

You should have never votes Zoidberg off the island!

DOOP Secretary

First, we are in no position to demand anything. Second, we can't really watch Fox without watching its affiliates. Third, you might want to think about the wording of the first paragraph. "Over the past four seasons, we have been disappointed in the network's apparant neglect of 'Futurama'. We feel that the show's growth has been entrammeled by constant preemption due to football coverage rather than the nature of the show itself."
The second paragraph needs work too. Once again, we are in no position to demand anything. If I wrote it, I'd probably go with: "We, the dedicated fans of 'Futurama,' wish to express our grave concern regarding recent reports of cancellation. We obviously enjoy the show, and desire to see it grow into a successful, long-running series. We believe that given a more suitable time-slot with fewer interruptions and more complete advertising, 'Futurama' could develop into a boundless success."

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

I'll write a letter, once I've calmed down. Anything I write now would be VERY counterproductive. Dr T. is right. Anything that sounds like a demand, or an ultimatum will probably just anger FOX. Right now, being polite, dedicated fans is our best weapon. Show FOX that Futurama has countless of loyal fans throughout the States, and the World. As I posted somewhere before, it worked for ST:TOS in the 60's. Floods of letters from fans, describing their feelings for the show, what they loved about it, the potential they saw, the widespread popularity it enjoyed, etc. in polite, yet passionate words, saved the show. Alas only for a short while, but it worked. Okay, time to give the spot for the next ranter. BTW, welcome to PEEL, Doc Grift. Hope you'll enjoy it here, despite the circumstances.


I think everyone should sugn Bender 1729's petition  Its a good en thanks!


Homer-"mArc is their leader. Heh heh."

Starship Captain
« Reply #11 on: 02-12-2002 13:04 »
« Last Edit on: 02-12-2002 13:04 »
I agree with DrThunder88, think about the wording of any comunique with evil, errr, I mean Fox. Using confrontational words like demand makes you sound like an unreasonable loon holding hostages. Instead of you have done X, say we feel that you have done X, remember this is only your oppinion and evil knows this (damn damn, I meant Fox).
You must sound reasonable at every turn. Use phrases like we request/implore/beg of you, instead of demand. Instead of saying that you will boycott the network, say that Futurama is one of the few/only show you do watch on Fox and that you will have no reason to tune in if Futurama is cancelled.
Remember we need them to do something for us, dont upset them (upset, another good word, don't use pissed or angry/annoyed), use Bambi eyes, be humble.
:brief lucid face: :vacant look of the unhinged:
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

When I calm down I will write a letter, right now I'm fueled by hate so it wouldn't work.


Homer-"It's okay Lisa. Just remember me how I am .................... filled with murderous RAGE!!..."
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

How long should these letters be? I could write pages, but their would be no point if a FOX exec looked at it and threw it in the bin because he couldn't be arsed to read it.


Whatever the petition is, leave my name out of it (except as a signature). I got enough Fox publicity as it is.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Heres my practice letter:
Dear Fox
I am writing this letter in response to the fact that Futurama has sadly been cancelled. I am a huge fan of the show and never miss an episode, the show has givin me much happyness and joy and I have enjoyed watching it improve and grow stronger through the years.
When I found out that the show has been cancelled I was surprised because there is a huge fan base for the show and it has a large online following too. All of my friends are huge fans of the show too and I believe it has vast quantitiys of potential and has an almost never ending amount of fresh possiblitiys.
Futurama is, in my opinion the most inivative, clever, funnny and entertaing show on TV and I feel very upset at the thought of it be cancelled. The show needs to continue because there are many plots within the show which would be left unfinnished if it ended now.
I hope that my letter will help let you invisage Futurama through my eyes and help you understand the termoil I'm now in at the thought of losing it. Please could you re-concider and continue to air Futurama?

Urban Legend
Originally posted by [-mArc-]: I don't think that petition there is any good, like DrThunder88 said. A petition won't win us Futurama back, but it is one thing we can do *in addition*. I need a good petition text for that though. Please write serious ones here. Here's a rough draft of a petition you might want to use. Feel free to edit as you see fit. ***** Be it Resolved that the undersigned are in accord with the following: 1] 'Futurama" is a favorite television show; 2] 'Futurama' is watched regularly; 3] Advertisers paying for airtime during the braodcast of 'Futurama' are regularly supported by fans; 4] 'Futurama' fans are greatly disturbed by the proposed cancelation of 'Futurama' by the Fox Broadcasting Company. This cancelation will result in great sadness and frustration on the part of the undersigned, as well as loss of revenue to FOX as a result of the undersigned not watching FOX during the 'Futurama' timeslot. Be it further resolved that the undersigned request that FOX seriously reconsider the cancelation of 'Futurama.' This show already carries a large fan base, with a more stable timeslot, less likelyhood of pre-emption and a bit more advertising 'Futurama' has a very good likelihood of becoming as great a success as "The Simpsons' has been for the FOX network. Sincerely,
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Maybe that last paragraph was a bit much but that was only my first letter anyway, I will write a better one later today which I will add here for you to scroutinize.

Urban Legend
« Reply #30 on: 02-12-2002 15:06 »
« Last Edit on: 02-12-2002 15:06 »
Originally posted by [-mArc-]: Ok, rephrased it, please someone spell check: {snip}
mArc, I spell-checked it, and did a bit of word-smithing (hope you don't mind). See what you think of this... Dear Fox We are signing this petition in response to the fact that Futurama has, sadly, been cancelled. We are huge fans of the show and rarely miss an episode. The show has given us much happiness and joy and we have enjoyed watching it improve and grow stronger over the last 3 years. When we found out that the show had been cancelled we were surprised because there is a huge fan base for the show and it has a large online following too. Many of us watch and discuss the show with friends; we believe it has vast untapped potential and great possibilities for the future. Futurama is, in our opinion, one of the most innovative, clever, funny and entertaining shows on TV and we are very upset and saddened at the thought of it be cancelled. Aside from the fact the we fans would miss seeing the conclusion to many plot lines brought to their conclusion, the best reason to see Futurama continue is that it has a large and growing fan base, all clamoring for more of the product you offer. These are fans that not only purchase show-related merchandise but also purchase the products offered by the advertisers that support the broadcast of Futurama. Recently Season One was released on DVD, every single DVD magazine gave Futurama high scores for its content and entertainment value. The public who managed to put it at number 3 in the DVD sales charts later backed this up. Continuation of the show will only strengthen the sales of products like these as the fan base continues to grow. In all honesty, we believe Futurama was never really given a fair chance; it's had little publicity since season one and it has often been pre-empted by other Fox programming. Futurama has managed to gain a huge number of fans despite its less-than-ideal scheduling. All too often there are gaps of more than a month interrupting its airing which makes it very hard to gain fans. If it was aired in a stronger time slot, with fewer interruptions we are sure Futurama would gain many more fans. We hope that our petition will help let you envisage Futurama through our eyes and help you understand the turmoil we feel at the thought of losing our beloved show. Please re-consider and continue to air Futurama.

DOOP Secretary

Your point?

DOOP Secretary

Internet petitions will be scoffed at, regular petitions would be hard to institute with a base of fans so few and far between, mass-emailings will probably be considered spam, and letter-writing campaigns are impractical for overseas fans. It's like Sarge said, these executives aren't politicians, even though they seem like it. The only way to sway their opinions is with a lot of money. I think we're caught between a rock and a hard place, here.