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Author Topic: 72 DAYS!!!  (Read 30969 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #360 on: 10-22-2007 07:09 »

today is

The Birdbotz of Ice Catrez
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #361 on: 10-22-2007 15:34 »

Billy does the entire commentary as Zoidberg.  I completely forgot about that...

Space Pope
« Reply #362 on: 10-22-2007 17:29 »

I love Birdbot of Ice-Catraz. Especially the end with the penguins and the guns. Good stuff. As soon as I catch up I'll talk more. I have to watch A Tale of Tweo Santas, Luck of the Fryrish and Birdbot of Ice-Catraz along with the commentaries. I know how much y'all missed me while I was not able to be here for very long.

Starship Captain
« Reply #363 on: 10-22-2007 20:26 »

I wish they made an episode that involved the penguins and how they learned to use guns and try to defeat humans in New New York

Space Pope
« Reply #364 on: 10-22-2007 20:44 »

Originally posted by trickster381:
I wish they made an episode that involved the penguins and how they learned to use guns and try to defeat humans in New New York

That'd be an intersting episode and very entertaining. Bird-bot is funny. I love Zoidberg in this episode he's such a suck up, and eating the raviolies off the floor was funny. I love the commentary for this episode but I couldn't watch it today. Yea! I caught up!!

Oh and to comment on Luck of the Fryrish. It is my favorite tear jerker episode. It's so sweet. I think that Don't You (Forget about me) by Simple Minds was perfect for the ending. It fits very well. I love the commentary for the episode but I couldn't watch it tonight because of fucking Monday Night football.  :finger: at Monday Night Football. The horse jokes were funny too. I hate puns but Hermes nay/neigh pun was funny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #365 on: 10-22-2007 22:24 »

I drew my philosophy on life from this episode.

Bender: "Life is hilariously cruel."

Starship Captain
« Reply #366 on: 10-23-2007 06:50 »

Today is

Bendless Love

"If I could only belive or understand that"

Space Pope
« Reply #367 on: 10-23-2007 10:03 »
« Last Edit on: 10-23-2007 10:03 »

I love Farnsworths posture throught out the episode and Fry using him as a bike so wrong but so funny. I also love how long it takes them to realize that Bender has been bending everything. He only bent the "L" unit about 4 times. I can't believe that it took bending Farnsworth to realize that he did. Such idiots. Also what was the thing with not counting lower case? I don't remember if I mentioned this for Bender Gets Made but I love Clamps he's insane and funny.

Starship Captain
« Reply #368 on: 10-23-2007 21:08 »

bendersfan you were the only reply today, that makes me sad   :(

Space Pope
« Reply #369 on: 10-23-2007 21:14 »

Why, why! Why did everyone else make tricky sad? I love you tricky. Like a gorilla loves a kitty.  :love: I hope that makes you happy.  :D

Space Pope
« Reply #370 on: 10-23-2007 21:35 »

Aw, okay, I'll say something.
I love Amy's random "Now we'll never beat Jupiter State!" Flexo is great, the Mafia is great. Oh, also the typical Fry line "it's that guy you are."

Space Pope
« Reply #371 on: 10-23-2007 21:53 »
« Last Edit on: 10-23-2007 21:53 »

Yeah Fry and the whole "It's that guy you are" and the "Wait a minute that's not me", stuff is some of Fry's stupider stuff.

« Reply #372 on: 10-23-2007 22:04 »

"Incidentally, you have a dime up your nose."

"I wish! It's a nickel."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #373 on: 10-23-2007 23:23 »

"Remember, only kill the one with the beard. That other filthy scab... We got nothing 'gainst 'im."


Urban Legend
« Reply #374 on: 10-24-2007 03:30 »

I forgot how Flexo came back and Fry hardly reacted to seeing him at Elzar's.  Remember what happened in Lesser of Two Evils.  That's an character error.  But still Bendless Love is a good episode.

