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Author Topic: Would you rather...  (Read 27217 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #640 on: 05-11-2008 13:41 »

As Bender, I'd want to be the Pharoah.  The Shrimpkins are too small to make being Metal Lord worth anything.

Would you rather have a fing longerer or a smelloscope?

Space Pope
« Reply #641 on: 05-11-2008 13:48 »

A smelloscope. I don't like being out of the loop, even if it's just a dog crapping.

Would you rather help penguins or shoot penguins?

Space Pope
« Reply #642 on: 05-11-2008 13:52 »

Shoot penguins.  Filthy ice rats...

Would you rather eat at Elzars or eat at the Signoids Pizza Parlor?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #643 on: 05-11-2008 22:33 »

Elzars. If I could afford it.

Would you rather get pizza from the Signoids or Mr. Panucci?

Space Pope
« Reply #644 on: 05-11-2008 23:35 »

Neither.  Both are equally disgusting, although Panucci's is made from earth like ingredients.

Would you rather see Nixon's head or McNeil as the Earthican President?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #645 on: 05-12-2008 01:00 »

Nixon's head. Nixon was way less boring than what's-his-name.

Would you rather be the assistant to Earth President Nixon's Head or the assistant to Presidential Candidate Al Gore?

Space Pope
« Reply #646 on: 05-12-2008 02:36 »

I'll take Al Gore.  He fought for the Earth in BBS.

Would you rather the Earth be invaded by Decapodians or the Brain Spawn?

Space Pope
« Reply #647 on: 05-12-2008 09:51 »

The Brainspawn - they'll leave Earth for no raisin.

Would you rather be Chaz the Mayor's Aide or the subservient Headless Body of Agnew?

« Reply #648 on: 05-12-2008 10:07 »

Headless Body of Angew. Then I could go things like GRRRRRRAAAAAAAH!

Would you rather own the Headless Body of Agnew or own 500 lizards?

Space Pope
« Reply #649 on: 05-12-2008 12:34 »

I'll take the 500 lizards.

Speaking of lizards, would you rather have the 500 stink lizards or the Parrot?

« Reply #650 on: 05-12-2008 14:16 »

500 stink lizards, they can't squawk!

Would you rather see Fry dance like a ballerina or see Leela as a Decapodian?

Space Pope
« Reply #651 on: 05-12-2008 15:07 »

A one-eyed Decapodian sounds very interesting - I'll go with that.

Would rather have:
A: A puppy
B: A pretty flower from your sweetie
C: A large properly formatted data file


« Reply #652 on: 05-12-2008 15:08 »

A puppy! (But if I was a robot, I'd choose C)

Would you rather see Amy fall in love with Zapp or see Gunter fall in love with Mushu?

Space Pope
« Reply #653 on: 05-12-2008 15:12 »
« Last Edit on: 05-12-2008 15:12 »

(It's ok, the puppy is also acceptable, even if it is the bad kind of puppy)

Whale/monkey love sounds far more interesting.

Would you rather drive the Beta Romeo Deluxe (with extra eagle) or a mobile oppression palace?

« Reply #654 on: 05-12-2008 15:15 »

Mobile Oppression Palace sounds cooler.

Would you rather see Kif as a blurnsball player or see Bender as CEO or MomCorp?

Space Pope
« Reply #655 on: 05-12-2008 15:24 »

That would be too much power for Bender, I'd fear for the world. Also I think Kif would be good as a blurnsball player - looks like a rough game and he doesn't have any bones to break.

Would you rather be Hedonismbot or Bender?

Space Pope
« Reply #656 on: 05-12-2008 18:57 »

Definitely Bender.  He's got more character.

Would you rather be Mr. Panucci or "That 80's Guy"?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #657 on: 05-12-2008 23:02 »

Steve Castle (aka 80's guys) because he's cooler and semi-evil.

Would you rather work for the Professor or Steve Castle?

Space Pope
« Reply #658 on: 05-12-2008 23:15 »

The Professor.  I worked for a Steve Castle type person on Wall Street in the 80's, and it was HELL...

Would you rather have Bender or Zoidberg as a roommate?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #659 on: 05-13-2008 06:04 »

Zoidberg. Because I could suddenly be all, like: "Stop spraying me with ink, Zoidberg." "Put on pants, Zoidberg."

Would you rather have Bender or Zoidberg as a (prison) cellmate?

