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Author Topic: Who killed Futurama? JEB BUSH!  (Read 1117 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 02-13-2002 04:40 »

Why? Well, if Dubya's brother hadn't cooked the vote in Florida (and it's now been proven that the Florida vote *was* fixed and that Gore should have won, pregnant chads or no), would Fox *really* have cancelled a show that had not only the President's daughter on its staff, but also the President himself as a guest star?

Not exactly on a par with the 'magic bullet' theory, but hey...

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 02-13-2002 06:06 »

So much for democracy. Some of my socks are smarter than Bush.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 02-13-2002 06:48 »

what are you expecting of a man who declares wars to raise his economy.....

Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 02-13-2002 07:03 »

I don't know if my sources are correct but was it not Gore's wife who got those parental guidence stickers put on albulms. I have also heards she is pretty big on censorship which may of been a bad thing not a good thing for Futurama.

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 02-13-2002 09:42 »

Originally posted by wu_konguk:
I don't know if my sources are correct but was it not Gore's wife who got those parental guidence stickers put on albulms. I have also heards she is pretty big on censorship which may of been a bad thing not a good thing for Futurama.

Yeah, Tipper's gonna censor the show her daughter works on.

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 02-13-2002 09:48 »

Great, now Oliver Stone is gonna want to do a movie about the cancellation of Futurama - Kevin Kostner will play Billy West and it will be three hours of painful boredom.

Sounds like time for a class action law suit or two (one to stop Oliver Stone) to force the Bush brothers to stop their unreasonable efforts to ruin our beloved Futurama.

Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 02-13-2002 11:23 »

Originally posted by payndz:
Why? Well, if Dubya's brother hadn't cooked the vote in Florida (and it's now been proven that the Florida vote *was* fixed and that Gore should have won, pregnant chads or no)

Quoting myself, bad form I know, but...

Isn't anyone in America *bothered* by this? If it happened in some former dictatorship Jimmy Carter would be spouting off to anyone who'd listen about corruption of the democratic process, but I've hardly heard a peep from anyone about Florida.

Oh, and on a more important topic: FOX SUCKS!

Starship Captain
« Reply #7 on: 02-13-2002 11:37 »

If it happened in any other so called "established democracy" today, America would bloody well invade them.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 02-13-2002 11:52 »

Originally posted by payndz:
Why? Well, if Dubya's brother hadn't cooked the vote in Florida (and it's now been proven that the Florida vote *was* fixed and that Gore should have won, pregnant chads or no)

Where is this proof you speak of? Last I heard, he won pretty fairly. But I don't really follow politics, so maybe there's been a revelation since then that I haven't heard about(although you'd think something that big would be publicised more).

Besides, if Gore had won, I doubt anything would be different. If Presidents could decide which shows air and which shows get cancelled, "That's My Bush" would never have been made, and Bill Maher would be jobless and homeless. The only thing that would have helped the show in its favor is the fact that they could promote "President Gore" as a guest star rather than "washed up, bearded politician Gore". And that would only work if FOX actually promoted the show, which of course they don't. So nuts to that idea.

Space Pope
« Reply #9 on: 02-13-2002 11:59 »

haha. i agree with Jeff
but really now, this is not the time nor the place to talk about politics
just channel your hatred towards FOX

« Reply #10 on: 02-13-2002 16:50 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2002 16:50 »

oh cum on, how can anyone actually believe Bush won that election fairly?
I don’t know if it would have made a difference for Futurama or not but how could any Futurama fan vote for a man whose father once said that American families should be more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons and lets face it, his father is the one who is really running the country

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 02-13-2002 17:54 »

Originally posted by Torquemada:
So much for democracy. Some of my socks are smarter than Bush.

Well, if anyone saw 2D TV on C4 you would know that Bush is so stupid that he doesn't know that his main advisor, Professor Liebstrum, is a sock puppet from his general! Whenever he doesn't understand anything they get Professor Liebstrum to explain, I loved the 'Terror-Land' explanation.

Bush'Why don't we just bomb terrorland?'
General'Terrorland sir???'
Bush'Terrorland, terrorstan, whatever they call it'
General'I'll get Professor Liebstrum sir'

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 02-13-2002 19:47 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2002 19:47 »

Mousie Time?

AAAGH! I just realised I posted a couple of posts without editing them. Back soon.  :hmpf:

Starship Captain
« Reply #13 on: 02-13-2002 19:52 »

Breaking news everyone.

President Bush has declaired war on Tourism.

Quote "We'll bomb them tourists back to the stone age. An weel get Yurp in on the action, Yurpeans are great."

  :laff:   :laff:

Space Pope
« Reply #14 on: 02-13-2002 19:55 »

this isn't about futurama
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