Starship Captain
« Reply #375 on: 10-24-2007 06:52 »

Today is

The Day the Earth stood Stupid

I love the scene were fry asks the crew who was the first president and George Washington said Thomas Jefferson, also when Fry was yelling through the microphon the wrong way

Bending Unit
« Reply #376 on: 10-24-2007 09:11 »

I love the whole Pride and Prejudice parody.  It's one of my favorite books!

"And now, introducing the most eligible bachelor in all of Hertfordshire, Mr. Brainsley."

"I'm a gigantic brain!"

Space Pope
« Reply #377 on: 10-24-2007 11:18 »

Good episode. Stares blankly at screen slowly clapping* "All glory to the Hypnotoad."
Robo D Rulz!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #378 on: 10-24-2007 12:39 »

Brain: "What do you want?"
Fry: "I'm here to kick your ass!"
Brain: "Wishful thinking. We have long since evolved beyond the need for asses."

That line has always made me so hard, I also love all of Fry's miss spelled words too.

"Now I'm leaving for absolutely no raison!"   :laff:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #379 on: 10-24-2007 12:56 »

Originally posted by Robo D Rulz!!:That line has always made me so hard, I also love all of Fry's miss spelled words too.
Oh the irony.

Also "Aww, Chester A. Arthur fall down." is incredibly funny for no particular reason.  The commentary is right though.  The A. is what really makes that line somehow.

Space Pope
« Reply #380 on: 10-24-2007 15:12 »

Originally posted by jacoby:  The commentary is right though.  The A. is what really makes that line somehow.

Agreed. Also RDR Fry spelt raisin not riason.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #381 on: 10-24-2007 19:57 »

"And where would a giant nerd be?...



Space Pope
« Reply #382 on: 10-24-2007 20:17 »

The LIBARY. Fry's a jerk according to the national jerk test...
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #383 on: 10-24-2007 21:41 »

I still find Fry's "death scene" freaky and grotesque.  Just the way his neck is twisted while he's gagging his final breath.... *shudder*

Space Pope
« Reply #384 on: 10-24-2007 22:40 »

Originally posted by Officer 1BDI:
I still find Fry's "death scene" freaky and grotesque.  Just the way his neck is twisted while he's gagging his final breath.... *shudder*

I always found that gross and funny. I didn't watch the episode tonite but I've seen it so much it's definatly one of my favorites.

Starship Captain
« Reply #385 on: 10-25-2007 06:54 »

Today is


Delivery Boy
« Reply #386 on: 10-25-2007 09:29 »

Now you know why I used the qualifier 'practically'

Space Pope
« Reply #387 on: 10-25-2007 11:38 »

Farnsworth: Why, I've been a Harold Zoid fan since back when my hips were made of bone. As it happens, I still have some of my original 78s.

Damn Farnsie that's a long time! I love the 78Million RPM discs  [Billy Fucillo]They're HUUUUUUUUUUUGGE![/Billy Fucillo]

« Reply #388 on: 10-25-2007 12:12 »

Not one of my favourite episodes. I like the awards show

One good Zoidberg joke: "Next time you see me, don't be surprised if I've eaten"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #389 on: 10-25-2007 12:25 »

I used to really like this episode.

Until I realized Fry and Leela spent all that time trapped alone in the ship together and nothing happened!!!  :mad:   :mad:   :mad:

:p )

Robo D Rulz!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #390 on: 10-25-2007 12:59 »

The only joke in that episode that I laughed out loud for was the Sylvester Stallone joke.

"Oh my god, it's Sylvester Stallone!"

For this episode, I more enjoyed the tiny Fry/Leela and the Bender Subplots.

Starship Captain
« Reply #391 on: 10-26-2007 06:57 »

Today is

Cyber House Rules

I didn't really like this episode for some reason, it was just bland.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #392 on: 10-26-2007 10:48 »

Oh, come on!

Not even considering the plot, there's over a dozen lines in there that are pure green!

(Blackadder reference. Deal with it.)

For example, "By the end of the day, one of us is going to have one eye!"

This is tantamount to Mavis's line "Maybe we should get married!" in Grace & Favour. Twenty-one years of buildup, that had!
Robo D Rulz!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #393 on: 10-26-2007 13:01 »

I've always really liked this episode, I thought it had some really good jokes. For example, this scene has to be in the running for the best moment with every crew member in it ever. except Bender.

