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Author Topic: The 4 Futurama Movies Speculation Thread (Possible spoilers)  (Read 70624 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 07-08-2007 18:46 »
« Last Edit on: 07-08-2007 18:46 »

Though, looking at what they did last year with The Simpsons, they might show pre-made, faux animatics as to not reveal anything about the new stuff. I'm personally not sure who is going to be on the Futurama panel, if it's been announced yet.

I agree with you on most of that, Ralph. I don't think that Comedy Central will just let the thing be shown at 10pm and onward and die out. They'll pair it with South Park to get maximum ratings. If Futurama just gets only decent ratings, it's a pretty sure bet that it'll be back. They don't want to have paid so much money for the show just to get 16 more episodes.

Due to all these factors, with the greatest being money, I'm fairly confident that there will be more Futurama after these movies, as I bet most of you are. Yes, we've been fooled many times into believing that Futurama would be back and then it turns out it wouldn't, but I think the stars are finally aligning for us.

Top of the Page Merry Little Elf Jig!!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #41 on: 07-09-2007 06:19 »

According to IMDB the third movie is called FUTURAMA: Bender's Game. It sounds pretty good

« Reply #42 on: 07-09-2007 09:47 »

I don't know if this has been discussed before.  I've been wondering if they're doing a version of the movies in 16x9 widescreen.  That would be verrry cool. 
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #43 on: 07-09-2007 11:58 »

Originally posted by i_c_weiner:
Though, looking at what they did last year with The Simpsons, they might show pre-made, faux animatics as to not reveal anything about the new stuff. I'm personally not sure who is going to be on the Futurama panel, if it's been announced yet.

Billy West confirmed that he's showing up at the Futurama panel only this year.  Originally he wasn't going to come at all, but that he found out "pretty much everyone else is going," so he's going too.  :D

I wonder if Katey Sagal will be there....

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #44 on: 07-09-2007 13:34 »

I went to the Comic-Con 2007 website to see when and who would be on the Futurama panel. It said it will be on Saturday, July 28th. Here's a short summary:
3:30-4:30 Futurama—Matt Groening is proud to announce the long-awaited return of the animated sci-fi comedy classic Futurama! Matt and executive producer David X. Cohen will be on the dais, accompanied by writer Ken Keeler, animation directors Peter Avanzino and Dwayne Carey-Hill, and for the first time together on stage in any universe, actors Billy West (Fry), Katey Sagal (Leela), John DiMaggio (Bender), and Maurice LaMarche (Kif Kroker)! The cast and crew will entertain your questions and present a sneak peek at Bender’s Big Score! in glorious wide-screen format! Moderated by Bill Morrison. Ballroom 20

Also, here's some other Futurama related things going on at Comic-Con:
Thursday July 26th:
2:00-3:00 Bongo Comics Sneak Peek—Bongo Comics offers a mouth-watering preview of upcoming projects featuring The Simpsons and Futurama. Managing editor Terry Delegeane and creative director Bill Morrison host a panel featuring the writers and artists who create the comics and books based on Matt Groening’s phenomenal TV shows. Find out what’s in the future for Futurama Comics and what to expect in Simpsons Comics and Simpsons Super Spectacular. Plus, Thomas Lennon (Reno 911), Tone Rodriguez (Violent Messiahs), and Gerry Duggan (The Last Christmas) will be on hand to talk about their terrifying contributions to this fall’s star-studded issue of Bart Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror! This is a ”must-attend” panel for all fans of The Simpsons and Futurama—and anyone looking for a place to sit down! Room 3

Saturday July 28th:
10:30-12:00 Animation Writers Caucus: Holy Bleep, Batman! or Censorship and Animation—What can't you say in a cartoon? What can't you show? Why? Who says? Writers and producers of daytime and primetime animated television series tell tales out of school about what they didn't get to do and what they got away, in a panel sponsored by the Writers Guild of America's Animation Writers Caucus. Featuring panelists Alan Burnett (Batman), Aaron Ehasz (Avatar), Eric Kaplan (The Drinky Crow Show), Craig Miller (Curious George), Andrew Nichols (Jimmy Neutron, Will & Dewitt), and Patric Verrone (Futurama). Room 8

10:45-12:00 The Simpsons–Having just aired its 400th episode, The Simpsons has now released its first feature film. Join members of the team responsible for both and find out how they did it, including Matt Groening (creator and executive producer), Al Jean (executive producer/head writer), David Mirkin (former executive producer), Matt Selman (executive producer), Michael Price (co-executive producer), David Silverman (director of The Simpsons Movie), Matt Warburton (supervising producer), Don Payne (consulting producer), and Yeardley Smith (voice of Lisa Simpson). Moderated by Bill Morrison. Hall H

That's all the Futurama related things at Comic-Con's schedule that I found. Sounds like a very interesting weekend for Futurama fans.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #45 on: 07-09-2007 14:24 »

West, DiMaggio, Sagal and LaMarche?  Awesome to the fucking max.  I was hunting for info on the site last week and couldn't find anything relevant, so seeing all of this is great.  The end of July can't come soon enough.

