DOOP Secretary
Tim: "Sure, blame the wizards."
Frida Waterfall
Mind if I rant about the tattoo a little bit? It's just that this thread's been down for ten days and all.
So... maybe the tattoo doesn't prove that Fry's father time. However, it didn't turn the theory down, so there's still hope! Yay for optimism!
Why was the tattoo in the form of Bender? Does Bender have an importance to the universe similar to Fry? You don't have an important tattoo of any old person have a time-travel code hidden in it...
What allowed the tattoo to travel through both time and space? For something that is supposed to be only for time, why would it change locations upon use?
Now, here's my question. The code for paradox-solving time travel lies in the tattoo Bender's left eye (right eye in the viewer's point of view). Now, is there another code in the right eye that they didn't look into? To make a few suggestions, the code might A. enable instant space transportation. This could lead to the uprising or downfall of Planet Express. Also, this suggestion corresponding with my time/space theory. One eye holds the code for time travel, and the other eye holds the code for space travel. B. open a portal to other universes. I doubt this as we're going to be exploring another universe in "The Beast with a Billion Backs". C. call a different time sphere that instead of taking users to the past and fix paradoxes from multiple uses, would take users to the future and create a duplicate to make the future viewed by the user include them (this differentiates it from the freezer tube which bring people to the future but to a future that has no influence of their existence). It would make sense- a code to for past time traveling in one eye, and a code for future time traveling in the other eye.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #45 on: 12-24-2007 17:58 »
« Last Edit on: 12-24-2007 17:58 »
The other eye? Frida, you win the Issac Newton Catflap Award! (That's a complement, by the way. )
Frida Waterfall
Originally posted by Professor Zoidy: I hate to tarnish your flaw, but all Bending units look the same. Of course, that may only be in the human's eye. Perhaps to another Bender, there's a unique system of distinguishing factors that helps tell them apart.
But why a Bending Unit? Also, the tattoo has been clearly identified as Bender by characters and staff members alike.
Liquid Emperor
Must've been the cigar.
Frida Waterfall
Bobbot, it couldn't be Flexo because he's identified with his goatee.
Frida Waterfall
Good point. We do know that the creator's original plan was to have Bender and Flexo switch lives between "Lesser of Two Evils" and "Bendless Love", so the goatee must be removable. Still, futz made the best point- the cigar clearly identifies the tattoo as Bender.
This argument is stupid. I'm tired of it. Let's move onto something else.
« Reply #55 on: 01-02-2008 03:17 »
« Last Edit on: 01-02-2008 03:17 »
well if the first three digits of the six rows make up 1,2,3,4,5,6, then the mirrored ones make 6,5,4,3,2,1. That makes the sum of every row 7. like a dice has 6 surfaces the timecode has 6 rows. and like a dice's opposing surfaces always add up to the number 7, so do the opposing 3 digits of the timecode rows. Maybe this symbolizes the randomness of time travel?
EDIT: just realized it doesn't work that way, would've been cool though. I'm too tired -_-
Also: The pictured version of it looks like leela's face, if white is the background/eye color.
I think my head's gonna explode.
The time travel code was meant to be paradox free so maybe somehow it created the tattoo itself.
Starship Captain
« Reply #58 on: 01-15-2008 00:50 »
« Last Edit on: 06-14-2010 07:32 »
nevermind.. Ok, I was bored today, so I was reading about the binary number of Bender's Tattoo... I was adding and subtracting numbers randomly. Then, I decided to work with the whole number: 00110001001010000101111010110 1110011
Later, I decided to do this:
00110001001010000101111010110 1110011 + 11001110110101111010000101001 0001100 (backwards) ====================================== 11111111111111111111111111111 1111111
Adding those 2 numbers in binary is easy . Now, when you transform the binary answer to a decimal number, you'll get this one:
I googled that number and I found this thread of the Unfiction forum, where they talk about a problem called the "Tower of Cubes", that it says: Perplex City is home to many strange groups and organizations; perhaps none stranger than the Brotherhood of the Six, who revere and venerate the Cube. In the centre of their temple, in the heart of the old city, is a structure they call the "Tower of Cubes". It consists of 3 poles and 36 cubes of diminishing size, each with a hole through the centre.
At the beginning of time, so it is said, all the cubes were arranged in perfect order on the first, black pole. It is the duty of the Brotherhood to transfer all the cubes so that they sit, in perfect order, on the final, white pole. Various rules govern this holy activity. A larger cube can never sit on top of a smaller one, and only one cube may be transferred at one time; it is not permitted to hold a cube in one's hand, or to place it anywhere other than one of the poles.
According to ancient prophecy, when the cubes are all arranged on the white pole, the universe will be aligned in perfect harmony and there will be an end to all sorrow and grief. If one cube is transferred every minute, how long will it take for this blissful state of affairs to come to pass?
The same description can be found here: http://perplexcitycardcatalog.com/1/217/ Also, the answer is in the above forum, but to be honest, I don't understand it... only that they used recursive programming.
68,719,476,735 is according to the solution in the forum named above, the number of minutes of moves needed to solve the problem... that means, the number of moves to the end to all sorrow and grief.
I found all this by coincidence, but also think is interesting... of course that the phrase "end to all sorrow and grief" is the opposite to what happens with the Universe at the end of Bender's Big Score, but what about if it has something to do with the next movie, The Beast With A Billion Backs.
Well, that's my crazy guess... maybe is just a coincidence like I said... but someone with more Mathematical knowledge could analyze this... what do you think?
It really isn't that huge of a coincidence, both are based on the number 36 (total number of zeros and ones on the tattoo, and the number of the cubes).
36 is pretty usual number. It's 2x18, 3x12, 4x9, 6x6, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 and 17+19 (sum of twin prime). It's also only triangular number, whose square root is a triangular number. And there's a lot more, check Wikipedia.
There's a little bit of Bender in it: 36 is $ in the ASCII code.
« Reply #64 on: 10-10-2010 02:11 »
« Last Edit on: 10-10-2010 02:14 »
Hey guys,
this thread has been dead for a while but it is about time to bring it back.
As we already know the code stands for 1 2 3 4 5 6 in binary (and its anagram to make it readable in the mirror).
Nothing new so far.
Before you get the latest brilliant idea due to this topic, how did we come across it:
We just started thinking about the code in a beer-charged movie discussion and got to futurama and the hidden jokes like in the episode with the werecar.
We soon got to benders big score and the tatoo and looked up the internet till we found this thread and brought ourselfes up to your state.
Ok well, 1 till 6. Guys, come on didn´t anyone add the numbers from 1 to 6?
It´s 42!!
Edit: sure 1+2+3+4+5+6=21 but the coude is this + its anagram (as we agress i think) and therefore it is: 42.
The result of teh theory of anything = 42 ! (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
We are pretty sure that this is the hint.
Best regards from germany, from Freed, Martin & Hauke!