DOOP Secretary
Most television shows have scripts to last them through part of, possibly all of, the next season. Also, in all likelyhood, Season 4 of Lost has already been taped, as they (1)would probably tape Lost when it's nice out since it's in a tropical setting, (2)probably have a backlog of scripts, and (3)have already taped the season well in a advance due to J.J.'s involvement in Cloverfield and Star Trek. Don't expect any disruptions on your favorite shows for this current season or the winter season. Spring, however, could be a different story. As long as the show has a nice backlog of scripts they haven't used, things should be good. Your favorite late night shows, however, likely will be in re-runs. They need current info to be topical. If they have some scripts or sketch ideas (in the case of shows like Conan, Letterman, and SNL) sitting around, they can last a little bit, but they'll need their host/performers due to ad-lib or stand-up tactics to survive, especially with shows like Conan or Letterman.
It's fairly ironic that Patric Verrone, as Futurama writer, is the head of the WGA-West, one of the unions that is on strike, as the strike is supposed to be in part due to share of revenue from DVD releases. Wikipedia says the strike will officially begin at 12:01AM on November 5th. (Remember, remember, the Fifth of November.) It's possible that some writers will be pushing that "deadline", of sorts, so the shows they work on have a library of scripts before the strike begins.
However, another strike is looming as well. The SAG and DGA (directors) have their contracts with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers ending next June. If the WGA and AMPTP don't come to an agreement by then (which, personally, I don't think it'll come to), then it's not only possible but probable that the SAG, DGA, and WGA will have a joint strike agains the AMPTP, forcing the producers into submission, as well as the film industry. Once again, viewers are lucky because the AMPTP is preparing for the possible strikes by pushing production dates of upcoming films and television series up as to make sure there is a stockpile available. Good for the viewer, as we shouldn't see any disruptions in release dates in the short run, however, in the long run, this might be used as a bargaining tool by the producers to say that they don't need the collective guilds just yet.
It's complicated. It's politics. All you need to know is that Futurama's movies have likely already been written. Patric Verrone had fair warning of the strike being the head of the WGA-West; it's possible he made sure the show was prepared for this. It's also possible that some episodes have been written and have been stockpiled, although there is no information to confirm this theory.
I think that's enough of The Weinage talking about this strike for now.
Also, Bendless Love has given me an idea: how do you sign up to be a scab writer?
DOOP Secretary
I have a good feeling that Comedy Central will air the Everybody Loves Hypnotoad episode as an April Fools Day episode like they did with Terrance and Philip.
Frida Waterfall
Oui! News here and here. They both give a new summary, but they both have the same summary. Apparently Katey Sagal's not going to be in the commentary. They also spoil the three deleted scenes from the movie...
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Yeah, I guessed about a 6 month space between releases.
That would be Nov. 2007, May 2008, Nov 2008 and May 2009 using a 6 month schedule. Of course the schedule may change depending on sales and other unknown factors. The kicker is, most, if not all the voice work is done and I bet most of the animation is done so the DVD's will be sitting on FOX's shelf, waiting for release.
So that axks the next question - will we see some of the new eps on CC before the DVD's are released.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by km73: Yup, that press release is now up at CGEF. Among other things, it says that the movies are going to be out through 2009 and that the Hypnotoad episode will include "TV commercials of the future." Is that date a typo or what? No mention of 2008, why not? Even if the last movie comes out in 2009 surely they would have said that but also mentioned 2008. The way they make it sound is the first movie is out in 2007, and then nothing in 2008 with the rest out in 2009. Surely they've made a typo...
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
I have to wonder if the series gets revied (more eps made specifically as stand-alone and not as a DVD) if they can get the original cast. Billy West's health is a question mark - he's in his mid-fifties and had postate surgery related to prostate cancer. Katie is also over fifty and she has children and other work that she does.
Depending on ratings and DVD sales will determine the fate of the series. I have to wonder just how behind the project FOX is - there is no "Official" Futurama site and the name Futurama.com is owned by a third party.
My guess is that Comedy Central has a lot (28.8 million wing-wangs) riding on this - they will promote the hell out of it.
Also the deal with CC is the reason we got the 4 DVD's - not FOX. CC only ante the pot for the 5 year deal if they could get new eps. Otherwise it would have gone back to CN for 10 million wing-wangs for 5 years. Our chances of getting the new DVD's would have probably disaappeared after that.
