Nerdlinger Q&A   -1 (33.3%)
Attention New New Yorkers - stop asking so stupid!   -2 (66.7%)
Other   -0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 3


Space Pope
« Reply #120 on: 05-24-2008 13:07 »

Hey! Congrats, Captain Seymour!

A: Slapmatic 4000 shuts people up, but he's a bit more violent.

Q: Where does Slapmatic 4000 live?

« Reply #121 on: 05-24-2008 13:08 »

A: In the labratory of Boropolis 10.

Q: What sector is Boropolis 10 in?

Space Pope
« Reply #122 on: 05-24-2008 13:11 »

A: Sector 4.

Q: What's special about Sector 4?

Space Pope
« Reply #123 on: 05-24-2008 13:16 »

Congratulations, SMH! 

A: The Slapmatic 4000 has done a great job out there, because no one in Sector 4 talks out of turn.

Q: What other things have the come up with, in the laboratory of Boropolis 10?

« Reply #124 on: 05-24-2008 13:18 »

Thanks all!  :D

A: The Teachonon 8.

Q: What is the function of the Teachonon 8?

Space Pope
« Reply #125 on: 05-24-2008 13:25 »

A: To move as many earth children through the grades & graduate as many as possible, without forcing them to learn much.

Q: Why did they feel the need to improve on the Teachonon 7?

« Reply #126 on: 05-24-2008 13:27 »

A: It only helped children through grade 7, and grade 8 was failing.

Q: Is there a Teachonon 12?

Space Pope
« Reply #127 on: 05-24-2008 15:00 »

A: No, they stopped at Teachonon 8; they figured that, once they got them out of Jr. High, it was someone else's responsibility.

Q: Is there a Collegenon robot?

« Reply #128 on: 05-24-2008 16:02 »

A: Yes, he works on Dukulon 9.

Q: Are there any other planets named after colleges?

Space Pope
« Reply #129 on: 05-24-2008 16:10 »

A: The most obvious one is LieCheatandStealalon 1, which was named after that scum college otherwise known as USC.

Q: What kind of things does the Collegenon robot do?

« Reply #130 on: 05-24-2008 16:30 »

A: Drink beer and goof off.

Q: Is there anything Collegenon robots do that we don't know about?

Space Pope
« Reply #131 on: 05-24-2008 16:41 »

A: Yes, but they don't communicate it to anyone.

Q: Why not?

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #132 on: 05-24-2008 16:49 »

A: So that they don't get arrested by the campuspolicebots.

Q: Why haven't you two taken your obvious conversation over to the chatroom yet?

« Reply #133 on: 05-24-2008 17:05 »

A: We're lazy like that...

Q: Where do child robots go to school?

Space Pope
« Reply #134 on: 05-24-2008 18:52 »

A: Kindergardonia

Q: Who is the Kindergardonia Cop?

« Reply #135 on: 05-24-2008 19:09 »

A: The Teachotron 9000

Q: Does the Teachotron 9000 have any helpers?

Space Pope
« Reply #136 on: 05-24-2008 19:18 »

A: Yes; unfortunately, the helps ended up being pedophilebots.

Q: What do they do with pedophilebots in the 31st century?

Space Pope
« Reply #137 on: 05-24-2008 19:33 »

A: They just wonder "Why? Why did we build these things? Surely someone must have noticed it was a bad idea." Then they arrest the guy who programmed them and fire the robots from a cannon into the sun.

Q: What is the name of the current liquid emperor? (It's been many weeks since My Three Suns, surely there's hundreds of new ones)

« Reply #138 on: 05-24-2008 19:37 »

A: Bob from Earth...wait he just died three seconds ago. Now it's Jim.

Q: How long will Jim last?

Space Pope
« Reply #139 on: 05-24-2008 20:17 »
« Last Edit on: 05-24-2008 20:17 »

A: It isn't Jim anymore. Now it's Zugon.

Q: Do people make fun of Zugon's name?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #140 on: 05-24-2008 23:13 »

A: No.

Q: Why not?

Space Pope
« Reply #141 on: 05-25-2008 00:04 »
« Last Edit on: 05-25-2008 00:04 »

A: Because he just died, and the new Emperor is...wait, he just died too. 

Q: How can a nation expect to be run efficiently when they go through leaders like paris hilton goes through herpes medication?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #142 on: 05-25-2008 09:00 »

A: With their mighty fluid powers they can govern much faster than mere humans. And anyway, the office of Emperor is really just for show.

Q: Who wields true power on Trisol?

Space Pope
« Reply #143 on: 05-25-2008 09:30 »

A: Davros, Doctor Doom and Lex Luthor. Working as a team - highly effective.

Q: How did they come to rule Trisol from the behind the scenes?

« Reply #144 on: 05-25-2008 15:03 »

A: They took out the leader using a rubber duck and some push pops.

Q: Are they dictators?

Space Pope
« Reply #145 on: 05-25-2008 18:54 »

A: Every single one of them, especially Davros.

Q: Who is the most infamous dictator in all the universe?

« Reply #146 on: 05-25-2008 19:16 »

A: Hitlotron 9000.

Q: Who is the 2nd most infamous dictator in the universe?

Space Pope
« Reply #147 on: 05-25-2008 19:23 »

A: Stalinomatic 1-X

Q: Is Hitlotron 9000 a good painter?

« Reply #148 on: 05-25-2008 19:28 »

A: No, but he likes to doodle little puppies in his spare time.

Q: Does Stalinomatic 1-X doodle anything?

Space Pope
« Reply #149 on: 05-25-2008 19:49 »

A: He likes to doodle brains. Don't ask me why.

Q: How early in the morning does Prof. Farnsworth get up?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #150 on: 05-25-2008 22:58 »

A: He doesn't. He inevnted a way to gain energy while awake.

Q: Does it really work?

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #151 on: 05-26-2008 10:07 »

A: No.

Q: Postcount++ much?

Space Pope
« Reply #152 on: 05-26-2008 10:24 »

A: Of course it is. But it's also fun.

Q: Why doesn't the Professor's invention work?

« Reply #153 on: 05-26-2008 10:32 »

A: He accidentally put some playdoh in the gears

Q: Is there anything else wrong with his machine?

Space Pope
« Reply #154 on: 05-26-2008 22:42 »

A: Not according to the Professor.  Then again, he's the same guy who created the finglongerer.

Q: Has the Professor created other inventions that we haven't seen yet?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #155 on: 05-27-2008 06:14 »

A: No. And that isn't not counting none of the other non-inventions that he hasn't not uninvented yet neither.

Q: What sort of thing couldn't the Professor invent?

« Reply #156 on: 05-27-2008 07:24 »

A: The Pugotron 8000

Q: If that was real, what would it do?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #157 on: 05-27-2008 11:39 »

A: It would automatically produce cloned copies of Soviet politicians, Philippino comedians, or replicas of small Phillipine towns.

Q: What does the Professors' conscience forbid him from inventing?

Space Pope
« Reply #158 on: 05-27-2008 12:22 »

A: The reverse of the Neutron Bomb; it would blow up buildings, but leave the people alive.

Q: What's the one invention the professor has created, that he wishes he hadn't?

Space Pope
« Reply #159 on: 05-27-2008 15:16 »

A: Parentbots.

Q: Why did he invent them even though he knew he'd have to talk to them?
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