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Author Topic: HELP! Need episodes for my Astronomy class that...  (Read 1197 times)
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« on: 06-14-2007 20:13 »

...well have to do with Astronomy.

Basically I need episodes that talk about, display, or 'explain' theories, facts, or phenomenon relating to Astronomy.

It can be good or bad astonomy.  For example one clip I was thinking about using was Nibbler's poop being "Dark Matter."  I would show the clip and explain that dark matter is actually matter of an unknown composition that does not emit or reflect light.  I would also mention that because Nibbler's poop is incredibly heavy it must be very massive.

Other examples I thought of so far are the episode with the Triton water people explaining how their planet lies in a binary solar system because it has 2 suns and maybe something about the inaccuracy of the information provided on the Moon Ride in the second episode.

So if you guys can think of any other such examples (and what episodes they are in) please lemme know!!!


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 06-14-2007 20:49 »

Do your own homework.
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