The deal was done and Billy West let us know, then had to recant the story. This gave a major blow to his credibility for a short time, and he got verbally chastised by DXC and Matt Groening. He is now under a gag order and can't say anything about Futurama without prior permission.
People forget this - he really deserves a shout-out for trying to get the fans behind the movement and pressure FOX into reviving the series. He also deserves to know that not all PEELers are like a certain member on this forum who totally pissed him off.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #299 on: 11-09-2007 16:08 »
« Last Edit on: 11-09-2007 16:08 »
Jeez Ralph, you make people Katie's and my age sound like we have one foot in the grave. Hahahaha... With me being one of the oldest members on the board, I know how you're taking that. Hmmm, I thought I was the 3rd oldest, the other two being Capt. Skusking and Filthy Crab. Now you're telling me that I have to take 4th place? It's not fair, dammit. I try my best at being old! But Billy did have a major health scare with cancer earlier this year. He actually made it to one of the VA sessions just days after his surgery and chemo treatment. As for Kat ey - the gal is always working. Boston Legal, The Sheild, made-for-TV-movies, etc. I do know she has a special place in her heart for Leela - Leela helped her break from the Peggy Bundy character and allowed her to continue working in different areas. Ed "Al Bundy" O'Neil hasn't been as fortunate - he's typecasted as Al Bundy. So with Kat ey - will she have the time to do more Leela? Her voice is just too unique to be given to anyone else. I also have to wonder what went through her mind when she went to the Comic Con. People like Billy, Matt and DXC have dealt with these things in the past, but I'm sure that the Comic Con was a first for Kat ey. @ KurtPikachu: I'm glad you read the press release - now you're only 6 months behind the rest of us... Edited for those who can't stand to see somebody's name not spelled correctly.
Officer 1BDI
Starship Captain
*cough* It's "Katey." I was disappointed none of the fan questioners thanked her for coming or otherwise indicated how much her work is appreciated. I am ashamed to admit, as someone who was actually in line to ask a question, that said thought never even entered my mind. It should have, but it didn't; I was so nervous about asking a question to begin with I'm surprised I even remembered how to function. >_< If memory serves, she held a signing session in Autograph Alley the day before, though, so I'd like to think that at least a handful of fans who dropped by voiced their appreciation. So, to keep this post somewhat relevant, I have a news related question: was there at any point a time when someone said that Ms. Sagal would be on the commentary for this movie? Because I could have sworn I read that somewhere a few months ago.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I read a few months ago she was going to be on there too. It must have been lies...
That was on FoxStore's description for the DVD, I think. It really made me excited... :/
Originally posted by Ralph Snart: With me being one of the oldest members on the board, I know how you're taking that.
Hmmm, I thought I was the 3rd oldest, the other two being Capt. Skusking and Filthy Crab. Now you're telling me that I have to take 4th place? It's not fair, dammit. I try my best at being old!
You're 4th that I know of. I'll be 50 in Feb.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Whoa - a lot of old farts here. I'm a tender 47.
So it goes to show that good programming can draw out even the oldest, crustiest fans.
Courtesy of FM:TLZ's Tim: Now that that's taken care of here another bit of news: A few nights ago I was contacted (one of the side effects of having your name splattered all over the main page of an internationally renowned web site such as this) by an author who is writing an article on the return of Futurama. He's s'posed to let me know when and where the article will be published, but what is more important is that he's talked to some people whose names you would recognize if you are any kind of Futurama fan and that there is significant interest in certain high places in bringing back the series - and this is beyond the current batch of episodes cropped from the movies. I hope to have names and actual quotes real soon now but for now that's all I can reveal. =O
Officer 1BDI
Starship Captain
« Reply #316 on: 11-12-2007 14:25 »
« Last Edit on: 11-12-2007 14:25 »
That was awesome! Thank you so much for the link, Frida! Note - the film does end with a cliffhanger Well, I'm glad I knew that beforehand, otherwise I'd be pretty annoyed by the end of the movie. :P Final Thoughts: I really enjoyed "Futurama" and was eagerly looking forward to its return here. However, as much as I was looking forward to "Bender's Big Score", I'm pleased to say it was actually better than I'd expected *squees and explodes* ETA: ...Otis' article, on the other hand, is an utter killjoy.