« Reply #46 on: 07-09-2007 19:39 »

Originally posted by i_c_weiner:
The cast and crew will entertain your questions and present a sneak peek at Bender’s Big Score! in glorious wide-screen format!



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 07-09-2007 20:54 »

That's the best thing I've read all day.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #48 on: 07-09-2007 21:36 »

yeah it does sound awesome to the fucking max. I wonder if futurama will be like the simpsons and go for ages and get to like 400 episodes

Urban Legend
« Reply #49 on: 07-09-2007 22:19 »

WIDE-SCREEN???????? My brain can not comprehend the awesomeness that sentence contains.

*head explodes*

Delivery Boy
« Reply #50 on: 07-10-2007 10:38 »

What about the cover for the DVD is it out yet, has anyone seen it? If not hopefully they show it at comic con
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #51 on: 07-10-2007 13:14 »

Am I the only one that's a little worried about this "for a more mature audience" stuff? I know they said it won;t be as bad as Family Guy and all that, but I sort of felt that it had enough raciness before. That and the Beast With a Million Backs thing.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #52 on: 07-10-2007 17:32 »
« Last Edit on: 07-10-2007 17:32 »

Yes, Sine Wave, you are the only one who is worried about it and you should be ashamed.

Since speculation can run amok here I wonder since the Direct-to-DVD movie and the Comedy Central cablecasts will be somewhat different in content, if eventually the CC episodes will be released on DVD too as a separate set.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #53 on: 07-10-2007 20:43 »

God I so wish I lived in America and could go to the Comic Con this year, damn! It sounds like the event we've all been waiting so many years for! Whoever does go better record the clips and post them on YouTube, or everyone will go all Roberto about it...

Originally posted by futz:
Since speculation can run amok here I wonder since the Direct-to-DVD movie and the Comedy Central cablecasts will be somewhat different in content, if eventually the CC episodes will be released on DVD too as a separate set.

That is a question I have wondered too. Now here is another question; if, as it suggests, the movies on DVD are going to be widescreen then will the episodes be broadcast on TV in widescreen too? And if not and they are broadcast on TV in full screen, then if they do release them as episodes on DVD as well then will they be full screen on DVD like on TV? My heads hurting...


Delivery Boy
« Reply #54 on: 07-10-2007 20:52 »

yeah I agree with Otis P Jivefunk someone at comic con better record or tape the interveiws so the less forntunate people who arnt going get to see eg; ME
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #55 on: 07-10-2007 22:01 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
God I so wish I lived in America and could go to the Comic Con this year, damn! It sounds like the event we've all been waiting so many years for! Whoever does go better record the clips and post them on YouTube, or everyone will go all Roberto about it...

Knowing how the people who attend the San Diego Comic Con are, it's a sure thing that an hour or two after the panel, it'll already have well over 1,000 hits on both YouTube and Digg.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #56 on: 07-11-2007 05:17 »

make that 1001

Delivery Boy
« Reply #57 on: 07-11-2007 20:03 »

I'm really excited about the new movies. The first one is coming out the day after my birthday, great b-day present if you ask me.

I really would've liked going to the convention. My family and I are going to CA about exactly a month after it's happening, which stinks. If only we had scheduled the trip a month earlier! XD

Also, I'm new. My name's Chou and I'm a big Futurama fan. Hope to get to know you all. ^^

Space Pope
« Reply #58 on: 07-11-2007 20:10 »
« Last Edit on: 07-11-2007 20:10 »

I wish that I could get to the comic con but I live in NNY and have so much sports crap going on that It would be impossible. But if I can get the stuff on YouTube then all will not be lost for me. I have no doubt the the stuff will be up as soon as it happens. God I hate living in NNY at time. If I still lived in Ca I would so be there just for Futurama stuff that Saturday. If the interviews aren't taped I'm gonna Robot Santa on everyone's ass!!  :evillaugh:
Welcome to PEEL Chou

