
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Ralph Snart: TKOS - depressing because Fry tries so hard to let Leela know he loves her. Leela cares a lot about Fry but instead of talking to him about it, she talks to -- Zoidberg? That haunting whistled version of "Sweet Georgia Brown" at the end is just depressing. Exactly. And unlike 'Parasites Lost', TKOS didn't even have a decent point to make.

DOOP Secretary

Scruffy is great in this episode. Second. This episode also proves that Fry can hurt himself in any situtation.
Fry: "Hey, buddy, I'm from the same time as you. Remember that song, Safety Dance?"
Steve Castle: "Sure do! We can dance!" (Hums "Safety Dance" )
Fry: "Y'know, that dance wasn't as safe as they said it was."

Space Pope
Originally posted by Kryten: I move that this episode was really funny and that That Guy is the best one-shot character ever, and also that my cat does not smell and is nice. This episode has great dialog (like most of the episodes), like this: Hermes: "Planet Express stockholders, I present our Chief Executive Officer, Professor Hubert Farnsworth" Professor: "Ee-uh-oooh, where am I?" Hermes: "Move forward, walk into the light" Professor: "OH GOD; I'M DEAD!"
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Kryten: Trust me...my cat does not smell and is nice. So your house doesn't smell like cat pee. But how about that Polygrip odor? Ralph 'cat lover' Snart

DOOP Secretary

Fry took a shower!
Also, he said 'wherewithal'.


I like the "Challengeruuu.... Benderuuuu!" announcement  I agree with Rhodan, the plot's very thin, but I guess it's saying something that it's still funny.

DOOP Secretary

I think it would have been funnier if she'd said 'soylent waste'.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by trickster381: Proffesor- water, ordinary water with a couple table spoons of LSD
lol, that cracked me up Yeah, especially considering the size of the bottle.

DOOP Secretary

"I will now take my leave. I live here, so I won't actually be going anywhere, but you don't have to talk to me anymore."
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

And notice that Leela let Amy clear the way for the tadpoles to make it to the water? Leela is much more adept at fighting, but she let Amy take the responsibilty for defending the children. Leela's little way of stregnthening the bond between Amy and the offspring (who are actually Leela's children).
But yeah, lots of Amy. A pity that Evil Lincoln was a one shot character. He would have so much potential...

DOOP Secretary

I know another one-shot character who would have had potential...
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Morgan? I'd love to this filthy-freak make another appearance.


Oh shit... I forgot about Kryten. Please don't hit me!