Leela: This is all Bender's fault!! He said it would be all on him.
Bender: You're right it is my fault. It was all on me........to escape before you realized I didn't have any money.
Writer unit32
Leela: Honestly,I didn't want to push her! Smitty: Then why did you do it? Leela: Hello,I'm blind! URL: Robots don't get blind. Leela: I'm not a robot,I'm a human!...Well actually I'm not a human... URL: Then you're a robot.Come with me,robots.
Liquid Emperor
Thus ended the Planet Express crew's first attempt at dinner theater.
Liquid Emperor
Are you really that dumb or are you just trolling?
Liquid Emperor
He knows, he's just being a dip shit.
Writer unit32
Umm,guys,do you actually take winna serious?Don't feed the troll(I know,I'm feeding him myself)!
Leela: Fry, if you don't stop singing "hang upside down like an Egyptian" I'm going to kill you.
Liquid Emperor
Fry: ...but the agent gave me a great discount on the tickets... right? Leela?
Oh sure winna now you read everything. Oh and use the "It's not my fault I puked in your car, I was drunk." defense.
Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Writer unit32: Umm,guys,do you actually take winna serious?Don't feed the troll(I know,I'm feeding him myself)! I'm sorry... but you're totally calling me a troll. I find that offensive. And no futz, I'm not making excuses, I take full responsibility for my actions. I posted in this thread in a manner that was incorrect for what the author of the thread intended. It happens all the time, and I explained why, and I apologize for that. Besides... I don't remember somewhere on this forum where it said, play framegrab games in here anyways. All your points are invalid futz, you're attempting to flame me and cause trouble; which is something I'm not out to do. I'll see my way out of this thread since I've already disrupted it enough, but I'd like it if I wasn't being called a troll behind my back. You'll know when I'm trolling.... besides, how the hell do I do that? I'm already a well established member of the message board... do I magically pretend like I'm not and then go out and start flame wars?
DOOP Secretary
Fry: Honestly Leela, how was I supposed to know they didn't like having their bellies rubbed? Leela: They were growling at you when you reached up their sarongs. Fry: Honestly Leela, how was I supposed to know that wasn't purring?
Yeah, I liked my old one better too.
Liquid Emperor
Leela: And I...eeee...I wiiilll aaallways looove yooouooou....
Bender: Oh God hide me!