Oni Zyxer
Bending Unit
« on: 02-21-2002 07:54 »
« Last Edit on: 02-21-2002 07:54 »
i live in australia, where they only aired the first 2 seasons inconsistenly at crap times with no repeats, but if the show gets cancelled i cant download it, and that pisses me off. i read this article on ign, see, but theyve updated past it. the point was, there are going to be one or more SIMPSONS MOVIES. cool enough already, the real point is they specifically mentioned the soon to be jobless futurama staff might (will probably) work on it, eradicating fears that even if the show did make a return, there would be no one left. so to summarize, if theres gonna be a simpsons movie that the futurama crew will work on, this might just keep them in jobs long enough for fox to come to there senses... if you find this article, gimme a call.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I heard that The Simpsons movies were in the pipeline but that news of the Futurama staff working on it is cool. Not only could this mean if Futurama is renewed that the original team can work on it again but also the prospects of The Simpsons Movies are now much greater. They have a lot more potential now that the Futurama team might work on them. Sarge and Guffman are the people to ask.
I have heard the rumors for years of a Simpsons film, but never anything solid. Just being in the industry you would think we would hear something if it was close to a reality, but I haven't. Actually, the Simpsons guys are on hiatus themselves right now.
I don't know, I'd heard about that though