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Author Topic: "I heard questions make you stupid. No, I'm... doesn't"- Stupid questions.  (Read 29843 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #720 on: 05-15-2008 21:38 »

A: Lemons!

Q: Why they hell do they want lemons?

« Reply #721 on: 05-15-2008 21:59 »

A: Lemons are better than grapefruit

Q: Why?

Space Pope
« Reply #722 on: 05-15-2008 22:10 »

A: Because lemons cause less damage when thrown at them, when they're pretending to sing & prancing onstage.

Q: Why would anyone even consider going to the Spice World?  Really, why?

Space Pope
« Reply #723 on: 05-16-2008 06:59 »

A: Don't worry SJ, no-one can go there now that it has been quarantined, pending the DOOP's decision on it's destruction.

Q: Why are the DOOP taking such a long time over this?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #724 on: 05-16-2008 07:12 »

A: Because Zapp Branigan secretly adores the inhabitants of Spice World and is slowing the decision making process down behind the scenes.

Q: Why hasn't anyone in DOOP cottoned on the the fact the Zapp is an incompetent buffoon?

« Reply #725 on: 05-16-2008 07:29 »

A: They all realized it, they're just too lazy to do anything.

Q: Is there anybody else DOOP thinks is a buffoon?

Space Pope
« Reply #726 on: 05-16-2008 11:29 »

A: Scooby Doo.

Q: What have the DOOP got against Scooby?

Urban Legend
« Reply #727 on: 05-16-2008 13:35 »

A: Scooby got drunk at a DOOP assembly and called them all rucking roucherags

Q: What was scooby drinking when he said this?

Space Pope
« Reply #728 on: 05-16-2008 14:27 »

A: No one knows; he won't tell anyone.  As Scooby says "Ro one rerrs re rhat ro rink!"

Q: Why did Scooby become such an alcoholic dog?

Urban Legend
« Reply #729 on: 05-16-2008 14:32 »

A: He was the only survivor of the mystery machine crash

Q: what caused the mystery machine to crash?

Space Pope
« Reply #730 on: 05-16-2008 14:36 »

A: Velma was in a knock down, drag out chick fight with Daphne.

Q:  What were they fighting about?

Urban Legend
« Reply #731 on: 05-16-2008 14:43 »

A: who the harlem Globetrotters liked more

Q: Who did the globetrotters like more?

Space Pope
« Reply #732 on: 05-16-2008 14:54 »

A: Daphne. Everyone prefers Daphne.

Q: What other fights have happened over the Globetrotters?

Space Pope
« Reply #733 on: 05-16-2008 15:40 »

A: Don't know them all, but Morbo particularly didn't like being called a "Jive Sucker". 

Q: What does Morbo think of basketball?

Space Pope
« Reply #734 on: 05-16-2008 15:49 »

A: He hates it and will destroy it.

Q: How will Morbo destroy basketball?

Space Pope
« Reply #735 on: 05-16-2008 16:59 »

A: He will kill all the "pathetic human" basketball players.

Q: What does Lrrrr think of basketball?

« Reply #736 on: 05-16-2008 18:12 »

A: The concept of basketball infuriates and confuses Lrrr.

Q: Does Lrrr like blurnsball?

Space Pope
« Reply #737 on: 05-16-2008 18:53 »

A: No, he finds the field they play on to be "chalky & unpleasant".

Q: Does Morbo like Blernsball?

Space Pope
« Reply #738 on: 05-16-2008 19:32 »

A: Yes, he loves it.

Q: Why does Morbo love blernsball?

Space Pope
« Reply #739 on: 05-16-2008 21:14 »

A: Because it reminds him of his home planet's favorite sport.

Q: What's Morbo's home planet's favorite sport?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #740 on: 05-16-2008 22:14 »

A: Burnsball. It's exaclty like blernsball but the losing team is thown into the ceremonial "pit of death and fire".

Q: Is it popular anywhere else?

Space Pope
« Reply #741 on: 05-16-2008 22:47 »

A: Only a couple of places.

Q: Why do so few people like Burnsball?

Space Pope
« Reply #742 on: 05-16-2008 23:17 »

A: Because once you lose, that's it; no more Burnsball for you.

Q: Wasn't Burnsball named after C. Montgomery Burns?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #743 on: 05-17-2008 05:52 »
« Last Edit on: 05-17-2008 05:52 »

A: No. It is actually named in honor of that much more ancient and evil despot- Dr "Boo" Urns. Morbo's people care not for some pathetic character from a mere 1000 year old earth cartoon. THEY WILL DESTROY HIM!

Q: What had Dr Urns done to so impress Morbo's people?

« Reply #744 on: 05-17-2008 10:31 »

A: He destroyed an entire planet with just a socket wrench, a tube of toothpaste, and a picture of Bugs Bunny.

Q: How did he do it?  :D

Space Pope
« Reply #745 on: 05-17-2008 11:06 »

A: He pulled a MacGyver... of course.

Q: What purpose did the picture of Bugs Bunny serve in  the destruction of the planet?

Space Pope
« Reply #746 on: 05-17-2008 11:07 »
« Last Edit on: 05-17-2008 11:07 »

Beaten to it

A: To distract the population.

Q: Why would a picture of Bugs Bunny be the best choice as a distraction?

« Reply #747 on: 05-17-2008 12:29 »

A: The planet is BunnyFanulon7

Q: Why did he use the socket wrench?

Space Pope
« Reply #748 on: 05-17-2008 13:19 »

A: He pulled a MacGuyver; it's probably all he had to work with.

Q: Who's the leader of BunnyFanulon 7?

Space Pope
« Reply #749 on: 05-17-2008 13:27 »

A: Oddly enough, his name is Elma Fudd.

Q: Do the people of BunnyFanulon 7 appreciate the irony of their leader's name?

Space Pope
« Reply #750 on: 05-17-2008 14:43 »

A: No; they're more pissed off than anything else, because he walks around all day saying "Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting bunny wabbits; uh huh huh huh huh huh".

Q: How did someone with the name Elma Fudd get to be the leader of a planet of rabbits?

« Reply #751 on: 05-17-2008 16:58 »

A: Long story. To make it short, he held Tweetie da Birdy hostage and it all went down hill from there.

Q: Are there any other planets  that LOVE Bug Bunny?

Space Pope
« Reply #752 on: 05-17-2008 17:43 »

A: The French Food planet LOVES Bugs Bunny (yikes).

Q: What planets HATE Bugs Bunny?

« Reply #753 on: 05-17-2008 18:04 »

A: Elmf87 and Sylvestazon 9.

Q: Why do they hate Bugs Bunny?

Space Pope
« Reply #754 on: 05-17-2008 19:09 »

A: They don't get as much attention as Bugs Bunny.

Q: What other planets are based on Warner Bros cartoon characters?

« Reply #755 on: 05-17-2008 19:15 »

A: Yosam 29 and Tomerry 8

Q: Are there planets based on Futurama?  :D

Space Pope
« Reply #756 on: 05-17-2008 20:36 »

A: Planets, no; Universes, yes.

Q: Who was the first MVP player in Blernsball?

« Reply #757 on: 05-17-2008 20:45 »

A: Jackie McCarthy

Q: Who was second to McCarthy?

Urban Legend
« Reply #758 on: 05-17-2008 20:53 »

A: Andrew McCarthy

Q: How did Andrew McCarthy become a blernsball player?

Space Pope
« Reply #759 on: 05-17-2008 21:05 »

A: He couldn't get work as an actor, so he tried out for a team.

Q: How did Andrew McCarthy end up in the future, when he was a young adult star in the 1980's?
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