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Space Pope
« Reply #520 on: 11-05-2007 18:45 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2007 18:45 »

Tricky I don't know if anyone will. It's the stuff chage because of 9/11? Listen to the commentary and see/hear whats said about it search the web see what you find because I'm not sure my self.

TOTP Mascot Dance Off


Starship Captain
« Reply #521 on: 11-05-2007 18:54 »

Well I read that after 9/11 FOX took out the ship crashing through the bill-board in the opening credits, but put it back in after a couple months, still no clue on the truman and egg crate situation though

P.S. There wasn't any contraversy when Futurama talked about how area 51 was were the fake moon landing was suppose to be filmed, I thought that would be contraversal

Space Pope
« Reply #522 on: 11-05-2007 19:06 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2007 19:06 »

The Trmuan busting out o the egg crate is as Kryten said a WTF moment. It's there just to make us go "What the fuck?!"

Well there is a conspiracy therory that we didn't really land on the moon and that it was all faked in like Area 51 or something but it was just a joke in this episode. I'd ask someone much more versed in this stuff than I am. I'm just guessing.

Starship Captain
« Reply #523 on: 11-05-2007 19:17 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2007 19:17 »

Oh ok, thanks Bendersfan

also I still don't have my DVDs so im gonna guess, is tomorrow godfellas, and if it is, don't talk about it untill tomorrow   ;)

Space Pope
« Reply #524 on: 11-05-2007 19:53 »

Your welcome tricky. Yes you got the episode right.

Starship Captain
« Reply #525 on: 11-05-2007 20:04 »

Oh yeah 2 in a row, go me

Space Pope
« Reply #526 on: 11-05-2007 20:52 »

"Roswell That Ends Well" is my favorite episode, full of great dialog.  Like this exchange:

Farnsworth: "Start the ship, Leela. Let's just steal the damn dish, to get back to our own time."

Fry: "But..but, won't that change history?"

Farnsworth: "Oooooh, a lesson in not changing history from Mister "I'm my own Grandpa". Let's get the hell out of here already; screw history!"

Space Pope
« Reply #527 on: 11-05-2007 21:11 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2007 21:11 »

Yes! I love that part too seattlejohn01.
"Screw history" has got to be the most intellgent thing the professor has ever said but history is boring and I hate it so that's a little, wait I have no clue where I was going.

I love how Fry accept that he is his own grandfather so quickly. One minute he's freaking out then all of the sudden he doesn't even care. He's even pround in The Why of Fry. Fry can adapt very easily.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #528 on: 11-05-2007 22:39 »

I agree, one of the best episodes.

Professor: "Choke on that causality!"

I didn't get that joke until like the fifth time I saw the episode. RWTEW has alot of subtle stuff I love. Like Leela with the salt shaker. A really simple thing that for some reason just strikes me as really believable and well done. I also like how they put effort in to getting the WWII equipment right, like the M26 tank and the P-51B Mustangs. Granted the by that time it would have been P-51Ds but I'm not that picky. This seems as good a time as any to point out that I know way too much about these things.

Starship Captain
« Reply #529 on: 11-06-2007 06:53 »

today is


One of my favs of season 3, they did a really good job with god so it dosn't conflict with other religions.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #530 on: 11-06-2007 07:48 »

I like the nonstandard nature of the "Roswell That Ends Well" time travel story. You're wondering and wondering how they're gonna fix their mess... And then... It's 'Screw history'! It's like when I watched 'Titanic' for the first time, and at the end, the big ship sank... I did not see that coming.

Very Futurama.

Space Pope
« Reply #531 on: 11-06-2007 12:04 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2007 12:04 »

Godfellas is a good episode. Bender actually learns to be comassionate about something other than himself for a bit. The God entity was cool they did do a great job with him not making him the god of one religion or indeed not knowing if he was even really god. Let the philosphical dicussions commence.

I really want to show this episode to my class and listen to the discussion that follows. My class is like a mix of the really highly opinonated who will argue about anything, especially if it's philosophical or politial. The moderatly opinonated who just kinda sit by and don't care until a personal belief is attacked (AKA: me) we are easily amused by our class. And the not very opinonated the kids who could give a flying fuck about policts or philosphy, they'll discuss stuff but not get as into it as the highly and moderatly opionated people. But too bad the only teacher that  have that would actually show a TV show in class hates Sci-fi even though he loves the Simpsons.

« Reply #532 on: 11-06-2007 13:35 »

I reckon it would be inherent that God could not know that it was God, as essentially God is the most utterly selfless being in the universe, to be in possession of an identity would render God with the limiting qualities of the human ego.

The episode is excellent, some of my favourite things:

-When Bender tries to give his people light they burn, when he trys to put out the fires he caused he blows them away!

-The mini Nuclear war around Benders body.

Leela in the monastery-Your order may be famous for its martial arts, but I've never met a holy man I couldn't clobber

Fry looking for Bender- I know he was evil, and on more than one occasion he actually stole my blood, but still I wish Bender was back

God- When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #533 on: 11-06-2007 14:14 »

Eh, the episode was almost pure philosophy. It had three great funny bits, though.

