
Urban Legend
They'll be showing ITWGY at the New York Comic Con in a little over a week! ( article)


believe it or not i hope ign reviews killzone 2 first. ive been waiting for that since i saw the first trailer.

Bending Unit
« Reply #488 on: 01-28-2009 04:43 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2009 04:59 »
The funny thing is, I had no idea they were gonna have anything Futurama related at NYCC....  Actually, I recently made plans to attend NYCC with one of my best friends. The reason that we're going, is because we want to meet our favorite voice actors and get their autographs. But OMG, getting to see the premiere of ITWGY - and probably on a huge projector screen - that is so awesome!!  *calms down* Okay, don't worry guys, I'm done bragging. That's enough excitement out of me. XD But seriously though, I just can't believe my luck. 

Bending Unit
« Reply #491 on: 01-28-2009 04:56 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2009 04:58 »
Aww, I wish you could go too! I wish all of PEEL could attend New York Comic Con! I have a feeling that ITWGY is gonna be The Best Futurama Movie Ever. My prediction is that, I'm gonna love this movie even more than I loved BBS. Yes, I'm pretty sure that, Into The Wild Green Yonder is gonna be that awesome, because afterall, it is the last movie. 
Frida Waterfall


Have you got a big suitcase you could fit us all in?
Correction: Have you got a big suitcase you could fit a camera in? *Flinches away for Slap*

Bending Unit
« Reply #501 on: 01-30-2009 12:06 »
« Last Edit on: 01-30-2009 12:10 »
*nods* That statement is so true. And I really don't want that to happen.... =\ But even if I wanted to record the movie, I still couldn't do it because I don't have a digital camera or anything like that. Hehe, sorry guys. Looks like you'll just have to wait for the DVD to come out. XD Don't worry, it's coming out in February! So you can purchase it very soon (and I'll be buying it too, of course)! 
Liquid Emperor
Never heard of one business fining another, billing overtime, double time, & premiums yes. Wierd.


That is awesome! It actually tells a lot about some of the plot that we are discussing. Cool.

Bending Unit
« Reply #509 on: 01-31-2009 04:34 »
« Last Edit on: 01-31-2009 04:36 »
Oh, sweet! *watches clip* Hehe, that was a nice preview! Very funny!  And now I'm even more excited about seeing ITWGY next weekend! XD
Frida Waterfall


Don't forget to bring a camer- I mean towel. Yes, a towel, so then you can look like the biggest nerd there.