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Author Topic: Hold Still, I don't have good depth perception! framegrab thread  (Read 29613 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #600 on: 04-23-2007 16:12 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2007 00:00 »

I should have put this up last night...

Originally posted by Xanfor:
 Needless to say, of course.    :cool:

Leela: Bender I can't belive that you actually thougth you could scare me.
Bender: I wasn't trying to scare you. The professor decided to try out his new invention that could change a robot into a jerked mummy.
Leela: Why would he want to turn you in to a peice of jerked mummy?
Bender: Hermes talked him into it. Hermes always hated me. But Hermes is no longer here. *Evil laugh*
Bender 1: I'm not sad because I finally found someone as great as me. It's like I always say, "Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver--"
Bender A: "And the other's gold."

AIM: lissxo1221

Fry/Leela ♥, Harry/Hermione ♥ Good friendships build the best relationships.

Urban Legend
« Reply #601 on: 04-23-2007 22:51 »

Bender: "I don't get it.  I redecorate the apartment; I get a keg big enough to supply a rehab clinic for three weeks; I trick you into coming here wearing that, and all he does is T.P. my body and walk away...  What's a guy-bot gotta do?"

Leela: [sigh] "Bender, you can't sell a guy's member on the black market and just expect him to shrug it off"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #602 on: 04-24-2007 04:00 »

Bender: Jeez, humans get so defensive when you tell them they should start wearing panties.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #603 on: 04-25-2007 00:50 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2007 00:50 »

When Bender woke up he was covered with toilet paper next to an empty keg the size of a hovercar. As his headache faded he  realised he had overdone it on the New Year's Eve party once again.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #604 on: 04-25-2007 08:01 »
« Last Edit on: 04-26-2007 00:00 »

FENIX wins a fancy costume, of either Robin Hood or the Batman. Your choice.

LayZ341 wins a roll of toilet paper from that ladies room. Inevitable, wasn't it? You'd just be careful with it now, after all the trouble I went through to get it.

dr.bender nye gets a free wind up engine! Just watch out, though, I hear the price of keys is going to skyrocket...

FuturamaPac recieves a roll of Boomaroll, the only toilet paper that comes back! Incidently, I had to take this one from the men's restroom...

Sine Wave gets a nice heaping portion of roasted lemming.

futz suprised me. I thought he was saying Bender was trying to seduce Leela. Weird. Only one word can change the entire scene, you know? You can have... A keg. Yeah, a whole keg of acetone. That'll do. That'll do.

Decapodian wins a pair of pants to hide his avatar's nudity...

Bendersfan1221 gets a keg-shaped coffin. Careful, it's not zombie-proof.

soylentOrange is required to report to the nearest recruitment center for testosterone injections.

And DrThunder88 can post the next grab! I'm keeping the panties.


« Reply #605 on: 04-26-2007 08:57 »


@Dr.T: I guess on the humor scale of undergarments it goes like this: panties > underpants > underwear.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #606 on: 04-26-2007 09:09 »
« Last Edit on: 04-26-2007 09:09 »

G-string > thong > panties....  :flirt:

Xan - Could'a gone that way but I don't think Bender would have much trouble doing that. It wouldn't get all complex the next morning.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #607 on: 04-27-2007 02:16 »

I have to admit, I was on the fence as to whether I was going to use "underpants" or "panties."  I think "panties" won because it makes the context seem dirtier.

dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #608 on: 04-27-2007 03:22 »

Fry: Why is it that two good looking girls give me a wallet with no money when i know the're'll be a bad suprise in there? Amy, could you hold this?
Amy: Sure. (Opens it, saying "I wuv you" ) Fry, thats so sweet!

