salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Nice. I propose that after 5 incorrect guesses, the guessee posts one more square of their size choosing as a clue. Sound good?
Bending Unit
« Reply #285 on: 11-12-2011 02:36 »
« Last Edit on: 11-20-2011 02:08 »
Incorrect: I, Roommate The Honking Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television Hell Is Other Robots I Dated a Robot Put Your Head on My Shoulders War Is the H-Word Any season 1 or 2 episode The Cyber House Rules Spanish Fry Bendin' in the Wind
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Those angry eyes! Ahh!
I, Roommate?
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
^Hahaha Well at least make a guess, so he can reveal another square Maybe it should be after 3 incorrect guesses, another square is revealed. It all depends if we allow same person guessing within same round.
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
You can't complain if you don't guess, Danny. The Lesser of Two Evils?
DOOP Secretary
Bender's Big Score?
With those graphics?!
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Wow, what a huge help.
Yeah, I was thinking that might not be that much of a help...but in that screenshot, it's hard to find a square to reveal that doesn't make the episode obvious... So sorry, I guess.
So I'll give a mini-hint...it's not a season 1 or 2 episode.
Hmmmm... The fact that you don't reveal the rest of Bender's body has me thinking that that is specific to this episode. I was gonna say something like A Head in the Polls or Bender Gets Made but that wouldn't fit the clue you gave us. How about Bendin' in the Wind?
Space Pope
« Reply #309 on: 11-22-2011 23:16 »
« Last Edit on: 11-24-2011 06:16 »
Let the guessing begin. Incorrect:The Day The Earth Stood Stupid Bend Her Future Stock Raging Bender
DOOP Secretary
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid.
Space Pope
Time to reveal some more of the image! If you can work out what Fry is saying, it should be pretty easy. Incorrect:The Day The Earth Stood Stupid Bend Her Future Stock Raging Bender A Head in the Polls