Space Pope
« Reply #660 on: 05-13-2008 12:06 »

Bender.  There's nothing to steal in prison, and Zoidberg won't stop talking.

Would you rather live in the signoid's pizza oven, or live with the underground mutants?

« Reply #661 on: 05-13-2008 12:50 »

Both places would be dark, dank and smelly, but the sewers would be that bit more spacious!

Would you rather be a parasite living in Frys gastric system or Zoidbergs?

Space Pope
« Reply #662 on: 05-13-2008 14:12 »

Fry's.  They've got trains.

Would you rather be an Omicronian or a Decapodian?

« Reply #663 on: 05-13-2008 16:13 »

Omicronian. They get to yell, "I WILL DESTROY YOU" alot.

Would you rather live in Mom's house or Calculon's house?

Space Pope
« Reply #664 on: 05-13-2008 17:16 »

I thought it was Morbo that said that...

I'd rather live in Mom's house.  It's so big that I'd probably never see her.

Would you rather have to confront Morbo or Lrrrr?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #665 on: 05-13-2008 23:20 »

Lrrr. He seems slightly less competent than Morbo.

Would you rather fight the Zookeeper or the headless body of Agnew?

Space Pope
« Reply #666 on: 05-14-2008 00:51 »

The headless body of agnew.  He doesn't have animals to do his dirty work.

Would you rather be young fry (who dated leela when she lived with her parents underground) or regular aged fry?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #667 on: 05-14-2008 09:16 »

Young Fry. Because then I'd have (another) chance to grow up (emotionally) as I grew up physically.

Would you rather be an orphan in Leela's old Orphinarium or one of the robot santa's elves on Neptune?

Space Pope
« Reply #668 on: 05-14-2008 11:43 »

I'd rather be an orphan.  I think the elves are gay.

Would you rather work for Santa, or for the Being of Inconceivable Horror?

« Reply #669 on: 05-14-2008 21:08 »

(The elves are gay...)

Being of Inconceivable Horror. Santa gets to kill you next Christmas if you play him at all.

Would you rather drift forever in space or learn to speak binary?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #670 on: 05-14-2008 21:14 »
« Last Edit on: 05-14-2008 21:14 »

Learn something vaguely useful or drift alone foroever....though call but I'm gonna go with the binary.

Would you rather have a life without sex of a gruesome death?

« Reply #671 on: 05-14-2008 21:16 »

Gruesome death, it's shorter.

Would you rather drink "eggnog" (part of Zoidberg's scented bath) or be Bender lit on fire with a flame thrower?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #672 on: 05-14-2008 21:20 »
« Last Edit on: 05-14-2008 21:20 »

Bender becuase he doesn't burn easily.

Would you rather have Petunia's flame thrower or the snowman's Garand?

« Reply #673 on: 05-14-2008 21:23 »
« Last Edit on: 05-14-2008 21:23 »

Flamethrower, they're fun filled and fireliscios!

Would you rather be the Big Brain or one of Kif's tadpoles?

Space Pope
« Reply #674 on: 05-14-2008 23:04 »

The Big Brain.  Because then I could leave for no raisin.

Would you rather be the Grand Midwife, or an Amazonian demanding Snu Snu?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #675 on: 05-15-2008 07:46 »

Amazonian because after snu snu (or if no snu snu was forthcoming) I could go and practice good fundamentals on the basketball court.

Would you rather be faced with being Kif's smizmar or with being used for Amazonian snu snu?

Space Pope
« Reply #676 on: 05-15-2008 11:34 »

Amazonian Snu Snu.  At least I wouldn't die of boredom like Kif's Smizmar.

Would you rather be Fry as a PE delivery boy, or Fry with his 4.2 Billion Dollars in the bank?

Space Pope
« Reply #677 on: 05-15-2008 11:48 »

A: PE delivery boy. Cause money doesn't make good people, no-sir-ee.

Q: Would you rather drive an old VW van, or take the B-train (stopping wherever the hell Bender feels like)?

Space Pope
« Reply #678 on: 05-15-2008 12:10 »

I'll take the B-Train.  Only hippies drive old VW Vans.

Would you rather pay your income taxes or visit the pain monster for a weekend?

Space Pope
« Reply #679 on: 05-15-2008 13:46 »

I'd pay my taxes; I'm allergic to pain.

Would you rather spend a weekend with Gunter or the Planet Express lion?
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