
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Silent_G: so I guess we won't hear and see the Raygun song until syndication (if ever)..Is the song on the DVD? Yes, it is.


I love the Baby Love Child one and Don't you Forget about me. Great songs and they work so well!

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #46 on: 02-24-2005 08:44 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2005 08:44 »
The name of the Donovan song is Atlantis, a top hit from him, he sung in 1969. For Futurama he recored that via the telephone. You might check out this thread for many (all) other songs that were used somehow. personal note: #3333


dont think anyone's mentioned "everybody's talking" in the episode "brannigan begin again"...that was a great song for that bit!


AHHHHHH!! hi i'm new here, but... i need someone's help! i just finished watching the episode of when Leela is reunited with her parents...and i absolutely loved the song at the end when they show how during the years, her parents have been secretely taking care of her. anyone know what song that is?! i just remember that some of the lyrics were
"you need me, you do, forever and ever"
and parts with "child" in it too...i'm looking all over google...which landed me here, but yeah, some help would be nice, i really liked it. thanks!

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
That is "Baby love child" by a band called "Pizzicato five".  You may check out this thread if you are interested in more songs used on Futurama. Welcome to PEEL, enjoy your stay here at Nerd-world.
Futurama Nerd


Hey kaa56! Welcome to PEEL  The song is called Baby Love Child, by Pizzicato Five. Nice to have ya, have a great stay in Nerd World.

DOOP Secretary

I can read "I typed it wrong". "I bought an old Beastie Boys album to get their songs that were used on Futurama."

Hey; can someone please tell me what the name of the song is and who sings it. Its the song playing at the very end of Jurassic Bark and it shows frys dog seymore sitting there waiting for him and all the years go by. I think that is by far one of the saddest episodes ever.Thanks.

Oh yeah and its sung by a woman i know that much.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
*raises hand* I can tell you  That song is "(If it takes forever) I will wait for you" sung by Connie Francis around 1964, even earlier perhaps. I've listed most of the songs used on Futurama here, check them out if you are interested in. Welcome to Peel, Missy. Please don't do double postings like you did. If you want to add something to your previous post use the edit-button (  ) instead. The most important is that you enjoy your stay here at Nerd-world.


I think this near enough covers it.
[1ACV03] Odd Couple - Main Theme [1ACV06] Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back [1ACV07] Norman Whitfield - In the Car Wash [1ACV08] Vera Lynn - We'll meet again [1ACV09] Beastie Boys - Super Disco Breakin' [1ACV09] Beastie Boys - Intergalactic [1ACV09] Beastie Boys - Sabotage [1ACV10] James Horner - Titanic Theme [2ACV12] Donovan - Atlantis [2ACV16] Hanson - MMMBop [2ACV16] Black Sabbath - Iron Man [3ACV02] Bill Fries / C.W. McCall - Convoy [3ACV04] Simple Minds - Don't you forget about me [3ACV06] American Breed - Bend Me, Shape Me [3ACV09] Roy Orbison - Oh Pretty woman [3ACV18] Rush - Tom Sawyer [3ACV18] Gloria Estefan - Conga [3ACV20] Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra [3ACV20] Johann II Strauss - An der schönen, blauen Donau [3ACV22] Cream - Sunshine of Your Love [3ACV22] Katrina & the Waves - Walking On Sunshine [4ACV02] Pizzicato Five - Baby Love Child [4ACV03] Spin Doctors - Two Princes [4ACV11] Eminem - The real slim shady [4ACV08] Buster Poindexter - Hot Hot Hot [4ACV08] KC and the Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Chelseaguzom: 2 bad TLZ is closed. u would know who sang that song in the transcript. 1: TLZ is not closed. 2: You can also get the transcripts at the original location: The Neutral Planet.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #74 on: 08-28-2005 13:34 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2005 13:34 »

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by benderfender: n Stop spamming, you spamming spammer!


I think benderfender is trying to get banned. He's deliberately annoying everyone, and is impersonating others.
The thread can close now that I've listed the "Songs in the show" (Go up 7 posts if you haven't seen).

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #79 on: 08-28-2005 18:47 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2005 18:47 »
Originally posted by Dan1248: The thread can close now that I've listed the "Songs in the show" (Go up 7 posts if you haven't seen). Ohh thank you, your highness, for solving this riddle that have eluded us lowly peons for 3 years and graciously allowing us to close the thread. How come none of us have ever thought about Copy 'n Pasting a list from CGEF into this thread? Too bad your list is no where near complete.  It lacks songs such as "Sexx Laws" by Beck, "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn and "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane. In fact "Complete" is a small dot on the horizon for it. I miss Ben posting in On-Topic.