Liquid Emperor
Fry: ...then the female human, after taking all the male's money, rips off his head and drinks all of his blood.
Kif: (Shuddering) Uh hh hh...
Bender: I never knew human mating was so dangerous.
Fry: And that's just the first date!
Kif, Bender: Gasp!
Fry: It was even worse a 1000 years ago.
Liquid Emperor
Leela: No coffee for me, thanks!
DOOP Secretary
Leela: [thinking] Wow, that Armando guy has one nice looking chest.
Armando: [thinking] Wow, this Amy girl has one nice looking chest.
JoshTheater is up.
Writer unit32
Leela: Dont worry,professor,we'll get you in the hospital. Bender: Yeah.If by "hospital' she meens a garbage bin.
DOOP Secretary
Zoidberg: I'll begin the surgery now. I'll have to make an insession from the bladder to the area where his third heart should be, but it seems like there's something in the way on the lower end. Perhaps we should amputate it---
Leela: ---I think we'll just get some antacid for his stomach.
Liquid Emperor
Prof: But I can combine all of you into one creature. Look the book says it's possible.
Leela, Fry, Zoid: Nope. Not today. Not gonna happen.
Bender: Oh! Amy, you and Leela make a wish.
Amy: I think it would be kind of neat...
DOOP Secretary
"Leela... Shouldn't you be the one laying down here?"
Dave B
Urban Legend
« Reply #383 on: 03-01-2007 08:48 »
« Last Edit on: 03-01-2007 08:48 »
Bender: Its me you're going to leave your vast riches to, not Cubert!... Huh, what are all you guys mugging him for to!? Leela: My jacket back, he never returned it! Amy: My blood back! Fry: Another piece of jerky! Zoidberg: *Shouts* One of my organs he stole, which I need to live! Fry: I guess yours is the worst Zoidberg, here you have him *Tosses the Proffesor to Zoidberg and the group leave* Zoidberg: Haha, now the rubber band is on the other claw, that food is mine!
Professor: Alright, FINE! I'll give you all a raise. Just stop tossing me off the building. Bender: We'll stop tossing you off the building, when you stop surviving. Leela: Wait Bender, he said he was going to pay us.
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Professor: So if my calculations are correct, this is the exact position I will be in when the Death Squad comes to take me away. I got it from this handy "Dignified Dying Positions" handbook.
Leela: Uhh, Professor, I think that's a kama sutra book.
Amy: Pfft, like you'd know...
Professor: Ahh, I thought "The Monkey" involved too many bananas.
Sine Wave
Liquid Emperor
Fry: Ah jeez, Bender. Are you gonna be OK?
Leela: If only I hadn't had that stupid can-opener.
Amy: He doesn't look any different to me...
Zoidberg: Poor woman, the blades sliced straight through her cloaca.
Professor: *sigh* One never knows the true gravity his own fate until he witnisses it through someone else. My body, too, is failing, and what kind of existence will I have? Alone in a drawer, or confined to a glass case for all eternity? No, I want to die with dignity, but how is that possible with my body, my mind slipping away fom me slowly, day by day? As time scythes down each passing day, I truly wonder when my last will come.
slurm junkie
Fry: Im sorry i asked you to steal those circular saws bender.
Leela: STEAL? He used my credit card.
Amy: CREDIT CARD? My wallet is missing.
Prof: Good news everyone, Bender`s salary will be split between all of you.
Zoidberg: I set up the suicide booth behind me, Hooray, i can afford to buy a wallet!
Liquid Emperor
Fry: Bender, did you dump Planet Express ship again?
Leela: No he was dating a locomotive last I heard.
Bender: Uuuuuuuh....
DOOP Secretary
"Wow, that's not an angle you see everyday."