Yeah, the theme is the same but all they are doing is looking at a glowy sphere which could have actually been done for all four of the movies...Other one is definately better.
To agree, it would be a drag if that was the dvd cover and the other one was a "special" Bluray cover...
I would dislike Bluray more...
well if it was I would rent out the blue ray one photocopy it and replace it with the standard dvd one but im sure that wont be the case.
I would be way too lazy to do that. ps can that even work?
DOOP Secretary
My money's on the first one being an earlier design that they just put in as a placeholder.
Well, yeah, that's true.
The plot would probably be better before ITWGY to build extreme suspense..
My money is on a glow-in-the-dark cover for this release.
Hmm...maybe that is why there is like green everywhere.
Frida Waterfall
[...] Although the movie itself makes up for lack of box art bewbs.
« Reply #590 on: 12-18-2008 19:51 »
« Last Edit on: 12-18-2008 20:08 »
Ive seen the movie dont ask how but my dad works for the telivision industry alot of early releases yes sir. ok benders a real dick in this one and so is fry well to leela,leela has to save a planet full of little animals from zapp branigan and joins a group of feminists zoidberg loses loads of money during a poker game, u guessed it leela has sex with fry because fry reads her mind and leela loves him for knowing alot more about her but doesnt know until halfway through where leela rips it and hates fry for most of the film bender gets in trouble with the robot mafia and even more when he ends up killing donbots wife by accident using her as a shield she gets shot bender gets kidnapped by the robot mafia but escapes and boards the doops ship before all of them are suckend into a green yonder sending them back in time except zoidberg, zoidberg is left behind and becomes very, very old towards the end of the film, fry runs away from the planet express team because they hate him for reading there minds thats all i can give away i really dnt want to spoil the ending its great trust me fry is so cool at the end, also the poker scenes are infront of a live audience with laughing machienes weird sound affects its really funny, fry does not die, but bender nearly does no binder but ur mum has!
Isn't it sad tht ur like 23 and still post on futurama forums and havent left your parents basement.
PS: Ive seen wild green yonder.
chicken dipper your a dick, this is not a bullying site its a fun forum don't spoil it for us you poppler. I doubt you have seen wild green yonder that plot sounded all over the place, you lier, also stop being an ass to binder hes way for respected on this site then you will ever be nobody even knows who you are on this forum so just leave.
ok ur all fags on this site anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!