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Author Topic: I'm lost, i'm gonna ask that person for directions: The where is it game  (Read 14420 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #320 on: 01-18-2012 22:53 »

That flat with an extra dimension that's technically in New Jersey?

Bending Unit
« Reply #321 on: 01-19-2012 22:21 »

1. Was only visited in series 1.
2. 3 of the main characters visited it.
3. Bender ate clothes.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #322 on: 01-19-2012 22:48 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #323 on: 01-19-2012 22:56 »

The first big ball of garbage?

Bending Unit
« Reply #324 on: 01-20-2012 18:32 »

Correct cyber_turnip!

Urban Legend
« Reply #325 on: 01-20-2012 19:50 »


1. Has been visited by the entire crew.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #326 on: 01-22-2012 05:15 »

Planet Express

Urban Legend
« Reply #327 on: 01-22-2012 08:39 »

1. Has been visited by the entire crew.
2. Not a celestial body.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #328 on: 01-22-2012 08:45 »

Is the entire crew the actual crew of the ship (that is, the original series' crew (that is, Fry, Leela, and Bender)), or the entire staff of Planet Express (that is, the renewed series' crew (that is, the entire staff of Planet Express (that is, everyone the writers seem to think ought to be tagging along on missions lately)))?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #329 on: 01-22-2012 13:17 »

The Anomaly.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #330 on: 01-22-2012 15:56 »

Technically, the "crew" should only refer to Fry, Bender, Leela (and on occasion Zoidberg, Amy, and Scruffy. Zoidberg is the company doctor, Amy is a backup pilot amongst other things, and Scruffy will at some point need to unclog the toilets).

However, I think that "the crew" could refer to the Professor also (owner of the company) and Hermes (occasionally needed to sign for things, maybe?) as well as perhaps even Katrina and Xanthor (assuming they're still employed there). You never know what function people will be required to fill.

Speaking personally, I wouldn't think that anybody besides Fry, Bender, Leela, Zoidberg, Amy and the Professor need be aboard the ship on the majority of missions, and they seem to manage fine with just the core three.

As for what location might be up for the guessing... I have no idea.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #331 on: 01-22-2012 20:47 »

The ion storm from: "Mobius Dick".

Urban Legend
« Reply #332 on: 01-23-2012 00:38 »

I was referring to Fry, Leela, Bender, Zoidberg, Amy, Hermes and the Professor although it's also true that the "true crew" (Fry, Leela, Bender) visited there.

Consider this another clue.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #333 on: 01-23-2012 03:10 »

Mars Vegas?

I am so confused...

Urban Legend
« Reply #334 on: 01-23-2012 12:50 »

1. Has been visited by the entire crew (including Hermes, the Professor, Amy and Zoidberg).
2. Not a celestial body.
3. Was only visited once.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #335 on: 01-23-2012 17:16 »

The Anomaly dammit! :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #336 on: 01-23-2012 17:42 »

The anomaly as in Yivo's dimension from 'The Beast with a Billion Backs'?

Nope, that was visited twice. Fry went there early on, then everyone in the universe went back there later.

1. Has been visited by the entire crew (including Hermes, the Professor, Amy and Zoidberg).
2. Not a celestial body.
3. Was only visited once.
4. Served no real purpose other than to pad the story out.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #337 on: 01-23-2012 17:43 »

I meant the anomaly itself.


Urban Legend
« Reply #338 on: 01-23-2012 17:49 »

The actual tear in the fabric of our universe caused at the end of 'Bender's Big Score', you mean?

That was visited at least twice, too. First the crew went there to check it out, then later on everyone (minus Bender) went there to break up with Yivo, then they went there to move in with Yivo, and then everyone came out and had a discussion there after Bender ruined things by "rescuing" everyone.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #339 on: 01-23-2012 23:37 »
« Last Edit on: 01-23-2012 23:41 »

Isn't a celestial body anything in space? Because I looked up 'celestial', and it means anything in or relating to space.

Family Bros. Pizza

Boy, this one is hard!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #340 on: 01-23-2012 23:48 »

Tickle Me Elmo's Fire.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #341 on: 01-24-2012 00:39 »

The sun?

