DOOP Secretary
Futuramadvent is nearly over. Today is "The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings."
This episode really brought out the A-game of the series. I'm not just talking abut the music, although that must have been fairly complicated, I mean everything. The story manages to be sweet without being saccharine and hilarious without losing the element of drama.
The episode also included two of my favorite robots, Hedonismbot and the Robot Devil as an actual antagonist. The story focused heavily on the three major characters, and that's just fine by me. They are at the peak of their greatness in this episode.
Watching it again made me realize just how much I miss the show.
Frida Waterfall
I don't care whether or not you consider it time to start reviewing the last episode of this 72-day marathon. I'm still going to comment on "Spanish Fry".
The best part would have to be when Bender is telling the Omricronians about the "other" lower horn. It wasn't how Bender was describing it, I just like watching Fry's expression as he eases into the topic. Truly priceless.
Yeah, that's my comment.
The caption at the beginning ("See you on another channel" ) gets me every time...
Fry looked so adorable sitting in the little chair! The expression on Beelzebot's face as he examines his new hands is priceless!
Hey, did DXC get a cameo role, sitting next to Bender while he was looking up "irony" in the dictionary?
I wonder if anyone noticed, when Fry's busy composing the opera, the Holophoner sounds like a Venu, the Sanskrit name for the transverse bamboo flute used in South Indian Carnatic music. The same sound is also used right at the end.
I'm super excited. My devil hands are already sweaty.
Originally posted by Archonix: One thing that bugs me; when it was introduced, didn't they say that the holophoner could only be properly played by two people in the entire universe? Yet there's a dozen kids learning how to play it and apparently doing quite well... I know, I shouldn't pick nits in this episode since it was so perfect in all other respects, but that just bugged me a little. I think the key thing here is Leela said it could only be properly played by a few people in the universe. That won't stop kids from trying to learn, though. And remember, those kids' parents had to beat them "fairly hard" to make them that good... Reminds me of that Russel Peters skit On a shippy note, it's shows how hard Fry tried to impress Leela.
If anyone is interested Bender's Big Score went down in price on amazon. It's $17.99 so I just bought it finally.
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Bendersfan1221: I'll talk more later must get to other stuff before the school blocks PEEL. my school already blocked it lucky for everyone who's getting the DVD tomorrow. It's not coming to the UK for ages. Maybe it's time to star a 72 days to the UK release thread? lol I loved TDHAIPT. I thought it was a really sweet ending. I can't wait to see how it's is followed on from (if it's followed on from...)
Urban Legend
TDHAIPT What can I say? It kicked ass back on Aug 10 2003 when I first saw it and it kick ass now. It prompted me to write this song parody all those years ago. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1596005/1/American_Fry This episode does have some flaws. One thing I like was that this episode ended showing a bad animation sequence just like how the series began with a bad animation sequence with the Donkey Kong video game. I was hoping that TDHAIPT would feature more references from the first episode since at the time this was the end. I liked that Nixon was in this episode since he was in the first episode. I don't mind it was for a small joke, it was just awesome. We hardly see the PE ship in this episode. Except for the intro, we just see Leela working on part of the ship. Since the PE ship was introduced in the first, I wish it had a bigger part in this episode. All and all, this episode tied up the loose end that Leela and Fry would perhaps get to together. Now, that Futurama is having 4 DVD movies, the flaws from the last episode are not as bad as before.