Come back when I've had some sleep, baby!

Hey, I hear your friend Bender is back!

And, of course, Bender's earplugs. And ears.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #534 on: 11-06-2007 15:12 »

My favorite detail about today's episode is when Malachi Jr. is hugging Bender meanwhile Bender's eyes follow a nuclear bomb down all the way to the civilization. I watch for that every time.

Starship Captain
« Reply #535 on: 11-06-2007 15:18 »

that was some what sad seeing all the poor, hard working people blown up, it reminds me of Hiroshima

Space Pope
« Reply #536 on: 11-06-2007 15:25 »

Originally posted by gaschief:
I reckon it would be inherent that God could not know that it was God, as essentially God is the most utterly selfless being in the universe, to be in possession of an identity would render God with the limiting qualities of the human ego.

The episode is excellent, some of my favourite things:

-When Bender tries to give his people light they burn, when he trys to put out the fires he caused he blows them away!

-The mini Nuclear war around Benders body.

Leela in the monastery-Your order may be famous for its martial arts, but I've never met a holy man I couldn't clobber

Fry looking for Bender- I know he was evil, and on more than one occasion he actually stole my blood, but still I wish Bender was back

God- When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all

Yep I love thoes parts too. It's kinda sad that Benders really didn't do anything to stop it but I don't think he really could have done much anyway. Helper is a dick. And as to what Xanfor said about Bender with ears and ear plugs why did he do that? It was funny but weird.

Starship Captain
« Reply #537 on: 11-06-2007 15:31 »

My guess would be that Bender hears through his antenna, you cant plug a antenna so he put ears in so he could plug them, and not hear anything

Space Pope
« Reply #538 on: 11-06-2007 16:01 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2007 16:01 »

There's one part of this episode that I keep forgetting about. That picture of Bender holding fry over the edge of the Statue of Liberty. I wonder what Fry did to make Bender mad enough to do that.

Gypsy: Sure I hold séance, channel your friend, no problem. Insert coin. [Fry inserts 5 cents and the Gypsy moans as she "channels" Bender.] I am your friend, Bonder.
Fry: Bonder? Is it really you?
Gypsy: Yes. I am fine. Give the gypsy $10.
Fry: Wait a minute! Bender's name isn't Bonder, it's Bender. You're a fraud!

I love how long it takes Fry to realize that the Gypsy was saying the wrong name. Hell he even called Bender "Bonder".

Fry: You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless. You gotta hope even more and cover your ears and go "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

Too true Fry, everything will come true if you believe it.

Space Pope
« Reply #539 on: 11-06-2007 16:55 »

Second-most-depressing Futurama episode ever. (I bet everyone knows the first.) But one of the best, too. And the monks were awesome. Take THAT, organized religion!

Starship Captain
« Reply #540 on: 11-06-2007 21:24 »

I still don't know where my dvd's are so i'll guess, is tomorrow futurestock

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #541 on: 11-06-2007 22:08 »

Leela: "It's no use. We were going full speed when we fired him so he's going even faster than that."
Fry: "You mean we can never catch up to him? Not even if we rub the engine with cheetah blood?"

Classic Fry. I also love the ending even though it is kind of a cheat.

Leela: "This is by a wide margin the least likely thing that has ever happened."

Space Pope
« Reply #542 on: 11-06-2007 23:44 »

^ I love that Leela quote.

'Godfellas' will always hold a special place for me, since it was the first episode I actually watched, on adult swim in March 2006. I had come across Futurama many times before that, but never realized it was worth watching. Luckily I finally gave it a chance. But this is a great episode regardless.


Urban Legend
« Reply #543 on: 11-06-2007 23:54 »

Helper is not so helpful.  They need to bring that robot back.

This episode is so good.  Even after a few years, it's still relative to today.  Every episode of Futurama can still be relative today and perhap 10 years from now.

Space Pope
« Reply #544 on: 11-07-2007 06:54 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2007 06:54 »

^^ Yes they do need to bring Helper back no matter how much of a dick he maybe he's still funny.

Today's episode is: Future Stock. It's ok. I haven't seen this episode in a while but the part where Steve Castle dies... well that's sound effects gone mad.

Starship Captain
« Reply #545 on: 11-07-2007 06:55 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2007 06:55 »

bendersfan you posted todays episode like 10 seconds before me   :laff:

Space Pope
« Reply #546 on: 11-07-2007 11:29 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2007 11:29 »

Actually one second and that was becuase I'm amazing    :p     :D. I love Steve's face when he's doing the Saftey Dance thing with his hands. I love how fast the professor moves to get out of there when he hands Steve his escape plan. I don' think he ever moved that fast ever before or again. I also love the slapping sound effect. I hate Fry's slicked back hair. The commercial is really odd.

Zoidberg: A complete sangwich? [He laughs.] You got fleeced! I would have settled for a hard roll with ketchup inside.

Zoidberg is an idiot.

Mom: Jam a bastard in it, you crap!