Urban Legend
« Reply #342 on: 01-24-2012 00:51 »

Isn't a celestial body anything in space? Because I looked up 'celestial', and it means anything in or relating to space.

Well yes, but I basically mean it's not a planet or comet or moon or similar. It's a specific part of a planet or another dimension or somewhere that exists within a computer or something like that.

And still none are right. Time to break out the easier hints.

1. Has been visited by the entire crew (including Hermes, the Professor, Amy and Zoidberg).
2. Not a celestial body.
3. Was only visited once.
4. Served no real purpose other than to pad the story out.
5. Appeared in season 5.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #343 on: 01-24-2012 00:55 »

Production or Broadcast season?

Anyway, the giant honeycomb.

Urban Legend
« Reply #344 on: 01-24-2012 01:12 »

As a rule of thumb, I never mean broadcast season unless I specifically state so.

So yeah, production season.

And nope.

Space Pope
« Reply #345 on: 01-24-2012 02:51 »

The Deathball arena?
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #346 on: 01-24-2012 02:52 »

As a rule of thumb, I never mean broadcast season unless I specifically state so.

So yeah, production season.

And nope.

How about Orbiting Meadows?

Space Pope
« Reply #347 on: 01-24-2012 02:55 »

Orbiting Meadows first appeared in Season 3 though. Also, it did serve a true purpose.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #348 on: 01-24-2012 02:56 »

Orbiting Meadows first appeared in Season 3 though. Also, it did serve a true purpose.

It reappeared in Season 5 in BWAB, right?

Space Pope
« Reply #349 on: 01-24-2012 02:58 »

Yes, but:

3. Was only visited once.


Urban Legend
« Reply #350 on: 01-24-2012 03:04 »

1. Has been visited by the entire crew (including Hermes, the Professor, Amy and Zoidberg).
2. Not a celestial body.
3. Was only visited once.
4. Served no real purpose other than to pad the story out.
5. Appeared in season 5.
6. The visit was involuntary.

Space Pope
« Reply #351 on: 01-24-2012 03:16 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #352 on: 01-24-2012 03:35 »

You got it!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #353 on: 01-24-2012 03:36 »

Clue number four was a matter of personal opinion. :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #354 on: 01-24-2012 05:40 »

Well yeah, but that was obvious from reading the clue.

And anyway - what narrative purpose did their trip to Cornwood actually serve? I say this as someone who likes 'Bender's Game', but there's really no reason that you couldn't more or less lift the entire Cornwood sequence from the film and still have it make sense as a storyline. Especially if you could tweak one or two lines.

Space Pope
« Reply #355 on: 01-24-2012 05:56 »

I can't really be bothered, so someone else can have a shot.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #356 on: 01-24-2012 06:22 »

And anyway - what narrative purpose did their trip to Cornwood actually serve? I say this as someone who likes 'Bender's Game', but there's really no reason that you couldn't more or less lift the entire Cornwood sequence from the film and still have it make sense as a storyline. Especially if you could tweak one or two lines.

It makes sense from a narrative standpoint if you consider that the movie was actually four episodes strung end-to-end. Then it becomes just another part of the adventure to defeat Mom and destroy the anti-backwards crystal.

Urban Legend
« Reply #357 on: 01-24-2012 06:40 »

ie. padding

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #358 on: 01-24-2012 06:56 »

* Xanfor reads the covers of a book for the title and the summary.

Why is all this paper folded inside the title and the summary? Must be dead weight.

Urban Legend
« Reply #359 on: 01-24-2012 07:06 »

I'm of the school of thought that in fiction, everything should happen for a reason.

See 'In Bruges' for a masterclass in writing whilst adhering to that rule. Nothing happens in that film that doesn't come into play later on. It all ties together beautifully and seemlessly.

Other films are less blatant with how everything ties together. A scene may exist purely to show or develop an aspect of a character's personality. It might exist for exposition. It might exist for a character to acquire an item that'll allow them to do something. But a scene should always tie into things on a larger scale and like I said, you could essentially lift the Cornwood segment from the film and it'd still make absolute sense. It's not even like the trip to Cornwood teaches anybody a lesson about life or something like that.
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