Space Pope
« Reply #609 on: 04-27-2007 07:06 »
« Last Edit on: 04-27-2007 07:06 »

Fry: Amy, why did you give me this wallet? I already have one.
Amy: Fry your wallet is from the 20th century and it's full of holes.
Fry: Hey, this cost me $50. I got it from a vendor that Mr. Panucci told me to go to to get a cheap wallet.
Amy: Just take the wallet that I bought you. It'll allow us to make sure that you don't get killed on missions and It'll keep your money from being stolen.
Fry: What money? I spent it all on a new pair of Lightspeed brand briefs to impress people.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #610 on: 04-27-2007 07:27 »

Fry: Will it eat me?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #611 on: 04-27-2007 09:36 »

Fry: Thanks for the wallet.

Amy: Wallet? It's a chip chop slug sandwich. I made it just for you. I thought you'd need something after all the casual sex last night. Don't you like it?

Fry: Aaaah... yeah mmmm yum yum.

« Reply #612 on: 04-27-2007 11:20 »

Fry: Uh, this doesn't happend to me a lot.  How much should I pay you, again?

Amy: What??!!
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #613 on: 04-27-2007 16:56 »

Fry was further dismayed to realize the sub-par animation of this panel included a lack of money in his wallet.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #614 on: 04-29-2007 15:12 »

Very close, but I'd say Xanfor edges out LayZ on this one.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #615 on: 05-01-2007 08:03 »

Hee hee, two in a row! Burn on you, tnuk!

I went through many frames to find one where Leela was smiling. I'm dismayed at how hard that's getting.


« Reply #616 on: 05-01-2007 11:09 »

Leela: Look! A space cow!
Fry:*looks up in astonishment*

« Reply #617 on: 05-01-2007 13:27 »

Leela: Thats the guy!  The guy in the green with the pipe, he's the stalker!  He has been following me, trying to get pictures of me smiling.  He's deranged!
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #618 on: 05-01-2007 14:48 »

Leela: "Oh no, it's KC and the Sunshine Bandits!"

Bender: "Gaaah!"

Cubert: "If I could see past the end of my nose I'd get us out of this situation."

Fry: "Shake, shake, shake..."

Space Pope
« Reply #619 on: 05-01-2007 15:01 »

Leela: Oh god, it's a Space Tyranasourous(sp?)it's going to take some extremly carfel piloting and no disruptions to keep up from getting eaten.
Fry: Leela, this maybe a bad time but... Can you get my pupils out of this look-throughy thingy?
Leela: Fry later. Like when we're not getting attacked by a space Tyranasourous(sp?).
Bender: Neat I can see all it's teeth and it's tonsils. *Takes a picture*
Cubert: It's impossible for that thing to even be alive right now. *Leela does a sharp turn flinging Cubert into Bender*
Cubert and Bender: Ow.

« Reply #620 on: 05-01-2007 18:42 »

Leela: Oh my God!  A space shark!  Quick Bender, bloody Cubert's nose and toss him out the airlock. The feeding frenzy will give us a chance to escape.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #621 on: 05-02-2007 07:52 »

Fry: Parking space dead ahead captain.

Leela: Shields up, ahead flank speed.

Bender: Nerds, thousands of them!

Cubert: Don't wet yourself toolbox it's just a sci-fi convention.
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #622 on: 05-02-2007 16:05 »
« Last Edit on: 05-02-2007 16:05 »

Leela: Oh my GOD! Its a mirror that makes us look even hotter, but for me, i look the same.
Fry: If you think thats hot, you should check the Porno-scope!
(Edit: Im sorry for going that low but i could only think of that)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #623 on: 05-03-2007 03:22 »

Leela: Look over there! It's a space bird, no its a space plane, no its..
Fry(Looking through periscope) No, it's just a space bird.
Leela: Aw...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #624 on: 05-03-2007 03:33 »

Leela: Fry, you idiot, with the safeties removed, the stupeedos detonated too close to the ship.  Now Bender and Cubert are completely stupified and immoble.
Fry: On the plus side, now we finally join the Teamsters.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #625 on: 05-04-2007 03:25 »

I reckon LayZ has this one

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #626 on: 05-04-2007 07:06 »

Ok, let me go salvagin' through the space goodie bag, see...

FuturamaPac wins a big juicy space steak.

Sine Wave: That's the way, uhu uhu, I like it, uhu uhu, that's the way, uhu uhu, I like it...