Fry: "What's so wonderful about Leela being normal? The rest of us aren't normal, and that's what makes us great. Like Dr. Zoidberg! He's a weird monster who smells like he eats garbage, and does."
Zoidberg: "Damn right!"
Fry: "And the professor's a senile, amoral crackpot."
Professor: "Ohhhea."
Fry: "Hermes is a rastafarian accountant."
Hermes: "Tally me banana!"
Fry: "Amy's a klutz from Mars!"
Amy: (crash) "s'ploops!"
Professor: "And Fry, you've got that brain thing."
Fry: "I already did! So Leela - do you wanna be like us, or do you wanna be like Adelai...with no severe mental or social problems whatsoever."

But I hope, for the love of god, they never bring Adelai back again. EVER! He's just way to bland and boring, even if he is supposed to be boring!

Space Pope
« Reply #394 on: 10-26-2007 13:17 »

I love this episode. In fact, TCHR is one of the two or three episodes that shot up the most in my estimation upon second/third viewing. I admit I didn't quite notice how great it was the first time. But that was the case for me with a number of episodes.

The theme of normality/abnormality, the skillful interweaving of the subplot with the orphans and the subtle bigotry of Adlai make this episode for me. Plus, Fry's speech about the crew's characteristics alone would be worth something.

Space Pope
« Reply #395 on: 10-26-2007 15:23 »

Originally posted by Robo D Rulz!!:
I've always really liked this episode, I thought it had some really good jokes. For example, this scene has to be in the running for the best moment with every crew member in it ever. Except Bender.

Fry: "What's so wonderful about Leela being normal? The rest of us aren't normal, and that's what makes us great. Like Dr. Zoidberg! He's a weird monster who smells like he eats garbage, and does."
Zoidberg: "Damn right!"
Fry: "And the professor's a senile, amoral crackpot."
Professor: "Ohhhea."
Fry: "Hermes is a rastafarian accountant."
Hermes: "Tally me banana!"
Fry: "Amy's a klutz from Mars!"
Amy: (crash) "s'ploops!"
Professor: "And Fry, you've got that brain thing."
Fry: "I already did! So Leela - do you wanna be like us, or do you wanna be like Adelai...with no severe mental or social problems whatsoever."

But I hope, for the love of god, they never bring Adelai back again. EVER! He's just way to bland and boring, even if he is supposed to be boring!

 I agree with everything you just said about this episode Robo D. I love that part. Just pointing out what makes everybody themselves. But I personally think that Adelai has either sever mental or social problems. I mean how can you live a life that's so boring and not exciting I would curl up and die if my life was ever that boring. Also who gets a Hawiian shirt toned down? What's the point of getting one if you just do that to it?
 Adelai is the most boring person ever and he's a jerk. god, I didn't even realize that I was possible to be so incredibly boring and a jerk at the same time but, WOW Adelai made it possible. Unfortunatly I can't watch the episode because my DVD player is being retarded so I can't write too much about the episode right now but expect more from me later.

Starship Captain
« Reply #396 on: 10-26-2007 15:41 »

The jokes in this episode are very funny but Adelai is so boring and stupid and pointless me despise of him lowers me enjoyment

Space Pope
« Reply #397 on: 10-26-2007 23:57 »

Leela looks like a ditz with two eyes. I had to say it I finally got a DVD player to function properly.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #398 on: 10-27-2007 00:19 »
« Last Edit on: 10-27-2007 00:19 »

Screw my DVD player.  I've been using my laptop ever since "The Cryonic Woman" because my DVD player kept locking up on that episode, and I was going to be damned if I let it spaz out and butcher the next disc with "Fryrish" on it.  And then I realized my laptop actually has better screen quality than my television....

I love this episode.  "The Cyberhouse Rules" is one of my favorite season 3 episodes for reasons already stated above.

Space Pope
« Reply #399 on: 10-27-2007 11:30 »

Since it is almost noon I'm announcing todays episode. Where the Buggalo Roam.
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