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Author Topic: Would you rather...  (Read 27214 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #680 on: 05-15-2008 14:34 »

I'll hang out with Gunter.  I'm not into getting mauled by a lion.

Would you rather have to clean up after Nibbler or help Zoidberg get a meal?

Space Pope
« Reply #681 on: 05-15-2008 16:48 »

Dark matter still rolls, so I'd roll it very slowly with the sole of my big boots. Anything to avoid that dumpster.

Would you rather have worms or the Robot Devil's hands?

« Reply #682 on: 05-15-2008 18:47 »

Worms, they won't play tricks to get back at you.

Would you rather play to Holophoner or be in the Robot Devil's band?

Space Pope
« Reply #683 on: 05-15-2008 19:29 »

Play the Holophoner.  Nobody wants to be reminded that they hit a flat note years ago.

Would you rather have the Robot Devil's hands, or Calculon's "UNHOLY ACTING TALENT!"?

Space Pope
« Reply #684 on: 05-15-2008 19:34 »

I don't make deals with the devil.

Would you rather make a deal with the Robot Devil or Hedonismbot?

Space Pope
« Reply #685 on: 05-15-2008 19:37 »

Hedonismbot.  I also am not a devil dealer.

Would you rather run for Earthican President, or take the leadership of Omicron Persei 8 by force?

Space Pope
« Reply #686 on: 05-15-2008 20:42 »

It would take some doing but once you're leader of OP8 you can just watch TV and have a couple of brews, so I'll go for that. Earthican President seems too much like hard work.

Would you rather have just a substandard wash or a deluxe wash and then hope it doesn't rain?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #687 on: 05-15-2008 21:33 »

Substandard because Murphy's Law dictates that if I get deluxe it will rain.

Would you rather work at the botwash or the truck stop?

Space Pope
« Reply #688 on: 05-15-2008 22:17 »

The truck stop.  "Because I cans ogle some chicks".

Would you rather be Bender after "jacking on", or Bender as a new human?

Space Pope
« Reply #689 on: 05-16-2008 07:09 »

Bender as a human. It would be fun up until your obesity prevents you from moving anywhere. Although on the plus side of obesity, fat folds do serve very well as storage space for grilled cheese sandwiches

Would you rather eat Hermes' jerk prunes or toast from the raccoon?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #690 on: 05-16-2008 07:25 »

Gamey toast. I don't want my insides flushed out anytime soon.

Would you rather eat toast from the raccoon or the Professor's toxic waste that tastes like delicious fig pudding?

« Reply #691 on: 05-16-2008 07:28 »

Toast from the Raccoon. So what if it's a little gamey?

Would you rather see more impulsive Leela or see the Professor taking Leela's organs?


Space Pope
« Reply #692 on: 05-16-2008 12:37 »

Let's give the Professor Leela's organs. That way only one member of Planet Express would be dead.

Would you rather feed the T-Rex or ride the T-Rex?

Space Pope
« Reply #693 on: 05-16-2008 14:28 »

Ride the t-rex.  I like my hands where they are, thank you very much.

Would you rather fight Lrrrr or The Pain Monster?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #694 on: 05-16-2008 22:29 »

Lrrr, he doesn't work for the IRS so he has to be less evil.

Would you rather fight the Badger or Citizen Snips?

Space Pope
« Reply #695 on: 05-16-2008 22:41 »

I think I can take that crab.

Would you rather live in the sub-sewers or the Zookeeper's lair?

Space Pope
« Reply #696 on: 05-16-2008 23:19 »

Sub sewers.  I haven't seen the zookeeper's lair, and "the devil I know is better than the devil I don't know".

Would you rather fight "Moose" from the subsewers, or the mugger with his robot ("you're out of the game!" )?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #697 on: 05-17-2008 06:00 »

Moose. He seems slightly easier to outwit.

Would you rather be a lackey of The Zookeeper or Mom?

« Reply #698 on: 05-17-2008 12:31 »

The Zookeeper, I <3 animals!

Would you rather be Munda or Morris?

Space Pope
« Reply #699 on: 05-17-2008 13:16 »

I must not be as up on my Futurama as I thought; I don't recognize either of those characters.  Gotta hit the DVD's again...

