
Space Pope
« Reply #600 on: 04-23-2007 16:12 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2007 00:00 »
I should have put this up last night... Originally posted by Xanfor: Needless to say, of course.

Leela: Bender I can't belive that you actually thougth you could scare me. Bender: I wasn't trying to scare you. The professor decided to try out his new invention that could change a robot into a jerked mummy. Leela: Why would he want to turn you in to a peice of jerked mummy? Bender: Hermes talked him into it. Hermes always hated me. But Hermes is no longer here. *Evil laugh* ------------------ Bender 1: I'm not sad because I finally found someone as great as me. It's like I always say, "Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver--" Bender A: "And the other's gold."
AIM: lissxo1221
Fry/Leela ♥, Harry/Hermione ♥ Good friendships build the best relationships.

DOOP Secretary

Bender: Jeez, humans get so defensive when you tell them they should start wearing panties.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #604 on: 04-25-2007 08:01 »
« Last Edit on: 04-26-2007 00:00 »
FENIX wins a fancy costume, of either Robin Hood or the Batman. Your choice.
LayZ341 wins a roll of toilet paper from that ladies room. Inevitable, wasn't it? You'd just be careful with it now, after all the trouble I went through to get it.
dr.bender nye gets a free wind up engine! Just watch out, though, I hear the price of keys is going to skyrocket...
FuturamaPac recieves a roll of Boomaroll, the only toilet paper that comes back! Incidently, I had to take this one from the men's restroom...
Sine Wave gets a nice heaping portion of roasted lemming.
futz suprised me. I thought he was saying Bender was trying to seduce Leela. Weird. Only one word can change the entire scene, you know? You can have... A keg. Yeah, a whole keg of acetone. That'll do. That'll do.
Decapodian wins a pair of pants to hide his avatar's nudity...
Bendersfan1221 gets a keg-shaped coffin. Careful, it's not zombie-proof.
soylentOrange is required to report to the nearest recruitment center for testosterone injections.
And DrThunder88 can post the next grab! I'm keeping the panties.


@Dr.T: I guess on the humor scale of undergarments it goes like this: panties > underpants > underwear.

DOOP Secretary

I have to admit, I was on the fence as to whether I was going to use "underpants" or "panties." I think "panties" won because it makes the context seem dirtier. Anyway: 

DOOP Secretary

Fry: Will it eat me?
Liquid Emperor
Fry: Thanks for the wallet.
Amy: Wallet? It's a chip chop slug sandwich. I made it just for you. I thought you'd need something after all the casual sex last night. Don't you like it?
Fry: Aaaah... yeah mmmm yum yum.


Fry: Uh, this doesn't happend to me a lot. How much should I pay you, again?
Amy: What??!!

DOOP Secretary

Very close, but I'd say Xanfor edges out LayZ on this one.

DOOP Secretary

Hee hee, two in a row! Burn on you, tnuk!  I went through many frames to find one where Leela was smiling. I'm dismayed at how hard that's getting.


Leela: Look! A space cow! Fry:*looks up in astonishment*


Leela: Thats the guy! The guy in the green with the pipe, he's the stalker! He has been following me, trying to get pictures of me smiling. He's deranged!


Leela: Oh my God! A space shark! Quick Bender, bloody Cubert's nose and toss him out the airlock. The feeding frenzy will give us a chance to escape.
Liquid Emperor
Fry: Parking space dead ahead captain.
Leela: Shields up, ahead flank speed.
Bender: Nerds, thousands of them!
Cubert: Don't wet yourself toolbox it's just a sci-fi convention.

DOOP Secretary

Leela: Fry, you idiot, with the safeties removed, the stupeedos detonated too close to the ship. Now Bender and Cubert are completely stupified and immoble. Fry: On the plus side, now we finally join the Teamsters.

DOOP Secretary

Ok, let me go salvagin' through the space goodie bag, see...
FuturamaPac wins a big juicy space steak.
Sine Wave: That's the way, uhu uhu, I like it, uhu uhu, that's the way, uhu uhu, I like it...
Bendersfan1221 recieves a real live space bone.
Crash_7 should really have a space fish, but the space shark ate them all.
futz is banned from the next Gallifrey One convention, and will be forced to mind-meld with the ghost of Patrick Troughton.
dr.bender nye recieves a proper space mirror. A mirror universe! Do try to be a merciful deity...
Decapodian gets a voucher for a free bicycle repair man.
DrThunder88 gets an honorable mention for the use of 'stupeedos'.
And LayZ341. Only just now did I realize that Leela is actually pointing directly at my avatar. Until this moment I'd merely thought that someone had finally seen through to whom I really was.
But, alas. Post a new grab, heartbreaker...


« Reply #628 on: 05-04-2007 10:52 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2007 10:52 »
Originally posted by Xanfor: Ok, let me go salvagin' through the space goodie bag, see...
FuturamaPac wins a big juicy space steak.
*Eats steak* Bender: I can see your cards
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Bender: Hey meatbag, so the skintube shot you down again - you'll always have Bender and beer - you're paying, of course.
Liquid Emperor
Fry: I give up. I'm never get spend the night with Leela.
Bender: Here, want one of my coupons?
Fry: Coupon? No thanks Bender I can't eat right now.
Bender: You don't get a book of coupons every holiday? You know, she...
Fry: I throw all that junk mail away.
Bender: But...
Fry: You're a robot. You probably don't understand.
Bender: But...

DOOP Secretary

Bender: What's the matter, buddy? Not impressed with my pull-three-dollars-out-your-ear trick? Fry: Not since I remembered that's where I keep the cash I don't want you to find.