Bendersfan1221 recieves a real live space bone.

Crash_7 should really have a space fish, but the space shark ate them all.

futz is banned from the next Gallifrey One convention, and will be forced to mind-meld with the ghost of Patrick Troughton.

dr.bender nye recieves a proper space mirror. A mirror universe! Do try to be a merciful deity...

Decapodian gets a voucher for a free bicycle repair man.

DrThunder88 gets an honorable mention for the use of 'stupeedos'.

And LayZ341. Only just now did I realize that Leela is actually pointing directly at my avatar. Until this moment I'd merely thought that someone had finally seen through to whom I really was.

But, alas. Post a new grab, heartbreaker...


« Reply #627 on: 05-04-2007 10:49 »


« Reply #628 on: 05-04-2007 10:52 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2007 10:52 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
Ok, let me go salvagin' through the space goodie bag, see...

FuturamaPac wins a big juicy space steak.
*Eats steak*

Bender: I can see your cards
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #629 on: 05-04-2007 11:24 »

Bender:  Hey meatbag, so the skintube shot you down again - you'll always have Bender and beer - you're paying, of course.
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #630 on: 05-04-2007 12:51 »

While Bender quoted Warren Buffet on proper investment strategies, Fry was distracted by the constant nuisance of the chip those aliens had put in the back mof his neck.
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #631 on: 05-04-2007 13:12 »

Bender: Don't worry, Fry, i still have 3 "Get-Out-Of-Jail" cards, we can do 3 more illeagle things to do.
Fry: All we do is steal beer in the Liqer Store and i get none of it.
Bender: Change of plan, meatbag, your goingto steal beer for me down at the Zeferelle bar

Urban Legend
« Reply #632 on: 05-04-2007 14:01 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2007 14:01 »

Fry [sigh]: It's just not fair.  We've checked every 7^11 in New Manhattan and nobody's even heard of a Slurpee.  How am I supposed to satisfy my craving now?

Bender: "Well, I could shove these three pieces of cardboard I found in the gutter down your throat.  It would have the same effect on your body."

Fry: "Thanks Bender, but without blue flavor its just not the same."

Space Pope
« Reply #633 on: 05-04-2007 14:40 »

Fry: Bender why did you steal all my money?
Bender: I'll give it back to you if you eat a Purple Neptunian Slug.
Fry: Nah I'm not falling for that again. You keep it. I'll just get the money back by woking a strip joint or something.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #634 on: 05-04-2007 16:15 »

Fry: I give up. I'm never get spend the night with Leela.

Bender: Here, want one of my coupons?

Fry: Coupon? No thanks Bender I can't eat right now.

Bender: You don't get a book of coupons every holiday? You know, she...

Fry: I throw all that junk mail away.

Bender: But...

Fry: You're a robot. You probably don't understand.

Bender: But...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #635 on: 05-04-2007 18:02 »

Bender: What's the matter, buddy?  Not impressed with my pull-three-dollars-out-your-ear trick?
Fry: Not since I remembered that's where I keep the cash I don't want you to find.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #636 on: 05-04-2007 18:45 »

Bender: Come on Fry, I never ask you for much, do I? All I'm saying is that I know you've got a secret storage compartment that you never use, won't you hide these forged credit cards there for a couple of days to help your friend Bender?
Fry: Uhm, I'm not sure where you think this storage compartment is, but if it's where I think you think it is, it isn't, and I'm not doing it.
Bender: Fine. They're all registered in your name anyway.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #637 on: 05-05-2007 01:03 »

Bender: Pick a card, any card!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #638 on: 05-05-2007 21:43 »
« Last Edit on: 05-05-2007 21:43 »

Fry: OH MY GOD, A MOLDY SANDWICH! I haven't had a good one of those since I got frozen and lost access to my nonfunctional fridge.
Bender: Even better its a stack of $100 bills.
Fry: <Disapointed> Oh. well that's good too, I guess.

« Reply #639 on: 05-06-2007 15:34 »

tnuk wins.
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