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Author Topic: Would you rather...  (Read 26823 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #120 on: 03-30-2007 15:52 »
« Last Edit on: 03-30-2007 15:52 »

Any gay males wanna step up and answer?   ;)


« Reply #121 on: 03-30-2007 19:42 »

Would you rather do the Large amazonian women or the petite amazonian women?

Urban Legend
« Reply #122 on: 03-30-2007 20:25 »

Petite-sized women!

Would you rather have Bender go undercover as a penguin or an enviormentalist from Leela's group?


Bending Unit
« Reply #123 on: 03-31-2007 01:02 »

A penguin. He looks cute in a suit!

Would you rather drink Slurm or eat Bachelor Chow?

« Reply #124 on: 03-31-2007 02:14 »

Slurm, it sounds great!

Would you rather be a Bending Unit or a Bending Unit with a beard?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #125 on: 03-31-2007 06:53 »

i'd rather be a Bending Unit. The beard looks funny.

Would you rather be cubert of mom?

Starship Captain
« Reply #126 on: 03-31-2007 14:05 »

That's a hard one... I'd have to say... Mom. That was a really hard on though; I hate them both so much!

Would you rather be a robot or a human?

« Reply #127 on: 03-31-2007 14:41 »

I AM A ROBOT sorry, what was that? Oh yeah, a robot.

Would you rather be Cubert's friend or Dwight's enemy?

Urban Legend
« Reply #128 on: 03-31-2007 19:16 »

Cubert's friend, I guess.  I never want to make or have enemies.

Would you rather have Futurama crossover with Family Guy or American Dad?

« Reply #129 on: 04-01-2007 02:17 »

Family Guy

Would you rather eat Bender's brain or eat a human brain?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #130 on: 04-01-2007 05:12 »

Bender's brain. Humn one is gross and you can get arested for canibleism (sp?) and apperently all eating bender's brain does is cut your mouth up something bad

Would you rather marry mom for her money or Leela (for guys)
Would you rather marry clculon (for his money) or Fry (for girls)

« Reply #131 on: 04-01-2007 06:03 »

Leela thanks, Mom would be...  :puke:

Would you rather live in Mom's house or Calculon's house

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #132 on: 04-01-2007 07:29 »

Calculon's house. Could you imagine what might be in Mom's?  :puke:

Would you rather be as poor as zoidberg or as lonely as zoidberg?

« Reply #133 on: 04-01-2007 07:35 »

poor, without any friends i'd be a wreck  :(

Would you rather have 300 dollars or have a dustbin full of food for your friends?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #134 on: 04-01-2007 10:34 »

300 dollars. My friends might think im being offencive, feeding them out of a dusbn n'all

Would you rther have little QTMcWhiskers or Big QTMcWhiskers?

Urban Legend
« Reply #135 on: 04-05-2007 18:16 »

Big QTMcWhiskers!

Would you rather have a new Futurama video game where Hermes and Amy are now playable characters as well as the others, or have them not be in the game at all? 

Bending Unit
« Reply #136 on: 04-05-2007 22:22 »

I'd rather them not be in the game at all.

Would you rather Amy die or the entire artistic style of the show change?
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #137 on: 04-06-2007 13:59 »

A: Amy can go.

Q: Would you rather Futurama stoop to Southpark-esque vulgarity and humor style or drop the Fry/Leela storyline?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #138 on: 04-07-2007 05:43 »

Gotta keep fry and leela

Would you rather live Fry's ife for a day or Leela's?
Star captain

« Reply #139 on: 04-07-2007 23:01 »

Bender 2 reasons I wouldent want Leela to cry again & Because yoy could bring back bender because he's a robot! Mind you you could bring back Fry as a head in a jar! But the first is much better.
Star captain

« Reply #140 on: 04-07-2007 23:07 »

Southpark is sick & vulgarity, not funny at all & should be baned, cause stupid ppl tape it for there children, It's not suitable for children. In fact it's not suitable for tv period! It's typical American trash! At least The Simpsons & Futurama is Sarcastic & can poke fun at it's self as well as others. Any way were chatting about Futurama nothing else stick to the discussion!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #141 on: 04-08-2007 07:02 »

Welcome to PEEL Star captain. i would post the FAQ but as (i think) Writer Unit said - no one reads it.