Would you rather have lickety speed, or the ability to command sea creatures?

Space Pope
« Reply #700 on: 05-17-2008 13:32 »

They're Leela's parents SJ

I'd love to make Zoidberg do my bidding.

Would you rather sacrifice a beautiful woman or a moderately attractive monkey?

Space Pope
« Reply #701 on: 05-17-2008 14:40 »

Of course; it's Munda that was throwing me off...


Would you rather have the hots for Michele or Morgan Proctor?

« Reply #702 on: 05-17-2008 16:59 »

Michelle, she's not as creepy...

Would you rather have lickity speed or a tail?

Space Pope
« Reply #703 on: 05-17-2008 17:39 »

Lickity speed.  I definitely don't want a tail.

Would you rather have super strength, or lickity speed?

« Reply #704 on: 05-17-2008 18:11 »

Lickity Speed. Super strength could get annoying.

Would you rather command sea creatures or have lazer eyes?

Space Pope
« Reply #705 on: 05-17-2008 19:05 »

Command Sea Creatures.  If I had laser eyes, I'd kill everyone I looked at.

Would you rather have Captain Yesterday or Clobberela as your sidekick?

« Reply #706 on: 05-17-2008 19:17 »

Captain Yesterday, I'm a girl and girls and guys mix better that girls and girls.

Would you rather be a penguin with a gun or an orca capable of eating 100 penguins at once and maybe more?

Space Pope
« Reply #707 on: 05-17-2008 20:33 »

I'll be the orca, who dines on "filthy ice rats".

Would you rather be a Penguin or a Yeti?

« Reply #708 on: 05-17-2008 20:48 »

Yeti, I would laugh as one eyed women called me 'ice crapping snow honkies'.

Would you rather live with Lrrr or Horrible Gelatinous Blob>

Space Pope
« Reply #709 on: 05-17-2008 21:07 »

Lrrr.  I'd tell him Ndndndnd told him to shut up.

Would you rather see a supernova up close, or a chevy nova?

« Reply #710 on: 05-17-2008 21:39 »

Supernova, they're rarer.

Would you rather be Bender's friend or finally tell the Robot Priest to just SHUT UP!

Space Pope
« Reply #711 on: 05-17-2008 21:41 »

As much as I'd like to be Bender's friend, I'm really aching to tell the Robot Priest to "SHUT THE HELL UP!"

Would you rather be the Robot Devil or Bender?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #712 on: 05-17-2008 21:46 »
« Last Edit on: 05-17-2008 21:46 »

Robot Devil. As awesome as Bender is he doesn't have all that evil power.

Would you rather play the drums or the fiddle?

Space Pope
« Reply #713 on: 05-18-2008 01:26 »

The fiddle.  If it's a GOLD fiddle.

Would you rather spend 1 year learning the precepts of robotology from the robot priest, or spend 1 year in robot hell?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #714 on: 05-18-2008 05:25 »

I would rather spend 1 year learning the precepts of robotology from the robot preacher. Partly because I'd still get evenings and weekends off but mainly because I could torture others as often as I liked (by inflicting all my leaning on them).

Would you rather work in Robot Hell or in the Near Deathstar?

Space Pope
« Reply #715 on: 05-18-2008 12:17 »

In the near Deathstar.  Robot Hell doesn't look like a lot of fun.

Would you rather work in Robot Hell or eat Bender's food?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #716 on: 05-18-2008 22:41 »

Work in Robot Hell. At least then it's other people suffering instead of me.

Would you rather sit through All My Circuts: The Movie or It Came From Planet Earth?

Space Pope
« Reply #717 on: 05-18-2008 23:08 »

All My Circuits.  So I could laugh at Calculon.

Would you rather have super strength or Calculon's "Unholy Acting Talent!"?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #718 on: 05-19-2008 08:12 »

Super Strength. It more useful in a wider range of situations.

Would you rather be the host for a Brain Slug or suffer from explosive amnesia?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #719 on: 05-19-2008 21:36 »

Brain Slug becuase they can be knocked off and because I have no desire to have explosive anything.

Would you rather have gay-dar or smission?
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