
Liquid Emperor
« on: 11-13-2007 03:37 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2007 03:37 »
I just posted a story on CGEF where I need your help. We will be able to get 10 fans in pairs of two into the premier of Bender's Big Score in LA on Nov. 15th. It starts at 6:30pm (reception). The movie will be shown at 7:30. There will be some after party. This thing is going to be mostly for Futurama crew/cast (including Cohen and Groening) and press. My aim is it to find 5 Originally posted by DXC: Loud, screaming fans, please! (As opposed to "worst-episode-ever" fans.) , who each bring one further fan (age 21+ for now). I only got roughly one day for this. So, if you live in LA, check CGEF and enter. Mention your PEEL account if you do. If you don't live in LA but know someone who does, please make them aware of this unique chance on CGEF! If you don't live in LA and don't know anyone who does, help me spread the word by using the links in the article to digg that story, put it on del.icio.us, reddit or stumpleupon (if you have accounts on any of those). One thing: I'm not sure on the age restriction yet. I'll assume 21+, but it might be lower. Will update on CGEF as soon as I know more.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I hope most of the lucky fans are Peelers and can report on the evening to the rest of us. Good luck...

DOOP Secretary

This is definitely a great opportunity for any fan of Futurama. Thanks for the heads up, mArc.
For myself, however, I don't make the 21+ age requirement, so, alas, I can't enter this. However however, I'll check back in tomorrow to see if the age requirement is indeed lower than 21 years, although I'd expect that you'll already have 5 entrants who make the age requirement by then.

Bending Unit
« Reply #24 on: 11-14-2007 12:09 »
« Last Edit on: 11-14-2007 12:09 by JustNibblin´ »
Wow! I get to meet JBERGES! And maybe get his autograph! Oh yeah, and see the movie too...Any pics in particular y'all want, let us know. DXC wanted loud, screaming fans. I choose to read that as obsessed, overeducated fans. And I don't own a single piece of Futurama clothing. I feel bad and I should.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #32 on: 11-14-2007 21:45 »
« Last Edit on: 11-14-2007 21:45 »
Age requirement due to drinks? Aw, all I was going to get was a Shirley Temple! ... Hypo-Virgin... Originally posted by wwe_fk: well me and my lovly wife will be @ the premire, underpants in tow. see you there!!!! Pix plees, mkay? Thanx!1!11! But seriously, congrats to all those who won tickets. What a randomised honor! Make sure to get picture, to not mention somebody's kids by name, age, and size (we don't want us to be known as a bunch of stalkers!), and, most important of all, to plug PEEL whenever possible, especially that i_c_weiner fellow. Have a fantastic time!

Bending Unit
Originally posted by [-mArc-]: DXC managed to get 20 more seats for me to distribute! At least one more PEELer is going to go (Saucie). See CGEF for the list if you entered. Awesome. Just totally awesome. And they say whining gets you nowhere... I asked about the dress code. No dress code per se, but no shorts or T-shirts. Forgot to ask about naked... And I do wish more people could go. I know it's only due to a fluke of geography that I'm going.

DOOP Secretary

Someone be sure and ask MG or DXC whether the last movie will be shippy. In fact, whether all the movies will be shippy. And not just that, 'shippy'. 'Xanfor shippy'. Say it just like that, 'Xanfor shippy'. They'll know what you mean... Oh, and someone thank Katey for being at the Comic-Con. 