That blows...I guess I could also get a set of VCD's...Bythe way, McGrady, where could one even find a "pal-ntsc signal converter" ?
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
McGrady is right about it being 5 years, but that would mean that in November 2004 you people in America will get it.
DOOP Secretary
Do shut up
Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 02-05-2002 11:39 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2002 11:39 »
I'm in the US and just got my dvd set yesterday... from the UK... for 2.5 pounds, much cheaper than in the US; for shipping the same item in the US from state to state it would be about $5 at least (from the size of the box they used, about 3.5 pounds or so). Its crazy; whats the uk's secret of mailing? (beyond the fact that the US mailing service is way way way overpriced)
Anyway... dvd set is very nice; tons of commentaries (more than the simpsons boxed set). There are at least 3 people interacting all the time, usually john dimaggio, david cohen, and matt groening (sp). two other people would usually be there and chip in from now and then, like a 3d artist, devoloper, or writer.
If you have a pal player (must be designated as having a pal output) and a pal-ntsc converter, it works great.
One thing of note though; although the episodes are very crisp, there is a fair ammount of noise in certain areas, expecially the start up sequence (compared to recording off tv and denoising it). It looks great though.
If you have a dvd drive in your computer and it is possible to get it "fixed", there is no reason not to get this set. I would buy it just for the commentaries, or just for the video, or just for the additional extras; all three is like icing on the cake.
DOOP Secretary
All three episodes of it thus far
5 YEARS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Now I REALLY hate FOX....no way i can wait that long...although we'll probably actually have a DVd player by then...