I love to say that it's so funny and it makes no sense. When  say that it makes people shut up and be like WTF?!   :laff:

Space Pope
« Reply #547 on: 11-07-2007 12:37 »

Originally posted by Bendersfan1221:
The commercial is really odd.  I love to say that it's so funny and it makes no sense. When  say that it makes people shut up and be like WTF?!

It is odd, and what's even odder is it's based on real life.  That commercial in "Future Stock" is a riff from an actual commercial back in the early 80's that Apple Computers did (back when they were a young company & were doing creative marketing stuff like sponsoring the US festival); I think it was shown during the Superbowl. 

I saw it when it was first shown, and my immediate reaction was "what was that?"  People talked about it for weeks afterwards, and it got Apple's name out there in a big way.  On of my buddies who went to UCLA Business School told me it was taught there as a textbook example of "indirect marketing". 
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #548 on: 11-07-2007 12:58 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2007 12:58 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
Second-most-depressing Futurama episode ever. (I bet everyone knows the first.)

To me, TKOS and Devil's Hands are the two most depressing eps.  Your milage may vary.

Take THAT, organized religion!

Uh, aren't you a practicing, orthodox Jew?

Still yeah, take that, organized religion!

(Even my ultra-religious, Irish-Protestant wife loves the take on God and religion in this ep.)


Space Pope
« Reply #549 on: 11-07-2007 14:51 »

Originally posted by Ralph Snart:
To me, TKOS and Devil's Hands are the two most depressing eps. Your milage may vary.

I guess it depends on how you define a depressing episode. I categoize the depressing-ish ones (well sorta). I was going to do a long rant on what I think are the most depressing if anyone want to see it and my reasons for each let me know I'll post.

Steve's death: the most greusome death yet on Futurama it'll be hard to top becuase then they'd ahve to get more sound effects and stuff.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #550 on: 11-07-2007 15:34 »

TKOS - depressing because Fry tries so hard to let Leela know he loves her.  Leela cares a lot about Fry but instead of talking to him about it, she talks to -- Zoidberg?  That haunting whistled version of "Sweet Georgia Brown" at the end is just depressing.

Devil's Hands - because it's the last episode and still didn't give us closure about Fry and Leela.

Starship Captain
« Reply #551 on: 11-07-2007 15:36 »

I would like to read your rant Benders fan

Space Pope
« Reply #552 on: 11-07-2007 16:19 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2007 16:19 »

Originally posted by Ralph Snart:
TKOS - depressing because Fry tries so hard to let Leela know he loves her.  Leela cares a lot about Fry but instead of talking to him about it, she talks to -- Zoidberg?  That haunting whistled version of "Sweet Georgia Brown" at the end is just depressing.

Devil's Hands - because it's the last episode and still didn't give us closure about Fry and Leela.

Agreed but I think that the most depressing episode is Jurassic Bark just because the ending. Seymore sat there for 12 years waiting for Fry that always get's me along with the song. I'll talk more about his episode in 8 days.

Starship Captain
« Reply #553 on: 11-07-2007 17:30 »

I agree with Bendersfan Jurassic Bark was the sadest episode for me, actually it was the only really sad one for me
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #554 on: 11-07-2007 19:48 »

Wait, who inherited Zoidberg's 10,000 shares? Would it be Fry, who would technically inherit them whenever the owner before him, that guy (Steve Castle) died because he was the vice chairman to him, or would it be the professor, because he later became the the CEO again?

Space Pope
« Reply #555 on: 11-07-2007 20:20 »

you know Frida I have no clue. I've been wondering that too.

Starship Captain
« Reply #556 on: 11-07-2007 20:46 »

Just to let everyone know theres only 20 DAYS left intill the movie comes out, i'm going to buy it with the birthday money i'm getting for my birthday on the 11th, also is tomorrow 30% Iron chef

Space Pope
« Reply #557 on: 11-07-2007 21:12 »

Happy almost birthday tricky!! I'm spending my lunch period getting Bender's Big Score. That will be the best lunch period ever and if my college prep class is cancelled I can watch the movie too. I think that Farsworth got the shares because he became the new CEO.

Space Pope
« Reply #558 on: 11-07-2007 21:19 »

Originally posted by Frida Waterfall:
Wait, who inherited Zoidberg's 10,000 shares? Would it be Fry, who would technically inherit them whenever the owner before him, that guy (Steve Castle) died because he was the vice chairman to him, or would it be the professor, because he later became the the CEO again?

Boring Business Answer - Typically, it depends on the corporation "survival" plan that most major corporations have in place, in case of "irreplaceable employee" death.

Futurama Answer - They would all go to Fry, because he gained all of "that guy's" shares (including Zoidbergs, which he obtained for a sandwich) when he died.  Personally, I think they should revert to Zoidberg, so he could come up with unique & original ways to lose them again...

Space Pope
« Reply #559 on: 11-07-2007 22:44 »

^ Makes much more sense than mine. Let's brainstorm ways Zoidberg would lose his shares shall we?
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