DOOP Secretary
Zoidberg - same reasoning as before
Any way you look at it your looking at FUTUREstoogeRAMA.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I voted Fry because it would be stupid if the final three were Fry, Bender and Leela.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Of the 4 remaining I think I have to go with Fry. Zoidy is way funnier than Fry and Bender has the in-your-face-interface.
mhm, i`d like to see zoidberg in front. "hurray, I'm usefull!" sorry fry
I voted Leela. I mean, I don't even like the look o fher, and she amuses me too infrequently. Zoidberg may not be always coming out with the jokes too, but when he does it is hilarious.
Well, we now have 4 left, meaning the Immunity Challenge is held at Tribal Council: 'Fallen Comrades'. How well do you know the people you've previously voted off? Fry and Zoidberg can't get anything right, and Bender jsut concentrated on their possessions. Leela might as well have won Immunity by default. So we go right to the vote. The popular need to go. That means Zoidberg is safe, as nobody on the jury will give him the million. It now goes down to Fry/Bender. Fry and Bender obviously vote against each other. Zoidberg prefers to keep the 'robet', and votes Fry. Leela may not love Fry like Fry loves Leela, but there's enough there so that she votes against Bender. Tie vote. Again. The revote is just Leela and Zoidberg voting. Leela sticks with Bender.
Then came The Backstab.
"I'm voting with friends!" is the last thing Bender hears before "The tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go." His torch is snuffed and he joins the jury.
DOOP Secretary
I vote for Leela. sometimes she can be a bitch. Sorry
I voted for zoidberg even though i like him but I prefer fry, Leela should go.
Eyes down for a full house.
Me too I think it's a ploy by the Leela brigade LOL You can't vote Fry off!!!!
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #33 on: 02-05-2002 11:52 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2002 11:52 »
Originally posted by Knaggsy: I voted for zoidberg even though i like him but I prefer fry, Leela should go.
Eyes down for a full house. Welcome to PEEL, Knaggsy. Enjoy it here. The Leela brigade? I like the sound of that. I'll make a recuitment poster right away. No, not really. I couldn't draw to save my life------------------ I was wondering if we're a dysfunctional family. You're not a family member, you're a rat who won't go away. Suddenly I have the urge to rob a convenience store.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
All you people that have recently voted Zoidberg make me sick, must life be guided for us in such a predictable fashon?
Amy got voted off, SACRILEDGE of the highest order.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk: All you people that have recently voted Zoidberg make me sick, must life be guided for us in such a predictable fashon? My reasoning: Zoidberg is the least vital to the well-being of the show. If Zoidberg wasn't there, sure, it wouldn't be as good. But if Fry, Leela, or Bender weren't there, it just wouldn't be Futurama.
commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
I voted Leela cuz i'm that fussy voter in that she only has one eye. It's survival of the fittest, and everyone knows how many eyes you really need in todays (tomorrows) world!