Just to let you know-
  • Multipul posting is frowned on - if you have something to ad, use the edit button.
  • I think you've been answering to the wrong questions
    Southpark is sick & vulgarity, not funny at all & should be baned, cause stupid ppl tape it for there children, It's not suitable for children. In fact it's not suitable for tv period! It's typical American trash! At least The Simpsons & Futurama is Sarcastic & can poke fun at it's self as well as others. Any way were chatting about Futurama nothing else stick to the discussion!

     :confused: - we are ontopic...

Starship Captain
« Reply #142 on: 04-13-2007 22:15 »

Star captain took us very far off-topic with her rant about South Park and staying on-topic, so I'll geuss I'll have to...

I would live Fry's life.  The I could solve his Lela problems for him and hang out with Bender.

Would you rather watch Blurnsball or Ultimate Robot Fighting League?

« Reply #143 on: 04-14-2007 01:06 »

Blernsball. BLEEEERN!

Would you rather live on Omicron Persei 8 or Decapod 10?
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #144 on: 04-14-2007 10:02 »

A: Decapod 10, it seems a lot easier to leave.

Q: Are Morbo's threats full of crap?

Starship Captain
« Reply #145 on: 04-14-2007 10:22 »

A: Why don't you ask him and find out.

Q: Why are the Omicronians so evil?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #146 on: 04-14-2007 11:22 »

uh... wrong thread guys  :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #147 on: 04-14-2007 11:56 »


I'll try and get things back on the right track.

I would much rather live on Omicron Persei * cause sea creatures just disgust me.

Would you rather hear a fiddle solo or a bango solo?
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #148 on: 04-14-2007 12:20 »

Awww crap, my b.

I'd rather hear a fiddle solo.

Would you rather blow up a planet or ride a T-Rex?

Starship Captain
« Reply #149 on: 04-14-2007 13:21 »

Its simple blow up a planet no amputations to worry about

would you rather become your own grandfather or have a secretly gay grandfather

« Reply #150 on: 04-14-2007 21:10 »

A secretly gay grandfather. I'm a girl, making the first option flat out strange  :p

Would you rather have Fry or Leela leave the show?

Bending Unit
« Reply #151 on: 04-14-2007 21:27 »

Leela..as long as she's replaced with bigger boobs.

Would you rather read the comic or watch reruns?

« Reply #152 on: 04-15-2007 12:10 »

I already do both. :P

Would you rather become god for a day or emperor for a day?

Bending Unit
« Reply #153 on: 04-15-2007 12:20 »

Since when does god get to do anything fun? Plus there are too many people to control and make happy. I'd be an emperor and have all my slaves build something outrageous like a giant penis or something.

Would you rather die of a giant bee sting or a suicide booth?

Starship Captain
« Reply #154 on: 04-15-2007 19:19 »

How the *heck* di that happen?

Suicide booth.  "Let's go for a two-fer"

would you rather join DOOP or the robot mafia?
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #155 on: 04-15-2007 20:13 »

Join DOOP, I don't have differential equations down quite well enough to pass as a robot.

Would you rather lick Wernstrom's back or Bender's body cavity?

Urban Legend
« Reply #156 on: 04-20-2007 18:34 »

Bender's back cavity!

Would you rather have Leela go back to the sewers when she got turned into a kid, or have her stay with Planet Express? 
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #157 on: 04-20-2007 18:54 »

Keep her in Planet Express, keep depression in things.

Would you rather have Bender or Flexo as a perminent Planet Express member?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #158 on: 04-21-2007 13:32 »

Bender! b-e-n-d-e-r! Bender!

Would you rather Fry be blond or brunette?

Starship Captain
« Reply #159 on: 04-21-2007 18:19 »

Blonde cuz its closer to his natural hair color

would you rather see another anthology of intrest episode or an episode when the crew goes back in time to frys time
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