Delivery Boy
« Reply #59 on: 07-11-2007 22:09 »

Yeah these movies are gonna be awesome. I think Matt Groening said that at the start of the film they acknowledge that they have been off the air for 4 yrs I wonder what they do because what family guy did was hilarious

Starship Captain
« Reply #60 on: 07-12-2007 00:02 »

Bender's Game? Like Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"? Awesome, if so!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #61 on: 07-12-2007 11:12 »

I wonder if the clips shown will just be animatics, or will they be in full color yet? Last year The Simpsons Movie clips were rough pencil animatics, however they were shown a full 1 year before the Movie. With Futurama it is less than 5 months until Benders Big Score is released so you never know!...

Delivery Boy
« Reply #62 on: 07-12-2007 11:43 »

I think it will be an actual clip. The movie is most likely completed by now, so showing an animatic would be kind of pointless.

Space Pope
« Reply #63 on: 07-12-2007 13:36 »

Yeah I would make sense for it to be an actuall clip because as of right now Bender's Big Score is in post production. I think the other 3 are post production as well. But they might show the animatic and the full animated scene color like what the runners of the the Simpsons Myspace page so that you can see how the scene becomes great. Who knows?

« Reply #64 on: 07-12-2007 15:40 »

Wow! The four of them onstage and clips? Someone needs to sneak in a hidden camera!

« Reply #65 on: 07-12-2007 16:39 »

Originally posted by Smitty:
Wow! The four of them onstage and clips? Someone needs to sneak in a hidden camera!

I'll ask my dad and...persaude him.   ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #66 on: 07-12-2007 16:47 »

Originally posted by Smitty:
Someone needs to sneak in a hidden camera!

... as opposed to a sign indicating that you have a hidden camera?

« Reply #67 on: 07-12-2007 17:48 »

Sure, why not.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #68 on: 07-13-2007 05:05 »

is it hidden in a giant novelty foam cowboy hat?

Bending Unit
« Reply #69 on: 07-14-2007 02:26 »

But still, seeing the sneek peek will only make you more itchy to see the full release. I hate trailers for that very reason. Stupid Simpsons trailers came out over a year before release! ITCHN'!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #70 on: 07-15-2007 10:26 »
« Last Edit on: 07-20-2007 00:00 »

message not loading due to server errors... I'll be back later...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #71 on: 07-16-2007 08:35 »

I have a question...

So we know when these movies are broadcast as episodes they will be on Comedy Central, but will the DVD movies still be made and distrubuted by Fox Home Entertainment? And say at the end of the movies, will it still say 30th Century Fox entertainment?...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #72 on: 07-16-2007 10:15 »

I believe that Comedy Central only has the broadcast rights to Futurama, much like what Cartoon Network had. To that, I think that the 30th Century Fox and all that jazz would still be entact. It's like how House is broadcasted on Fox but is still an NBC-Universal property and still has that logo at the end of the show.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #73 on: 07-17-2007 04:40 »

hopefully it doesn't change kind of like family guy. They were good but when they got canceled and came back it was different and kind of crappy.

WOOOHOO comic con is nearly here

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #74 on: 07-17-2007 13:40 »

Originally posted by dru26:
hopefully it doesn't change kind of like family guy. They were good but when they got canceled and came back it was different and kind of crappy.
I agree that FG is a different kind of crappy...  :laff:

« Reply #75 on: 07-17-2007 23:03 »

Well, it sort of feels like the new Family Guy is trying to make too much of a point now in most of it's episodes.   Since Futurama already made points and was still very funny, I doubt it will end up that way.

Also, first post.  Yay.

« Reply #76 on: 07-17-2007 23:26 »

Is there any chance there'll be some sort of teaser with The Simpsons movie? (even a teensy one?)since it does come out right around comic-con.

Starship Captain
« Reply #77 on: 07-18-2007 11:13 »

Originally posted by Electerik:
Bender's Game? Like Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"? Awesome, if so!

  :laff: I just saw this and it's the funniest thing I've seen today. 

I don't know if there will be a teaser, but if the Simpsons movie doesn't have one, Futurama probably won't have one, either.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #78 on: 07-18-2007 11:18 »

Well, considering that Comic-Con will be happening while The Simpsons Movie is being released in theaters, I doubt that it would get a teaser. Also, it's already been released that there will be a teaser for Futurama at Comic Con.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #79 on: 07-24-2007 12:18 »

Less than a week to go until the Comic Con. Anyone else getting excited about the new Futurama clip/clips?...
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